Tree of Savior Forum

Information about infinite TP/SILVER BUG and "possible WIPE" (sticked some topic here for clear ideas please read all)

staff just sayd have ban ppl who abused of steam bug, not cheked all players involved with that bug and ban them.

i think are 2 different thing for all thread i sayd i dont want a wipe if not necessary, just want some more reassurances about serious measures have been taked.

All right, but lemme put this way, I spent $50 which means that I don’t wanna see people that haven’t even paid the cheapest one with more TP than me walking around. Am I clear now?
And sorry but ya, unless they fix this, I’ll keep wasting their time.

I simply do not understand what’s the hype about. All the proofs I see are circumstantial at best. Same goes for those people claiming that x amount of players have exploited the game, trying to justify why a wipe is necessary. A wipe don’t simply happen because something unexpected comes up. You fix it, not wipe it. There’s no point speculating, give IMC time to address and resolve the issue.

On a side note, wiping the servers at this point of time would mean deferring the FTP launch and the possibility of that happening is minimal.

[MAR 16th UPDATE - Further Details / Clarification]

  • We have plans to add new servers in June in accordance to the player base
  • New players may decide which server they wish to play on depending on the server situation.
  • There will be no data wipe of Teams or items


  • Servers will be located on the east coast of the US, same as the iCBT servers
  • 100 TP is priced at approximately USD$9.00
  • EXP gained through hunting will be at the same rate as kTOS
  • The price we announced is based on the price that will be applied to the US. Please check the Steam Store Page for your regional prices. They will be adjusted by Steam Standards.

And again:

  • There will be no data wipe of Teams or items


  • There will be no data wipe of Teams or items

Once more:

  • There will be no data wipe of Teams or items

Now, in Portuguese:

  • Não haverá limpeza de dados de equipes ou itens

Now in Spanish:

  • No habrá borrado de datos de los equipos o elementos

Now in Japanese:

  • データがチームやアイテムのワイプませんがあります
  • Dēta ga chīmu ya aitemu no waipumasen ga arimasu

And plain English again:

  • There will be no data wipe of Teams or items

It doesnt seem like you want just “some more reassurance”. You clearly overreact and blow this out of proportion. Was your “Starter Kit” necessary to get “some more reasurrence” ? Is all your hatemongering justified?
All in all this thread is pure comedy. You repeatably used outdated or false exploit pictures and try to spread your hate… I really dont get you

What do you guys want? They already made an announcement and the OP is completely making stuff up with what that graph is saying. Why are you guys still in this thread?

There isn’t going to be a wipe which has been said a hundred times.

These forums need active moderation, trolls and frauds keep coming unchecked.

Man the xenophobia is strong, it’s like people forget people in all countries if their mind is twisted enough with exploit the crap out of anything if it means they succeed. It isn’t just BRs even if they are the ones commonly associated with the behavior.

Yes, let’s ban a whole country and a whole lotta innocents and point a finger blindly while people from another country and more continue to exploit.

Genius. [/sarcasm]

I just flagged his post and everyone in here should do so to prevent this false information from being spread. The post is not only misleading but has 2 completly incorrect images (old CBT silver bug & a completely misinterpreted statistic image) and he didn’t remove them even though he got told by several people. This cleary proves that he doesn’t want to help but simply wants to cause drama for no real reason and as long as the post is available it will cause it.

About the graph for everyone who hasn’t looked at it:
The images even has the total amont of player in it: 382,981 however it’s comparing max users online at one time (34,640) to overall users owning the game (508,799). So I really don’t see how you can do this by accident… I mean 319,999 players online during the last 2 weeks are even marked in red so stating there is a difference of 470k between players and owners makes no sense at all…
The real different is 120k and that’s just the first mistake. Everyone who has the game in their library is counted as owner so it’s not saying anything about owning tokens. Players who wait for the F2P launch or people who got the game not knowing it was early access also count to this 508,799 owners which are not that few.

If we really had 100k people abusing the bug please tell me who is supposed to buy all those tokens? There is no way that many tokens were sold in the market place. The real number is probably MUCH lower (maybe ~1000) and something imcGames can handle easily (especially since all market transactions are logged). It’s a minor problem indeed that can be handled without too much effort and I don’t get why people make fun of the statement by imc. There have been much worse problems in many MMOs (real nottrackable inifite money bugs) and asking for a wipe because of this is ridiculous…

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hmm…now I know why there is suddenly a tons of token placed in market (like +10 page of newly added tokens)

and they set the price 500k minimum (the cheapest I seen is 350k each)

now today the price seems “normal” now (370k - 500k each) and many tokens has disappear from market

so…the bug abuser are getting ban ?

yeah This bug and exploit might destroy the game’s economy bug wiping is not a best option here

I’ll be the Grey knight. All I can say aboUT this is, “hello”.

For refernce sake.
That picture is BADLY photoshoped.
Enlarge the money counts … you will be surprised how pixelated that noob faked it.

xD but yes.
About 100k or so are fake buyings.


with 33k players concurrent online.
You should expect 330k players buying in.
Not everyone is 24/7 online. Starcraft2 hadn’t millions of people on at the same time… even if they’re sales where like that.

Just adding in what I found.

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Thank you.


People fall for these obvious baits so easily.
They see stuff, think its legit and the shitstorm grows.
While no one bothers to check for autenitcy.

Sure this exploit was big.
But it never made that much of an impact…
The bots atm… ar emore worrisome. But they’re influence gets lower atm.
Prices for rares drop and only arde keeps being strong.
As banned bots, make a new bot … and buy a new arde dagger with farmed silver. TO farm silver faster…

It’s funny how in the end.
Nearly no one is actually buying rmt trader money… but most people who farm arde daggers… profit of it.

Who would buy 1mio silver for 20 dollar?
Yes tokens are less worth… but that’s cause exploit tokens swept the market xD… Wouldn’t wonder if imc wiped tokens… and reseted these to the accounts. Who bought them with tp. Then wipe them.

350k token… never seemed legit or sane.
Who would sell something worth 18 dollars which amounts to 1~3 hours of silver farming if you’re serious and farm something that is sought after.

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All this exploit allowed was free dlc. In no way did it allow you to dupe silver, items, or otherwise. Most of the players abusing this has been banned, with more banhammers on the way.

I recall a thread also stating that some Top BR players were caught using this and banned immediately. Since your ToS account is linked to steam, you’re SOL unless you make a new steam account.

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the picture taken by a camera was from ICBT.
the other picture is a photoshop because you can see there is a item tagged on the right to sell it to the npc, but in the window on the left there is no such item, the money in the npc window and inventory dont match either.

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I’m just going to flag this topic. It spreads misinformation and is harmful to the community. I recommend everyone else do the same.


Just BAN OP of this topic for noob.

You dont see that the image of that character with 300kk is false?

At first, It amused me how they are soo many freaking bots in game, when it is paid access. Now, it amuses me how IMC didn’t even notice after 2+ weeks.