Tree of Savior Forum

Increase the Buff Cap by a reasonable amount

I think 5 is too low. Did I remember wrongly or was the old cap 8 or something? That would seem far more reasonable than the current situation.

  • I understand it is important to be able to prioritize your buffs and choose wisely, that’s good. But some classes alone already max out their 5 buffs. That’s just too extreme.
  • I don’t think it is healthy that it is basically compulsory to have Daino in a group. It really restricts your options. Yes, Daino scrolls and Krivis will still be needed at high level gameplay, that is a given. I don’t dispute that. What I think is that at ordinary parties doing normal stuff shouldn’t be compelled to be forced to invest in Daino.

So, I think the buff cap should be increased by a reasonable amount from 5 to about 8-10.
If you oppose this, please do NOT repeat the arguments of why a buff cap is good. I am well aware that it is. I simply think that 5 is not a reasonable number.

I don’t know if its planned, temporary or a bug (i do belive is the latter, since sometimes i notice not only my char but party members getting 6-8 buffs) this buff cap, but i do agree with you in there, i mean, my sorc can lay out 5 buffs from Summon Servant and if a Cleric class decide to do the same it will override most of my buffs, it should be fine if the cleric buff did the same effect as mine and the one more powerful would be applied, but i don’t see a reason for limiting like it is now.

I feel like i’m stepping on eggs when i’m on my Monk together with other cleric class, when i lay my buffs the other complain, when i don’t someone else complain.

There is a class that can allow party members to have more than 5 buffs, forgot what it is tho.

krivis can add up to 15.

brah, don’t worry i know about daino lol

I don’t think it is healthy that it is basically compulsory to have Daino in a group. It really restricts your options. Yes, Daino scrolls and Krivis will still be needed at high level gameplay, that is a given. I don’t dispute that. What I think is that at ordinary parties doing normal stuff shouldn’t be compelled to be forced to invest in Daino.

Buff limitation is a good design, tbh.

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I have heard korea will have a buff Limit of 7 at default. That Sounds like a reasonable number. With diano it can go up to 12 and more (7 +5 at First circle, diano lvl 5)

5 buffslots is too less I agree. :confused:

If you oppose this, please do NOT repeat the arguments of why a buff cap is good. I am well aware that it is. I simply think that 5 is not a reasonable number.

Please I beg you read my thread before you post next time, I’ve covered all your points from your posts already m8

Also, make sure you guys know that there are two lines of buffs:

The first line of buff has a 5 buff limit
the second line has no limits, and takes in account different skills(e.g.:Paladin’s restoration and some corsair stuff).

So really you can have more than 5 buffs :3, but…I believe the first line could use two more anyways, since those are the most “OP” buffs.

I do agree in party with you, but i think they need to redesign some of the buffs, for example the one i mentioned, Summon Servant, the buff increase slight the stats at C1 and its a 5 mins buff and even if i pic Sorc C2 the skill don’t pass level 5, not sure if they will redesign the class later to be able to have more levels tho, and i think it should be added to the second line if that’s the case, Blessing is a powerful buff and i think it should be on the limit line.

Yeah even with the secondary buff line, it is still horrifying lol …

ONE priest can already cover 6 primary buffs. (Aspersion, Blessing, Sacrament, Revive, Stone Skin, Monstrance)

Fully agree this way you have to make choices when building a group. Assuming they add content that requires a well designed group lol.

5 is a reasonable number since it forces groups to prioritize buffs, and helps balance the game. Daino scrolls will become needed and I plan to make an alt pardoner for that reason alone.

lvl 15 Daino scrolls will sell like hotcakes.

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8 is a reasonable number since it forces groups to prioritize buffs, and helps balance the game.
Daino scrolls will become needed and many plan to make alt pardoners for that reason alone.

lvl 15 Daino scrolls will sell like hotcakes.

You must be a blast at parties.

Then you can actually make points as to why 5 is the right number and not a higher number like 8-10.

Also, I clearly said in the beginning that a moderate increase in the number of buffs will not affect the Daino uptake rate. At end-game, Daino and Krivis still has a huge demand.

If you don’t want to give a proper response by simply repeating things that have already been addressed, then don’t expect a proper reply.

There is no way to automatically deny applying buffs to yourself to prevent buff overrriding.

As already noted:[quote=“elysium, post:11, topic:121898”]
ONE priest can already cover 6 primary buffs. (Aspersion, Blessing, Sacrament, Revive, Stone Skin, Monstrance)
And that doesnt count Safety Zone that goes to 1st row of buffs.

Plus other classes have 2-7 self buffs, for example sorc: 5 servant (party)buffs, enchant fire (if he is pyro), reflect shield. If he has gone Thaumaturge way - add swell left arm to the count, if he is C2 thaumaturge - add swell right arm. These all affect party and will mess with other member’s buffs. There is no way to prevent that.

Swordsmen have their gung ho and concentrate, high guard from peltasta, finestra from hoplite etc…

With all that buff limit mess taking Lnker to C2 for buff sharing is a questionable endeavor. And ANY good class combination party requires support to have Krivis in their progression… or stock up on Daino scrolls.

When limited consumables become mandatory - is a sign of bad game design.

You can’t explain why 8 is right either, you just want it that because you think it is better, and you also get super-defensive towards anyone who disagrees with you.

Regardless of the limit, Daino scrolls will be necessary. IMC picked 5, if they want to they will change it.

Terrible thread.

Yes there is, you speak with the person applying the buff and tell them not to use it for the sake of other buffs that are more important.

I tell wizards not to bother using reflect shield in groups for example since it is a waste of a slot and it could override Revive or Stone Skin.

I’m a mage in a group and then there is a melee in a group… Asking priest to not apply Monstrance/sacrament is weird thing to do, but then as thaumaturge i lose my +200 atk/matk buff because i stepped into safety zone during boss fight. I use reflect shield to reduce incoming damage and in party someone else might cry because their Finestra got overwritten and they cant do anything about this.

I want a list of all possible buffs with checkboxes so i can select which buffs i want to receive and which wont apply to me.

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