remember we’re already linked to steam. This is now a steam matter, knowing volvo they have their ways.
sorry but i dont get what you mean! explain me please because this is the point in the end, if they can proof ban not only ghost but main too wipe is not needed
This image was a visual bug from the older beta tests, It’s been around way longer than most people seem to care, look at the image properly - specifically where it says iCOIN, and then Remove this image. Seriously, get out.

It’s not hard to track transactions from and to flagged accounts. This is extremely common in MMOs. Money leaving an account and going to another doesn’t launder it and render it untrackable.
This is in addition to steam and other ways there are to link accounts and sales to one another. Saying “they can’t do it” when every other company can and has done it holds no water.
steam accounts uses VAC, and i don’t really know how it really works but they can actually have logs about every account created under steam
Man read post before, for error i have take picture from this post:
i have take this in the hot link session, thinking was from the actual bug
THIS IS NOT A TROLL !! (verfy it your selfs)
u’re right but they can’t ban sincer there is no proof of any abuse from main account.
i set a common item stack at high single price one stupid player buy it, should i have be banned? what i did? nothing?
IMC wont ban any of main account that’s the point…
People spreading misinformation. You beat me to the post but I can’t believe people are being so foolish.
@tidus Please just… stop. You’re so wrong on so many levels.
Ban the accounts that are selling 500k dilgeles to people. Ban based on IP. There are too many security flaws in ToS to protect it from a legitimate hacker, if you think these Brazilian kids exploiting a flaw in a payment system are some kind of untraceable evil geniuses you’re out of your mind. Also, I don’t know how this Brazilian payment system loop works, but unless it’s completely ■■■■■■ up ■■■■ concocted in BIZZARO WORLD, you will need a legitimate bank account to start the transaction even if you never complete it - so they can track all of your secondary accounts based on the bank info you used. Again, if you think some Brazilian kids have a bunch of different bank accounts you’re out of your mind.
I would say the exploit is likely not very widespread, and also never made anyone that much silver to begin with considering the market was flooded with tokens from day 1 - and no, it wasn’t flooded with exploit tokens immediately. Lots of people are more than happy to sell tokens for virtually nothing, even if the cash to silver ratio is really poor. You need no more proof of this than the fact that people buy silver from bots at ludicrous prices; far more will sell tokens for their silver since they know that’s safer.
In addition, it isn’t an “infinite silver” exploit. It can only make as much silver as you can get off the market from selling tokens, which I doubt is that much since most people in the early access at the moment already have a token, and those that don’t only need to buy one.
This is so far from an end of the world scenario. kToS had legitimate exploits that generated MASSIVE amounts of silver and completely ■■■■■■ up the economy - the players in question were banned and there was no wipe. That was a much bigger problem and kToS recovered from it. Stop the doomsaying; I suspect a lot of it is overly dramatized acting because you want a wipe so that you can reroll on even footing with others because you ■■■■■■ up your character somehow and now you’ll never fulfill your dreams of being #1 on the server or whatever.
besides, if that exploit is true, I just wonder where can he use those 2mil silver. Like what’s the point of having it this early in the game?
mm i dont know about that much too, so if there is a way to give us proof of 100% ban main account im up for no wipe, i dont want a wipe for nothing but also dont want game ruined and when i will be high lvl do gvg and pvp or in a future maybe some field boss where is pvp on i dont want find player with 100 lvl attribute and powerfull stuff, if for prevent that we need wipe do wipe i want only a good game after years dont get f**d for bad managment
they dont need proof of abuse on main account, if ghost account puts item and main account buys it they can tie them together and thats it.
blind ppl never change, scroll up
Lol… I just will dont come back after wipe.Already spend too much time for this game and i seen people who just played without sleep so…Nope.
It says iCoin right there. That image does not apply to the issue at hand. Please, just stop.
They can do whatever they want. It’s easy to see when someone is a repeat seller for suspect items and is traceable to the buyer account. Companies don’t just rationalize and think tank like high school scooby doo detectives, they have tools and information to find out about this.
they dont need proof seem to nice to belive… guys i want remember all of you im here only to share information gathered and bring some topic in one so:
i dont want wipe at all cost if there are better solution im 100% up to it
- bug is true not “maybe” if you open first link of thread, staff announced it ufficially.
but i think if they had only 1 doubt in have chance to ban innocent ppl they wont go for that way… for this i think is too nice to be true
Well, those players who were sleepless should go complain to all those bug abusers.
No, they should (and will) complain to IMC if they do wipe (which they won’t).