Tree of Savior Forum

Invisible, unkillable and very fast player Halloween

It’s not the first day of me seeing this player doing stuff like that. Honestly I’ve never seen him dying even once in this event. I won’t believe its only ping issue. Not with that guy

Server : Fedimian
Location : Halloween Event
Approximate time (Server time) : 7:00am - 7:15am



There are many of this guy in silute my thoughts: they are using hook64 or other hack.

and IMC still not saying a single thing about those players

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Did you get to know his name?
Some samowars have a terribly high packetloss which kinda results into effects like these

This guy left the game as soon as he left the event (one player model in another) so it was impossible to see his team name.

40F bug isn’t fixed yet. Well, that’s IMC for you guys. :tired:

I don’t understand why they hide players name… Disable the chat is fine and logic in that kind of event, but the name ??? Certainly to prevent people to play together, in this case they should have changed our sprite and make it similar for everyone, cuz their plan clearly didn’t work. They could show the name at the end of the event, during the last minute, when PvP is disabled.

Looks like that person is on some really really cheap conenction too, not impossible the person is using lag switch.

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