Tree of Savior Forum

Invent a New Skill For Your Favorite Classes [For Fun]

Asura Strike For Monk Consume All MP To Maximize Damage :sunglasses:


One shot : instantly kills every monster in game and every player in game
sp: 0

attribute: applies a debuff to every effected person making them die when they respawn
cd: -3 seconds

XD ok lests be real here

Circle 2:
lanmò kontribisyon (just going with the languege of bokor skills)
CD: 15 seconds
Max level: 10
Type: Buff
Effect: applies a buff to you and allies that lasts 15 seconds (+1 second per skill level) that increases defence by 15 for each enemy killed. also, it increases dark property attacks damage by 10% and 5% for each enemy killed.
SP: 45


lanmò kontribisyon: magic nullification - gives a 10% chance to not take magic damage
lanmò kontribisyon: enhance - increases duration by 2 seconds per attribute level - max level is 4


lol -3 seconds n troll attriburte

Class: Hunter
Name: Alpha
Type: Attribute
Max Level: 3
Description: Allow the hunter to equip one extra companion per attribute level.
Restriction: Each level of the attribute is unlocked at the next circle.

Class: Mergen C3
Name: Heating Up
Type: Buff - Reduced Cooldown
Max Level: 5
Cooldown: 60 seconds
SP: 60
Description: Heats up and reduces cooldown times by 15% per skill level.

From another thread

Anything like that please? xD

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Class: Cataphract C3
Name: Aerodynamics
Type: Rush Attribute, Can carry upto 4 people.
Max level: 4
Description: Able to fly like a helicopter, movement speed increased by 100.

Class: Fletcher 3
Name: Elemental Arrows
Type: Buff Attribute / Conjuring
Max Level: 5 50/100/150/200/250 extra damage
Attribute Point: 1 (add cc to arrows - ice = freeze / lightning = stun / fire = burn)
Description: Allow Fletcher to change their arrows accordingly to monster’s weakness.
Holy/Fire/Ice/Earth/Lightning etc.

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i know i already made one but the one that i made isnt really “real” be cause it should have been a thing anyway and it was very basic and uncreative. so heres my new skill. (+attribute)

class: Paladin c2
name: divine favor
type: buff
description: critical attacks apply a sheild to the paladin, for half of the paladins health, which absprbs 50% of damage, sheild lasts 5 seconds but can be stacked. also, paladin’s block chance is increased by 50%.
scaling: 10 sec duration + 5 seconds per skill level, max level is 5
sp: consumes 100 sp
cooldown: 25 second cooldown


divine favor: instinct - attacking an enemy while divine favor is acfive will have a 25% chance to heal paladin and allies by 2% of their health, this chance is increased to 50% if you attack with a paladin skill.

divine favor: provoke - when attacking with a palain skill while divine favor is active, you will increase your threat and defence, enemies will be more likely to attack you even if there is a higher dpser on your team, this attribute will not work if there is a swordsman type class in your party.

divine favor: holy flames - when an enemy attacks you while divine favor is active, they have a 10% chance to catch a holy flame debuff, they steadily take damage and can only attack the paladin for the debuff time.

if yoh dont know what the sheild thing is, basically if i have a sheild of 50% of my health that means that i take 0 damage until the sheild is gone, the sheild goes away when the enemies do damage equal to 50% of my health.

example: i have 10k hp and a sheild for 50% of my health, if an archer uses a skill that does 2.5k dmg, the sheild will lose half of its life and i wont take damage , if the atcher uses that skill again, the sheild will break and i will start to take dmg again (the sheild takes damage for me)

with this skill you dont take 0 damage, you just take half the damage you would have taken, and your sheild takes full dmg.

i might add another paladin skill later but idk

Class : Wugushi 3
Name : Wugu Unite
Type : Passive
Max Level : 1
Requirement : Wugushi circle 3 for attribute upgrade

Description : Prevent all wugushi3 skill overlape with other wugushi skills


class: Sage Circle 2
name: Compress dimensions
type: ground target AoE
description: Compresses the dimensions reducing the time required for magic circles and damage over time effects to deal their damage. Seconds activated 3 +(-1+1 per Lv).
SP: 75
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Attribute: Increases the compressed damage by 1% per level.
Attribute Max Level: 10

Detailed description: So basically the idea here is you lay down a flame ground, frost cloud, or Zaibas. And you can cause the enemies in the radius to be dealt the damage of standing on those circles immediately instead of over time.

i.e. A flame ground would lose up to 13 seconds of it’s duration but deal the damage it would normally deal over 13 seconds to the targets currently standing on top of it.

