Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

They crashed Fedimian ch1 and Mercenary Post ch1 for fun few hours ago.

GM Peach was in Silute in this exact moment asking questions. obviously wasn’t effective.

Well, they are trying…

She was asking to send ticket if you know something about, please help. And if you are willing to help, send something solid, otherwise you are hindering.

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Tbh at this rate I wonder if imc will ever solve anything.

You can pretty much catch most abuser by checking the server crash log and the item log.

What I’m afraid of is that either imc is just putting on show, or the log is removed after rolling back.

Well…There is a crash log? Don’t be so sure.

They probably have to sift through item logs of past backups though, since most abusers would have deleted the items given such a big hoohaa now.

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Fanart events aren’t just “For-fun” events. If they do make one, it’s because the company want a quick and easy exposure because fanarts are the easiest way to get people to actually see your games.

Even smaller companies will put up 50$ worth of prize for the 3rd place. Many games I participated in gave that much. 1st Place can easily go up to 120-150$.

And here comes a much BIGGER company trying to tempt artists into helping them get exposure for a mere chance at winning 15$ for SEA players like me.

The prize is a joke. There is absolutely no temptation for the majority of the artists that actually accept commishes and make money off them to participate. Most of them would look at this and calculate the event as “Working at a 1.5 - 2$/hr rate” aka “Go draw something 10x more profitable like an OW fanart and just buy the TP yourself with better exposure as well”.

Look like IMC can’t track all abuser properly. I remember when they ban all cxanywhere addon users, they didn’t ask anyone for giving specific detail. Now, they need us point out the abusers. Poor IMC, they have been making a great effort but this game is still extremely buggy after all. :frowning:

As immediate action, they should temporary ban all skills that able to cause the crash and massive party.
Then investigate it on their tester accounts/teams and fix back those skills (it may need more time).
At the same time, investigate and trace back those exploiters, request those exploiters to report themselves to avoid get banned permanently, but those items must be voided. Those traced and not report themselves will got permanent ban.
This issue is global wide and will impact other servers.

But surprise, they still no any immediate action.


True, looking at it this way makes the rewards really low…

they can check all of them since once the channel crash it would have to be a request in the server or at least a log saying about the failure and the request about the data from the previous backup etc. but think about it for a sec: we have many channels being abused in the game and most of them would have a lot of players,they would need to at least analyze a huge load of data before they can pinpoint some player who is present in all of those crashes and is in fact crashing the server and even after that the ones crashing the server could have been doing this for someone else so they would also need to analyze the data for everyone present at those times, who had a success with their item and so on.
if we can pinpoint some of those players for them , it will help them to take a most swift answer and skip some of the steps i have write here, it could save a lot of time , and time is very important for us right now, since every sec that they where out there doing this , just make the game worse.

its like tossing a coin.

Given how the server can roll back after a crash, some log or snapshot must be there.

Except that they may actually delete the data after rollback.

All player that had use the bug should received punishment and those affected item shall roll back to their original stage including those 20f ET cube…and the thaum transpose stat bug still not yet fixed…sigh…
IMC please take note unfair game play will cause a lot player losing faith towards you…

Plot twist: IMC deleted all log files so far after having finished maintenance. LoL

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I don’t know if this counts as legit or exploit but I’m posting it here…

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This guy was WTBuying a +15GC with full potential

He still trusts IMC

IMC you better do a better job so that you wont lose the trusts of players like these

or maybe he’s one of them?? HAHAHA


is this in Telsaia? I saw him yesterday and sent a ticket… then saw him again today not banned XD IMC taking a lot of time inspecting people huh

I suggest we do not go around accusing people unless proven that they have indeed exploited. Some players are just really lucky you know.

But yeah IMC should do something about this quick or else all players will really be paranoid whenever seeing enhanced items above 10 with full pots and report them.

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