Tree of Savior Forum

Is ET supposed to be this hard now?

I read about how Saalus is hard now and people can’t solo or clear it as fast as they used to. But have anyone tried ET?

The boss at 25F has got like 14 mil HP, with 2mil HP bees chasing after you. I’m just a returning player coming back due to Re:Build and want to try out the changes so I have not done other raids or Velco and ET is the only thing that is familiar to be. Was it suppose to be that hard? I have close to 9k matk so I’m not sure if that is considered high or low.

Yep, same issue on 25F

Had 11k patk on my Lancer. Lots of bees in the way plus boss knockdown. It’s like you need to be full Velcoffer +11 trans10 tier to make it past the 25F now, which is clearly ridiculous since you’re doing it to get lv 330 gear. And no, it wasn’t that hard before after all changes, 9k matk should be sufficient. Certainly needed some party coordenation or you could fail.

It was said that it would get some rework on Re:Build, but that’s beyond what players would expect from the first end game content.

I use to do it for 4 months with some guildmate and it was a walk in the park each time. Now, we can even past 25f floor with 5x 390 characters with +11 weapon… It’s a 310 dungeon for god sake, not 380.

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