Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

that’s why half of your guild disbanded right? kek

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I on the other hand, like that this contest is a thing. Allows people to…actually input things into the game? The more artsy people have asked for input like this for awhile, an Art-related contest would have been nice while people were in higher spirits.

It just came at a really dramatic bad timeframe while everyone exposes their each other’s toxic angles.

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Nah, thats because we got killed in every channel possible and ppl want to do WB and stuff. I dont blame em xD

You mean like when they made that new event? Or the new card equip system? Oh, the Wizard rank 8 classes! No seriously though. They do dev work, and I have no idea what you’re going on about.

Don’t forget about the autopotters in dina bee farm, like kayori, dvine and all the /tosg/ company :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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DDos atack?


I’m laughing at the fanart contest not because it appears during all the chaos, but because it has such a pitiful TP prize.

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Yes, now that I have the time to think, I must admit that those words that I said above is somewhat harsh and unreasonable to some degree.

However, when I wrote the above sentences, as a gamer who support the game (bought TP), I see how IMC handles issues, bugs, exploits, game contents, etc… as a whole company, not just separate departments (arts, programming, financing…)

If this shitstorm is not so shitty, and if it’s not a possibly game breaking exploit, then I see no problem when IMC create new events. But in this situation, releasing an irrelevant event without giving any reasonable answer to this critical bug in this critical time (even tho as Nokorin said, this event maybe already scheduled to be released today) -> IMC makes me feel extremely unsatisfied with their product.

If I bought an Iphone from Apple from day 1 -> in day 2 it has breaking bugs that could make my phone a garbage gadget -> in day 3 to 10 Apple releasing PROMOTING events for that product without fixing it first… I WON’T care if it’s MARKETING department, or RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT department… I just want my phone be fixed first, then you can promote your phone later.


You forgot another 0. Now that’s the actual price we’re seeing from those holy merchants.

Lol, personally I find that the prize is fair. IMC do say that the rights still belong to the creator and they are only requesting it to be posted on forums and in game loading screens only. Not a bad idea for artists to showcase their work and have more eyeballs. :3

Fan art contest is a nice thing.

Just not right now, not in the middle of all this mess. We’re not really talking about minor problems here right now and IMC has not even been able to deal with daily “minor” issues (like bots, RMT and gold sellers), let alone a shiatstorm like this lol.

I agree it might have been scheduled on advance, but they should have canceled it, really. It just doesn’t make it look any good.
Really bad timing.


i say we just wipe it all!

Yep, I would also want the fanarts to be used as loading screens… just put the damn costume advertisement on the side of the loading screen or something =.=

They do this have more than one month.

Even today there players with money from “boletos”


7/19/2016 9:01pm pst fed ch1 (ch1 only) crashed

@STAFF_Max might wanna look into it, just sayin’

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… wow… ok…wow…

this is our playerbase… I didnt think it could go lower…

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after they do the mass bans for the exploiting, this game will only have about 20 or 30 players left

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