Tree of Savior Forum

INT scales a lot if the game ever reaches rank 10 - level 600

Guys, once again, I’m not saying INT multiplies itself, I’m saying it gets multiplied by multihit spells. I’m not even trying to argue that full INT is more viable than full CON, I’m trying to discredit the notion that INT is just a flat value and has no other value. It is literally multiplied, along with all the rest of your matk, by the number of hits on the spell. I said it stacks multiplicatively with multihit spells and that’s because they function as multipliers for your matk. A spell that hits 4 times does 2000 matk with 500 matk. That’s four times more.

I don’t know how much more clear I can make this.

You replied to me. When I brought up the diminishing effect of Int’s flat value as you increase equipment. The idea of matk from Int being multiplied is moot. So is every other source of matk, it’s all treated in the same fashion. Increasing matk by 1 does not increase your damage by 1% it increases your damage by 1.

Ohh men and u still did miss the point in looking at the skill themself.
I m Ele 3 so i will use this as exaple …
How many 1 scale skills does this circle have ?..
1 Freezing sphere is the only skill.
And there has to be some dimishing return like u state becasue the skills of wizards hit multiple times.
From electrocute (15 times)
Hail ( 20 secs … its 20 times ? )
Prominence (10 secs)
Meteor (400% matk multiplier)
Frost cloud (30 times)
the only one which scale 1:1 is Freezing sphere…

and something like additional Element dmg scale way better from multihits as any other stuff
I don’t know how often the dmg tics per second but if u assume 1/s
i have for example 86 ele dmg on hats
153 on arde
68 rod
10 gloves
= 317 ele dmg
if every skill hits thats without any int or matk
317 x 78 = 24k dmg now try to get this with any other circle …(on one target)

Yea, I was crystal clear on what I mean, stop trying to find an excuse to not look bad; you responded to me like a child because you failed to understand what I was saying. There’s not much else for me to say here, so if you have nothing else to add, we can move on from this pettiness.

Yeah I did break it up into parts when replying rather then looking at it as a whole. But your point is moot when you relate it to what you replied to. It has no bearing when you’re looking at the diminishing return of a flat value.

I don’t think any additional effect for magic is necessary, as no one can pump SPR without gimping their character (save for priest3s) - which means magic almost never misses in PvP.

In PvE, additional effects are similarly unnecessary, simply because full CON builds are currently viable. While other classes have stats that give more than one benefit, wizards are compensated by the fact that they can be ridiculously tanky and still deal good damage.

This is what I think is wrong, Full CON builds should NOT be viable DPS-wise when compared to full INT.

Wizards SHOULD hit harder and die faster than any other class. It’s our archetype!

I’d HATE if the game took the WoW approach and made DPS between all classes comparable to avoid “unfair” advantages in the DPS race.

That’s exactly what I said in my previous post. However, as of current, full CON builds ARE viable, which would make adding additional effects to INT broken.

This thread has turned into a bit of a ■■■■ show.

Skills obviously scale multiplicatively with INT. That’s not really worth arguing over or important.

The fact that full CON wiz is viable has more to do with base damages being too high than anything else. It’s not because INT scales poorly, it’s because base damage scales ridiculously strong with class ranks (With each new rank having class that do like 10x the damage of the ranks before).

As for the original topic: INT absolutely doesn’t need to change. If anything, maybe SPR should be buffed and CON should be needed. Strong Higher multi hit skills with lower base damage would also make INT more valuable.

each time you rank up, your int increases by a %. why buff it if its good?

There actually are no diminishing returns, you get 10% bonus int/str per class up.

But yeah, int should be more worthwhile than con. The only time someone should be a full con wiz is if theyre 90-100% support classes.