Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor changes

It was slow but it isn’t anymore after patch?

You are right it mentions, but could be updated with the new and more accurate information that you provided here, in my humble opinion you gave awesome contribution here, and other places as well

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She was at a wrong location in that video to solo. The mobs were too spread during solo play, so it was difficult to kill all mobs quickly. I am on many forums and do not remember her full story, but I think she moved to a new better spot and was able to clear stage 7.

Thanks Kannushi

Location is very important. Flame attribute for inquisitor will become overpowered if you have a good spot.

Select location by interacting with challenge mode portal --> do not press ‘yes enter’.
Keep the interface box open and walk to your desired good spot, then press ‘yes enter’. Your challenge mode will now start at your new location. You must repeat this for each challenge mode stage, because each stage will give you a new portal after killing boss, and that portal will be a bit off.

Guys ! Extremely rich topic … Thank you and more and more sure to level up my chaplain rsrsr

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thats epherotao coast yea?

all the mobs there are melee so inquis flames face rolls everything lol
sausys9 is a bit different because those book monsters have mid ranged attacks

@greyhiem Do you recommend the SPR/DEX or INT/DEX version? Can you also list the pro and cons of each one? Wouldn’t the INT version be better since you’ll have high damage from daino and etc.? What’s the advantage of the SPR version? Wouldn’t you get better buffs from pardoner anyway?

@greyhiem I have read up more on it. You choose SPR because of CM 6 and 7. Shouldn’t sacrament be maxed instead or blessing for SPR build since last rite is dependent on sacrament level? Couldn’t you just get blessing from a pardoner instead?

Hi sam, the INT version might be stronger vs low-medium defence mobs (challenge mode stage 1 -> 4). INT version will make your aspersion strong --> aspergillum strong, and daino strong.
SPR build always deals fixed damage vs any mob (ignore def), the fixed damage might be lower than high INT&high magic attack damage during lower challenge mode stages.
Stage 5 and after = high mob def, SPR build will win due to fixed damage. However INT build is still viable too.

SPR build is only useful if you can reach higher SPR than pardoner. Pardoner shops have a 30% penalty on buffs, so if you have equal SPR, your own buff will be stronger. If your SPR is very low, you could buy blessing instead and go INT&dex build. dex&INT build is better at support skills (mass heal, revive) because you do not need 15 blessing points.

Reason to pick blessing: blessing damage is added to each line of attack.
Sacrament is only 1 line of attack.


Without too much investment I think you can reach 600 spr easy.

600 spr
blessing 15 sacrament 10
pardonner shop 850+ Spr
blessing 17 sacrament 12

Which one is stronger ?

Remember the 30% less from pandoner and the attributes that you can have and I don’t think it works on pandoners, yours is better.

@greyhiem , do you think it worth have exorcism?

need to calculate it
Sometimes lvl 15 and lvl 17 is kinda big gap

INT&dex build use exorcism + magnus exorcismus.
INT build can outscale spr build if you find a very good pardoner buff shop for strong blessing and sacrament!

I agree. I would like tos be like wow one day, which you can reset stat and skill easily and free. We would figure that out in minutes

i made a calculator for that for my character lol

int beats spr by a long shot in most situations

pardoners in my server can reach 900-1k spr so i dont think any spr character of mine will outscale them, the thing is, if you can make a high spr character you can also make it into a pardoner and use that to boost your other characters instead lol.

What I have noticed after the patch.

  • You can still hit the wheel fifteen times.
  • No more Double Wheeling YAY~
  • Pre-patch every AA on a wheel with Daino acts like this ( I could be wrong at this, someone correct me )
    Given the person is wearing Cafrisun and is using Enchant Fire Scrolls
    ( Basic Attack + Sacrament + Cafrisun + Last Rites + Aspergillum + Enchant Fire + Daino + Daino Sacrament + Daino Cafrisun + Daino Last Rites + Daino Aspergillum + Daino Enchant Fire ) = 12 Lines
  • Now Daino doesn't replicate other damage line buffs
    ( Basic Attack + Sacrament + Cafrisun + Last Rites + Aspergillum + Enchant Fire + Daino ) = 7 Lines

sounds about right. Daino + Wheel is good now, instead of OMG I MUST HAVE.

@greyhiem I play in Klap and there is almost always 2 pardoners with over 1k SPR. This build would also loss around 150 point due to dex. So I guess INT build would be better?

Yes, INT will be better if you have strong pardoner shop!

@yodish92 This spreadsheet! However, can you add a column for weapon considering that aspergillium and daino scales with magic attack and not just int.

i made it specifically to calculate the difference between int and spr
magic damage from a weapon contributes equally to both so there is no need to add it.

if you really must calculate your damage with a weapon just grab your weapons magic attack and multiply it with the scaling from daino(100-200%) and aspersion(322-483%), then add that to the final values from the spread sheet.

Thanks for the contribution. The difference between the two best possibilities would be how much?