Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Please Do Not Release P2W Leticia's Secret Cube!

I dont understand why pple complain against practonium… Who cares? all here can get a practonium its hard? yeah but u can! only need to lvl up a chat to 317 and do the quest, then wait. but NO ONE NOTICE ABOUT LVL 10 GEM ABRASIVE? u CANT get a lvl 10 gem only lvling up u need LOT of events and farm and i think there is not 1 LVL 10 GEM in the whole game.thats the true trouble here! u CANT get lvl 10 gem only playing for a few month.

my problem with this is lvl 9 and 10 gem abrasives.

I do not want this, and I do not think this is fair…

For how much they changed crit formula. they are forcing crit reliant builds to get lvl 10 green gems to crit often.


this cube support the game. i myself gonna buy 10-20 but not rich

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How much experience does each of those abrasives give? :thinking:

Level 9 Gem Abrasive gives 230,700 EXP
Level 10 Gem Abrasive gives 1,094,700 EXP
Diamond Anvil works just like a regular anvil, but when you fail it doesn't reduce item level or potential.

1m exp… ack, that’s a lot.

Don’t release this cube IMC. There’s no reason to do this.

As someone who just came back to the game and spent TP on the shop, I’m really sad to see this P2W being introduced to the game after I just got back from the combat revamp. Please consider NOT making this game P2W. I want to keep playing, but tbh, I will not if it is just going to become a P2W fest. Sorry.


“he will have this and that” “I won’t have this and that” please dun release.

I’m still sad about this since I waited so long for my practo :stuck_out_tongue: The gems tho, how much will affect my daily gaming? hmm nothing much i suppose.

What’s the difference of lvl 7 gems vs lvl 10 gems, let’s say on green gems?

Oh, nothing… A level 10 green gem has only twice the amount of crit rate of a level 7. :joy_cat:


So will it give you like 40% crit chance? is it that really “BIG” again it’s “chance” right? Will it affect your daily runs? gaming? etc

So critrate is for whales only now?

I dont thing anything can stop it.
And if they come tomorow be sure many ppl will buy it.

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It does make a difference -.- trying so hard lmao

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No no, it’s totally normal. Even better, two level 10 red gems give only +1160 max attack on main hand.
That’s totally ok!


yeah that’s my point since im seeing post about crit gems. I’ll be bothered more with red and blues.


Unfortunately, “too expensive” and “a waste of money” isn’t in a whale’s vocabulary. They will buy this sh~t like their life depended on it especially those who’d rather play safe and not go through RMT.

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Red gems are rng ~.~
I will never like them +1-580 max atk.

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Hahahaha sad but true. I don’t know if IMC boycots itself intentionally or they are just plain stupid blinded by their greed.

IMO, they know this game will be dead soon, they’re just trying to grab what they can while the ship sinks. Dont see another explanation


how about blues? hmmmn