Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, Please read this before you ruin Wizards with your later patch and Rank 8

Linker is fine the way it was before the kTOS merge. If you don’t want your hit counts eaten up then don’t use JP when things like Frost Cloud are up. A little party management goes a long way.


Yes, such a useful class, you can’t use it if you have the most popular build in the game playing with you.

Why should Frost Cloud eat JP Hit Counts if it doesn’t get any better with JP? Looks like only one class will remain alive in the wizard branch if it gets up to narrowminded players to decide it.

didnt mean to hurt your feeling or ruffle your feathers, man. Just stating a fact. feel free to ignore it

Actually when I play with an Ele3 I end up using JP more often than he gets to use his Frost Cloud. JP kills stuff way faster since everyone in the party gets to use his/her skills. So idk what you’re whining about.


Look, have you compared Frost Cloud to JP on EARTH TOWER before the merge?

Out of ET my build can still do pretty much fine with Linker 1 before the patch, the only changed that changed was this viablity.

Ok, on PvE I could always kill 5 mobs before a Frost Cloud, both before and after (obviously) the merge.

I only think Hit Count should work a little differently, in a way Linker is not a x10 damage multiplier, but at least on a way he doesn’t get fuc*ed up by things he doesn’t work with.


oh man, you’re so cool, quoting stuff, telling me to feel free to ignore you on MY topic and then quoting yourself again.

Thanks for your contribuition again.

Don’t expect a Circle 1 class to be that effective. Deal with it.


One more very important post to the topic, thanks a lot.

Yes, only cryo 3 > chrono 3 and wiz 3 ele 3 should be able to play this game, any ohter build that tries to use the 16 classes available is trash and can’t be used, very cool game.

Also you probably don’t even know but Wiz 3 > Cryo > Pyro > Kino > RC can currently deal 1,5kk+ damage (saw a guy doing it at level 253) on a single Ice Wall + PP combo. That’s a combination of: 1 Rank 1 C3 class, 2 Rank 2 C1 classes, 1 Rank 3 C1 class and 1 C6 Hidden Class. C1 spells don’t have to be bad, though C3 must have new and better spells, such as frost pillar, raise, quickcast or lifeline for example.

You talk a lot about Earth Tower, yet in that palce Elememes have been getting carried since Rank7.

This particular combo is under way too long a cooldown to be useful in anything but Bosses (which isn’t a BAD thing mind you, but important nontheless).
No one is saying that C1 has to be bad, is just that anyone with more than that WILL be better and WILL outclass you on their usability, specially if it’s a support class such as Linker.

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Yes, my dream is other wizard builds and classes can compete with elememe, no other C3 has such a strong PvE skills, not now and not on R8, the one that may surpass it is Bokor 2+ PD 2+ as of now, and that’s Cleric stuff.

I understand the combo has long 60 seconds CD (which ain’t that long on a level 280+ WB), but with a Pass you already have almost half of it only, even less if you consider the whole setup and PP channeling, notice WB is one of the best stuff in this game, even cards are useful now.

I know anything besides Linker C2+ will be better than Linker C1, in matters of linking but unfortunately it’s impossible to “outclass” another linker, all you have to do is wait for the dude with the bigger JP to cast his and cast yours right after the pack died. It’s not like a buff or a DoT 2+ linkers can work together and you can’t even imagine how much faster that makes things.

Hey, No problem! :smile:



As I said, still strong (good news, it’s better than the one we had before merge that just didn’t split magic missle damage without hangman’s knot), just won’t vanish mobs from existance.

Btw, he is still leveling without using dark theurge, just link and magic missle (and ignition procs :smiley:)

So you take 1 circle of a Rank 3 class and expect to compete with a Rank 6 C3 skill? What the hell? It seems like you want Linker C1 to be the one circle wonder that it was not intended to be.

You’re literally the only person on this forum to have complained about the hit count being consumed by skills that don’t transmit through links. Please just learn to rotate your party’s skills better. Frost Cloud and Joint Penalty should NOT be used together in the first place if you’re going for efficiency.


so you haven’t yet read the whole post huh? I talked about most unbalaced Wizards classes there.

