Tree of Savior Forum

Add some more inter-class skill interactions

So we all know about some skill interactions, like the Deprotected hand knife, and the famous player slayer combo of ice wall and PP, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of skill combos seem to be fairly self-contained, or are easy to set up on a single character.

There was a small discussion back in December about this, but it didn’t really get very far.

What I would like to see more of is interactions and combos which play off of multiple class trees’ abilities. Right now all the ones I can really find are boring-ish things.

Bloodbath + Sky Liner
Swell Body + vertical slash (to let it scale off of “small” monsters)
Raise +2-h bows
Mastema + sacrament for weakness abuse
general aoe stacking

The most fun skill combo I’ve seen so far was ice wall + joint penalty + diev carve, way faster for shard generation than PP, and the diev gets wood from it (in iCBT2 anyways).

Some interactions I’ve been thinking of:

  • Broom traps can be affected by enchant fire, turning it into a spinning flamethrower which deals fire damage and applies burn

  • Players whos’ ranged attacks pass through fire wall will carry a mini-enchant fire effect.

  • Flare and Ice Blast detonate fire and ice walls in the area (yes, I did complain a bit about self-contained combos earlier, but these skills need something)

  • Gust can be used to move constructions and some ground tiles such as statues, Capella, and frost cloud. Similar to how I found out my cryokino could swap with ice wall segments.

  • Conceal can be used on all damaging ground tiles as well as sapper traps (if mobs eventually try to run around such things)

  • Dopple’s cyclone can “pick up” elemental damage off of nearby allied damage fields (example: spin through (or in) a Gu pot puddle to deal bonus poison damage)

  • if Capella is affected by a dark elemental ability, it becomes a Profane altar, which provides suitably demonic/dark oriented buffs

  • While affected by Jolly Roger, there is a chance (or perhaps in fixed locations) for an alchemist to dig up a special chest containing some items (silver, potions, nothing that can’t be found elsewhere)

  • Cleave and similar slash-based abilities can be used to release a cone-shaped wave of fire from a fireball. Likewise smite and other impact-based abilities can release a smaller fire ring from the fireball. These may or may not destroy the fireball they’re used on.

  • There should only be specific abilities which do this to help prevent pyro grief. Probably single-hit skills only

Anyways, those are my ideas. Feel free to critique, add your own ideas, or simply agree/disagree; let me know what you think!


these are awesome ideas but considering the fact that there are many ideas coming from players, I don’t think that they will implement these; also I think that they’re already swamped with fixing things with server issues and some other ingame issues.

Yea, I know… They can always keep threads like these in their back pockets though, so no sense just sitting on my ideas and waiting to see what happens.

Glad to see you like them though.

I love the idea. It reminds me of Suikoden’s Unite Magic Attack

allow players to ride MERKABAH as a feature not as a glitch.

I actually drew some inspiration from Chrono Trigger’s Double and Triple Techs. Just pretend Chrono is a doppelcopter and there you go.