It’d be a nice quality of life improvement and a synergy with AoEs that sage is ment to be. And specifically a hard synergy with Pryo which goes with the theme of duplicating fireballs Sage is already able to do.

I’m hoping something that makes Pryos high matk over time along with new transcend equipment that people can make will help make up for the base damage on R8+ skills and being without quickcast. Kind of throw them a bone. Along with other potential future synergies with Sage you could create practical builds out of the two classes.

class: Thaumaturge
name: Swell brain (rework)

Description: Increases Int by 5 (-1 +3perLv) % of Matk.


  1. Thaum buffs don’t scale.
  2. Summoning Classes only scale off Int
  3. Transcendence equipment allows you make equipment that’s going to be increasing Matk by well over 1k. We’ve already seen mediocre T4 weapons with a couple gems with 900+ matk with weapon maintenance.

So I’m scared that summoners are just going to be complete waste of space once people realize they can be walking around with 2-2.5k Matk. So to throw summoners and some buffers a bone and further promote bauble heads… I give you this rework.

Didn’t see sorc skill here, so here goes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Class: Sorc - Circle 3
Name: Summoning : Forbidden Contract
Max Level: 1
Description: Your summon will gain it’s true form, allowing it to use skill by it’s own and attack more frequently, however when a demon is summon with this attribute on, in-addition to the normal sp drain, hp drain will also apply.

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Class: Swordsman Circle 1
Name: Swash Fuckling
Max Level: 15
Generate/Send death threats to the f.ucking metards.

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Less of a skill, more of a dream attribute.

Class: Doppel3
Skill(s): Cyclone, Redel
Attribute: Turbine
Max Level: 3
Description: Cyclone and Redel now have suction ability, pulling objects and enemies closer. Effect increases per attribute level.

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Nope, everyone would flame you once you lit up a bonfire.

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Attributes for Thaumaturge’s skills:

Swell Left Arm: Enhance
Increase the attack increase effect of Swell Left Arm by 3 per attribute level. Further increases the attack increase effect of Swell Left Arm by 0.5% of the character’s attack/m.attack per attribute level.

Swell Right Arm: Enhance (this is a C2 skill, but this attribute would only be available at C3)
While under the effect of Swell Left Arm: Enhance, double its bonuses.

Swell Brain: Additional INT/SPR +10% (the better option would be INT/STR, but that would make no sense with swelling a brain?)

Basically just change everything to % values ffs. I am aware that in the recent kToS updates Swell Brain got +22 additional matk, but this seems underwhelming, unless I’m overlooking something, and I probably am, but Swell Arms could be a looot better if they gave some kind of percentage to them.

Class: Corsair - Circle 3
Name: Equip Sword (Right Arm)
Type: Attribute
Max Level: 1
Description: Can wield one-handed swords as a subweapon (taken from hakkapell)

Class: Sage - Circle 3
Name: Gate of Catastrophe
Type: Offensive skill [magic]
Max Level: 5
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Description: Opens up portals that sends out high speed projectiles on a straight line dealing damage

Class: Elementalist - Circle 3
Name: Meteor: Scorched Earth
Type: Attribute
Max Level: 10
Description: leaves the ground burning at the targeted location for 3 seconds plus 0.5 sec per attribute level
cooldown + 10 seconds
ticks the same as flame ground

Class: Shinobi
Circle 2
Name: Makibishi
Type: Channeling Skill
Max Level: 5(circle 2) - 10(circle 3)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Description: Leaves caltrops behind while moving
can be used during sprint, invisible

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Summon Skill
Max Level: 5
Cooldwon: 60 seconds
Description: Creates clones of yourself. The clones follow you and attack nearby enemies. The HP of your clones is determined by your DEX.

Circle 3
Name: Hiraishin no Jutsu
Type: Overheat Skill
Max Level: 5
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Overheat: 2
Description: Throws a special kunai at a target area and inflicts damage. Using the skill again teleports you to the marked area.
Duration: 10 seconds

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