I don’t really care, I already work well together with any Elementalist, I just think it would something more fair to Linker, only consuming the Hit Counts that act, better at least than this version that just multiplies everything right?

Yes, maybe I am the only one that asked that, so what? Seriously, what’s the problem with that, if GMs don’t like it, they won’t do it, as simple as that, this is only a suggestions thread.

Please do not try to act like I play it wrong, you have no idea of what you are talking about, I already ranked 2nd and 4th on the weekly 2vs2 rank (not playing much 5vs5 because of FPS). I get MVP on 70%+ of the games I play, even though I’m full INT, I’ve already done 12 kills 0 death, 13 kills 2 deaths and 15 kills 1 death on 5vs5 where I didn’t lag much though.

Because I’m so interested in your PvP accomplishments lol.

Your issue with Linker is mostly PvE related so no thanks for the irrelevant gloating. I am/was a PvE-focused C3 Linker, played the class to death, and I’ve told you why your points are invalid. Take it or leave it.


Yes, ok dude, you think this should be a boring game where either you take a class to C3 or leave it, thanks for all the comments, you really helped me a lot on trying to balance things between all wizard classes and to make it fair between multiple circles of the same classes, thanks a lot.

Pls IMC don’t buff Linker more

Old one was super op and Im very thankful that you nerf it a bit

As Moises_andre12 said you can deal 11 mob with mean 11x damage ! and that was enough don’t incease it anything pls

Actually Linker is fine. The only thing that might be worked on is Physical Link as long as it really isn’t meant for grieving.

JP + MM is bugged at the moment. One realizes that if you watch the hits without hanging. You deal 3x hits at the moment with the 18 hits you normally deal through the HK combo it gets multiplied to 54 which is too much.
I always compare in realtions. FC deals 31 hits on R6 and JP+HK+MM 18 at Rank5 which is fine while 54 is not.

The only problem I see is that with R8 and the change from large hit counts back to strong hits Wizard Classes in general get really bad especially given that INT is mostly useless by then with transcend weapons. Anything but Support Wizards is going to struggle hard. Linker is support and with elelock becoming less relevant these guys should finally start realizing that they have more than just FC. Linker is not going to become OP, just more welcome to all that min/max full meta retards.

Imho my all Elelocks that send every dps Swordy without Pelta away because they dealt less dmg bite the dust. All hail Chrono, Linker and Swordmen in R8.

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R8 ChornoSage … so hype

PS.Selling warp to Marven 1000 silver… PM

Sorcerer has the only AoE attack ratio buff in the game (not considering CD reductors like Circling and JP’s attribute, as those are active skills and don’t have 100% uptime) and honestly, +5 AoE Attack Ratio is not something easy to achieve through gears, even level 290+ gears barely give 2 or 3 AoE attack Ratio.

That is good utility for both Swordman and Archer, which are very strong at R8, making each of their skills hit +1~5 mobs. There is a mergen skill for example that hits 9 times each target if it hits all targets, this means for this buff only they get ~45 hits on this single skill (don’t remember which one but might have CD, the one with a lightning effect probably).

Necromancer also goes into that category since it applies decays to improve Archer’s damage.

Those are reasons those 2 classes can still be used later on at least if you have circles of Linker, damage is going to grow a lot because of bigger base damages and AWESOME new gear + transcendence.

All of us know what Wizards are about. We experienced it at Rank 7 when nothing but Wiz 3 could handle the game. In a 10 rank based game we are going to have most likely 4 last circles for DPS skills. Necromancers got good DPS filler (saying filler because of 20s CD and you pay for it, not that it’s weak) for a fine R9 class for example, Warlocks and Featherfoots are hopeful for their C3 and even Sage and Enchanter are “too bad” at C1 for us to not expect something good at C2.

Also R9 might come with hidden classes only, or different styles of classes simply because they might never reach C3, it has to be thought about in a different manner.

IMO R9 and R10 will be something like 1 circle classes or pick previous ranks, because pretty much all those classes have to be good, they will have few spells even if they ever get to C2 so most of them have to be either good alone or improve earlier ranks.

Something like Shadowmancer having good interactions with Necromancer, Sorcerer or Warlock and fine DD skills on it’s own so other people can also have options.