Tree of Savior Forum

Introduce more cross-class combos like ice wall+psychic pressure

I’ll list some examples.

Allow Paladin to turn undead bokor’s zombies to blow them up as an attack. Kinda like Damballa, I guess.

Allow QS’ Teardown to work with more objects other than Deploy Pavise and Austras Koks, such as Stake Stockades. Possibly Scout’s barrel and Cryo’s Ice Wall in pvp.

Of course, this suggestion extends to all skills, old and new.


Oh yes, I’d love to see many skills have their uses expanded like this.

If they are based on the correct Stats, they will have more cross-class combos.
Simply, the current state of the game is poorly matching with the stats mechanics. For example, if Krivis is STR based, having either Paladin or Monk would give more synergy together.

Same for Psychic and Cryo, if the success rate of debuff / CC are based on SPR, then a SPR built would fit nicely with Psychic and Cryo.

Every class should have two primary stats in order for this to work, and the first class needs to have more than two primary stats, and I think they had done this.

Regardless, I feel the game is no where near the core game mechanics / theory. As evidence, they are just trying to rush the game, and some skills are not based on the proper stats. This makes people feel difficult to adjust, and feel disappointed when they try to spec into another stats for a class. Currently, it feels only one stats works for the class, which does not carry out Class Dynamic within the game.

Way back when they first stated that the game would have skill synergies and stuff, along with how the gameplay reminded me heavily of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles…

one thing I was hoping to see was spells boosting each other in many ways.
Say if 2 Pyromancers used some Fire-spell simultaneously on a monster, it would make the spells stronger combined than used separately. And similar when different spells of different classes would combine.

What FFCC had, was the usual 6 basic FF spells (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Vita, Life, Clear), and using them worked in a way some skills actually do in TOS.
you hold the spell-key, the cast-circle appears in front of your character, and you move it around with direction keys and then let the key go to cast it there.
Now when 2 players were moving cast-circles around, and one let the key go, the spell wouldnt immediately go off, it would make a sound and wait a second. If the other player let go quick enough, the spells combined and blasted a much more powerful spell or combined into some completely different spell.
There was a whole table showing what spells combined to what etc.
It felt so rewarding when 3 of us pulled off some spell that blew off the whole screen killed all mobs and damaged the boss seriously XDD

Of course that system isn’t directly applicable here and definitely not for skills across the board, but it just shows one possible way to make some kind of skills work together etc.

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