Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

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That kind of reply is just sad.

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The +25 exploit was reported a month ago, and now it’s a thing? Weird…

And what’s worse, these items have been sold on market for weeks, no point mass banning people, the damage is already done.

The ToS population is going to drop 50% with this single thread. Check the population chart later this week.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Actually, that didn’t prove anything. If the bug is to crash the channels to cause rollback, you could’ve just tried and recorded as many times as it takes to get it correctly.

This is really frustrating. If nothing is done, I’ll probably quit as well…

id rather they didnt exploit but it sure isnt going to make me quit. all Imc needs to do is prevent this from happening more . Soon enough those weapons will be obsolete anyways. if they have to cheat to be good i feel sorry for them /shrug

Phi is a goddess.


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Do you have the tools as a GM to do simple keyword searches in the server’s database?

For example, “+25”, and that would display a list of every item with +25 in the name in the possession of players.

How about looking through a list of players, sorted in descending order by total silver? Can you do that? You’d find the cheaters really, really fast. And most of the RMTers.

The fact that moderation seems to revolve around screenshots and videos worries me. We can’t take screenshots of other people’s silver totals, and any smart exploiter would only equip their broken upgrade weapons when the damage would make the difference - such as pvp or a world boss. No one is running around inspecting people during those times.


You cant even see the durability of someone equipped weapon too, the only way to know that is the glowing weapon and that doesn’t show the durability

doesn’t matter. this game was designed and planned to have 600 lvls and more content. Whatever they have exploited either item over ups or world boss bugs has been brought out of the darkness and revealed and thus had yet to be fixed and also their fruits of their evil will be overshadowed by the new age of expansion content which has yet to come.

its good that such exploits where revealed and thus put into the light by the players. It would have been really scary that such exploit could remain in the dark.

the only value you could ever put into this game is the level of honesty and sincerity you have in yourself as a mmo gamer. and also loving all your fellow players.

blessed are those who play this game sincerely and honestly.

Jesus, Son of God. God bless the legit players of tree of savior:D


For ally circles, not necessarily.

Capture, without attributes, is intended to only capture enemy magic circles. This is reflected in the skill description: “Steals the enemy’s trap and magic circle.” This is further reinforced by the skill leveling description: “Acquire x enemy’s magic circle” where x is equal to the skill level. Note the word “enemy”.

An attribute is required to let you capture ally circles, with the attribute description being: “You can seize not only an enemies’ magic circle, but also your allies’ with [Capturing].” The attribute makes no mention of ally circles contributing to any capture limit, and the skill level note only mentions enemy, so one could assume that ally circles are not meant to contribute to the capture limit. I can’t read Korean so I can’t say if the Korean descriptions are the same, but I don’t think google translate would do any justice either.

However, I will acknowledge there are many cases of lacking descriptions in the game.

In regards to that, here is an article by kTOS published in March about Capture:

Here is a translation by Gwenyth that I have referred to from Sunhwapark’s pastebin at

Although the main aim of the article is simply to test which skills can be captured, they do make adjustments so that bokor’s tet mamak la isn’t visually capture-able anymore as it wasn’t meant to be. Towards the very end, they note “Capture is unlikely to receive any changes in the future, so please refer to this list in future.” This statement shows that they’re aware of how the skill works and the mechanics behind it, and are satisfied leaving it as it is in normal circumstances.

So I don’t believe making ally circles contribute to the skill level limit of enemy circles is necessary if it was intended to be that way in the first place. I guess people are assuming it was a bug because they didn’t read the descriptions carefully.

Obviously, there needs to be some sort of hardcap on just how much you can put out at once (no idea how much someone needs to capture to crash channels but suggesting a hard cap of 20 or 30 is too little seeing that lv10 heal is already 10 tiles). That, or they could rewrite the game code so that this doesn’t happen, but we all know which route is easier.

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what exactly did you share here?

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That !@#$%^&* moment when a staff from IMC replies that they need further evidence and SS from its players so that they can fix the said issue, bug, hack etc… :expressionless:

As if a exploiter/hacker/bugger etc wants his/her source to be revealed… and what’s more, IMC has the data, source code, net code etc whatever you wanna call it… and they cant do a thing about it… It’s so frustrating and sad at the same time…


Guilds that should be investigated: Unbelievable, QuietStorm, Hydrarium(that guy with 25+ weapon is from this guild), Renegades (theres more than one Renegades). Silute server

They aren’t aware of the issue since you can capture numerous skills with lvl 1 capture. This just shows that they tested which skills can be captured and they wont change those skills.

I thought I tried hard to very clearly make the distinction between enemy and ally magic circles in the first few paragraphs, unless you’re telling me you can capture several enemy magic circles with lv1 capture? (Since it’s maint I’m unable to test of course)

Yes, you can and thats the problem.

Should point out which server it is too.