Tree of Savior Forum

Is anyone else's forum displaying in different languages?

When I accessed the site just now, the language was suddenly portuguese instead of english. Stuff like “categories”; “login” the whole keyboard shortcut thing etc.

I then refreshed it, and it turned into dutch instead, oddly suspicious since that’s my home language.

Moreover, this is NOT google translate auto-translating the pages. These are actual site translations. And the forum is home-made if I remember correctly, so it isnt due to the software itself simply having it built in.

If you’re doubting me on the google translate part, here’s how google translates the keyboard shortcuts from English to Dutch:

And here’s the actual translated keyboard shortcuts:

Now, if you can read dutch, you’ll quickly notice how the second image is much more proper dutch and not google gibberish.

Anyone know what’s going on?

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The forum platform always (at least since I registered) had this option - to change its language. It’s something in you can change in your profile configs.

Mine seem to be fine, you sure is not some weird add-on in the browser?
Did you tried on other browser?
Indeed it is weird.


If they are adding multilanguage based on IP addresses, mine would be in portuguese by now, but still in english, take a look in the preferences too, there may be something there related to it.

It’s right under “User Card Background”, in your profile settings.

Mine was originally pt-BR (I’m brazilian). I changed it to “default” - which is english - myself.

But I didnt change any settings. It randomly switched to portuguese and then to dutch and then to english, all before I ever even logged in, so there were no profile settings active, or if anything, it should default to default; english

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It may have changed because of your IP or something. Before you logged in, the website couldn’t load a profile, so it just predicted the best language for you to use by using your IP, maybe?

Seems likely, except why would it default to portuguese first of all languages?

I had to refresh a few times before it changed to dutch, and even then it completely randomly switches between that and english.

I mean, my IP isnt changing that frequently, LOL

Can’t say its prediction would be perfect. It’s reasonable to say it should be tricked every now and then.

Theres something fishy happening, indeed. Went to login in another PC, and the forums went all français sur moi :heart::

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When you are not logged in, the forums use the ‘accept-language’ request header to determine what language the forums should be displayed in.

If you want to force it to show English, you need to change the headers your browser sends. In Firefox you can do this by changing the languages in Tools -> Options -> Content -> Languages and then refreshing the forums.


