Tree of Savior Forum

IMC please just close the server for weeks/months and fix it

The transfer will just spread the problem evenly in the current state. It won’t fix anything.

I do play on Klaipeda fine tbh. I even leveled from 20 to 100 in past 2 days. The state of the current game is just grim though.

EA is like a CBT, play and report bug and wait for fix.

Except there will be no fix just like the CBT.

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I was about to write how, some edgy fanboy will jump on you soon.

Even tho this is the most sensible and logical progression I also see at this moment, then I checked the solution.

This is way too funny.

iCBT was a joke… Why fix a game with a old version? In KR the game was ready for the OBT.
Thuesday it’s the day for the maintenance no?

And the bug in icbt still exist. Everytime I tried to file a report, I realize the bug is already been reported since icbt.

Closing it won’t speed up anything, it will just leave people that want to play frustrated.

There should obviously be a test server and surely, they have one. They can still work on the game at the same speed they would if the servers were down.

Only difference is that when servers are up, they also earn some cash. :stuck_out_tongue:

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they did say they are working on fixing all the issues, but some issues take longer than others to get fixed.
We did know we are like test subjects, but they need us to keep playing to keep testing.
True, I don’t know how playing on Klai is like, but so far I had no major problems, not even while doing dungeons. No bugged quests, no errors, no disconnects.

Imagine icbt2, but worst.

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If klaipedia is the problem it’s easier than that. Just open another server and allow more than one transfer so people can accommodate and play with their friends.

If that solve the problem I will gladly take it.

Yes, they are restricting transfers too much, they need to do full transfers with tokens and all, and not just one, because players are afraid to can’t come back to a previous server. So, let’s say, me and my friends could change to a new server, bit what if that new server works bad later and klaipedia is better? Some would like to come back and so. They need to distribute the players equally among the servers.

Mirarara please just play another game for weeks/months until ToS is good enough for you.

As with the server’s current state i’m playing just fine with thousands of people around me.
And just because a small fraction of people very vocal on the forums have problems doesn’t reason taking the game away from everyone.

Tbh I’m not really the one having problem, it’s more like my friend is quiting the game because they can’t stand this anymore.

I more or less know the get around for all the problem.