Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, What are you doing? -- a thread

Hahaha Frundsberg’s been botting since forever. ■■■■ that guy.

I’ve been there ever since that guy started botting.

Look how he is now, Masi Bow, Miki parts.

He’s also leaving neuk leathers on the floor


I don’t understand what kind of investigation IMC is doing with this??

If player spends tp, abort investigation?

IIRC from a screenshot shared by one forumer before about IMC’s response to their report of a botter it was something like this (not verbatim):

They checked the player’s activity but couldn’t determine if he was really botting or not because he was also doing what every other player was doing like going to town, selling stuff, using storage and stuff.

Basically if you just logged in for an hour or so everyday and do actual player stuff like running dungeons and sh!t, then resume botting afterwards you’re good to go. Having bought tp, wearing tp stuff and decent gear might have been other factors as well.

Sad fact.

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If I was living in HK again I wouldn’t mind capturing a video of Frundsberg for an hour.

Too bad upload speed here is total sht I can’t do anything other than SS

why dont they just ghost the dude for a couple of hours then bot check his ass when he acts suspicious…
hes been mentioned enough to warrant a more thorough investigation.

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Whales have been nearly-impervious to the banhammer since 2016. Back in the gruesome Bee Farm Bot days, I struck up a ‘friendly’ rivalry with one of the dudes there who wanted a channel all to himself. I provoked him into outright admitting that he was botting, auto-potting, the works, on more than one occasion, and kept meticulous records of everything he said, which was pretty foul. He also said he was untouchable because he regularly bought TP.

He was right. I made multiple reports. IMC wouldn’t move on him. You have to go way, way beyond botting to get smacked down if you’re a whale, so independent of the manpower issue, they absolutely will look the other way if it means they take in money. This game is pay-to-cheat, and that’s why in spite of all the fantastic progress they’ve made content-wise, my steam review has been negative since 2016 and it’s going to stay that way. I even update it regularly with observations on how things aren’t getting better.

The financial struggles that have led to Nexon gobbling this project up are IMC’s fault. They’re not victims. They continually chose the path of least resistance, taking small sums of money today from people like that creep I described and losing much more in the long term from the hundreds of thousands of players that have quit in disgust. And then there was the incredibly naive belief that they could control botting through limp-wristed economic controls that went far enough to piss everybody off but never far enough to actually stop botting.

IMC, you either pay a team of people to bot-hunt 24/7, or your game will continue to wither and ultimately, die. You’ve been told this over and over again. You aren’t making the investment that other companies make to keep things under control.


ToS is self published in the west, what do you even talk about?

As for banning people, let’s be honest: the population is low enough, we’d be very few if whales got banned rofl

Better than having a fake population filled with 50% bots.

There are legit whales that sell TP for in game silver in market, which I appreciate. There are also whales that buy from bot/RMTers.

No whiteknighting this sht now, you know it’s bad enough when IMC starts defending bots which is clearly stated in their rules that botting isn’t allowed

IMC went to Nexon for funding in early 2017.

The key term you’re looking for here is “strategic investment”, and this paragraph:

With this investment, Nexon and IMC Games will work closely together to reinforce service of Tree of Savior and launch Tree of Savior: Mobile Remake on a global basis.

If this still doesn’t add up to you, do a bit of reading on what strategic investments generally entail. The short version is: a leash.

Not whiteknighting, I’m just thinking of people shouting “dead game” since 2016. This game has its load of issues, especially technical, but holy ■■■■ the community was one of its biggest nails in the coffin.

I dunno, I rarely use the term “white knight” these days, but

this line seems to be ehhhh.

I quit last time before because of bots, i came back to try R9 things/content.

I don’t think there’s any more point to play a grindy game anymore when it’s just getting mass automated by 200 bots on one server.

I won’t hesitate quitting and not coming back once I get an actual confirmation from IMC that it’s ok to bot if you whale

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You will never, ever get what you’re asking for. It would be completely insane for them to make such a thing known. It’s doubtful there’s even an official policy for it - far more like it’s something employees are leaned on to do.

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Nah, seeing frundsberg not getting banned for 2 months should be enough for me as a confirmation.

I’m now up on 1 month++, a bit more and I’m out


Smart man. This is the only way they’ll learn.

I doubt me quitting would make a difference, I mean, they still have whales supplying them with gacha money.

I just don’t want to play a game that’s supposed to be played…but automated instead.

We come here to play the damn game, not to let the bots automate it, I just don’t see the point in it anymore

Let me clarify just a little thing… All my snarky comments aren’t for white knighting. I like the game, yes, but I’ve quit twice already.

First time: Party quest bug. It had took one month for me to make a new character and bring it to a certain level to help a friend in questing from that level onwards. When we can finally team up… we discover we actually can’t. I ragequit for a while.

Second time: I have a crappy pc, can’t play with other players or I’ll crash (yes, it was THAT old), can only quest to level up. Kalejima is hard for an archer, I die over and over, and I slowly quit without even noticing.

Both of these times, though, I did it without drama, that is what I’d like to teach you guys. Stop doing drama like little bitches. Act like the appropriate men and women that I hope you are, open a thread, ONE single thread in the APPROPRIATE section (because you guys never do it, but I think many ToS players haven’t set foot on a forum for at least 10 years, if ever), be polite and respectful, and always put your enjoyment and frustration on two plates of a scale. When frustration weighs more, turn to your other hobbies, do what you like. Why do you guys feel the need to be so overdramatic all the time? It’s just unnerving. If my child started acting like this, I wouldn’t give him what he wanted even if he was right in what he asked, I’d slap him pretty hard first and teach him some manners. I hate this constant whining. It’s not about the game, it’s about what’s happening to internet users in the latest years. Constantly whining about irrelevant stuff, acting like experts at everything, non-paid journalists of not required, constant reviews. All of you, please, stop. I’m old and I had never seen the internet be so shitty.

We complain about IMC

You complain about us complaining against IMC.

Does that make you different? No, you’re the same.

And this thread is in the right section, it isn’t about bot reports at all, rather why aren’t they being banned/eradicated when it’s clearly stated that it is against the rules.

If you are the person who you think you are, might as well ignore our posts and get out. No? Then you’re in the same boat as us, just barking on something else.

PS, we love the game, we want it to be better, give it a few more days/weeks/whatever, not happening > leave feed back > leave completely > play again once comfortable

u cant make me, mom!!!

It’s a general discussion with bots and how they are not getting banned.

Sure keep arguing with us, you’re not any different, at all.

The thread still stands as is, since Telsiai ban section is nothing but gold sellers and not their actual farmers.

If I am correct Silute also has a tad bit of a bot problem.

Now go ahead and ignore us, you don’t do anything here, anyway.

I’m here for the same reason the bots are? What?

Also, if people complaining about bots triggers you, time to find a new game. You know damn well this is is the general background noise around here. It’s only been there for two years. The only way this will change is when the servers finally get shut down, which I don’t expect will be anytime soon.