Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Please Do Not Release P2W Leticia's Secret Cube!

Ha? Imc was greedy even at the times of the open beta… cough… early access. Nexon was not involved with international opening.

Yeah don’t release this IMC, for gods sakes you just revitalized the game!

Worse than P2W is the fact this is a gacha… You pay real money for a Lv 2 exp card! Wooohooo!

And they even put it in the footnotes…


Oh yes I forgot to mention this. This is in a cube so it is downright gambling. What do people think when they are gambling? I wanna win, so I want to be as greedy as possible to win the best prizes.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FOR IMC $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So this was IMC’s plan when they said they were thinking about new ways to get practorium!


yeah founders pack was amazing for kim’s wallet.

Here it comes bois! I smell it since the recent major patch.

The beginning of the end.


tbh I would not mind at all seeing all that player base increase to crash down again so IMC would need to rethink their greedy marketing plans :unamused:

Way to get old players back, just to blow it all in the very next patch.

And news players, myself included, too.

This however is dumb, because gear = win is not related to F2P, just to MMO. Please complain about the right problem.


I briefly consider coming back to the game, I guess look elsewhere to spend my money

It’s how most f2p mmo works. No idea what you are talking about.

Already got turn off by the new dpk system, now this. I will just come back when rank 9 released.By what IMC is doing with the Letitia’s Cube is gambling

For those who are curious (I know it’s kinda old, but I guess chances of practo are the same?):

TLDW: Guy opened 880 cubes, got 2x practonium.

For me blessed shards (C-rank drop, so will be pretty common) and gem abrasives are the problem. Jackpot rewards are rare and even if you buy a lot of cubes you aren’t guaranteed to get any.

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Every MMO works like this. Gear is always king. Try getting anywhere without good gear in the endgame of, say, WoW, or GW2.The difference is always big.

F2P games are no different. This mechanic is fine, too. The only problem is when real world money is the best path to these items. That turns a game into P2W, and that is why this box being in the TP shop would be a problem, because it invalidates play.

[quote]For me blessed shards (C-rank drop, so will be pretty common) and gem abrasives are the problem. Jackpot rewards are rare and even if you buy a lot of cubes you aren’t guaranteed to get any.

Agreed. Whales flooding the market with practonium would even be fairly alright. the issue is the other items there.

Everyone love lv10 abrasive
We’ll see alot of people with lv10 gems real soon

And before the damage change patch? Gear wasn’t the only factor compared to now.
The moment you can gain an advantage over other players with $ that ties to your gear/gem upgrading, it’s p2w. No idea what are you trying to deny when you are practically saying the same thing as me, just nitpicking about it being “f2p” and “mmo”.

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines

IMC Don’t release this. THIS IS NOT KOREA.

You will lose most of your player base. And with no playerbase, the whales will go away as well.

This is the international market. Please IMC. The game will stop growing and will lose players and hemorrhage with this cube.


I’m simply pointing out that you’re screaming about the wrong problem.
Gear being king is fine. Gear being the deciding factor is good.

The best way to getting that gear being money is bad. The only reasonable way to getting gems good enough being money is bad. THAT is the problem. So I’m not saying the same thing as you at all. I like that good gear matters more post patch, despite being new to the game and not having it all - it means that any gear I get actually matters.
I dislike that this simple box stands to ruin that very neatly, though - it means play doesn’t matter, only my wallet.

That depends on how you balance the game. Tbh the old calculation was fine, the only major changes they need to change is the skill scaling and stat rebalancing, which is good now, else the game would be unplayable since beta which is not. My point that focus on “Gear being King” is mainly on why the need to change what majority of the damage depends on, which is gear. I still don’t see why you are nitpicking over nothing. Unless you simply have no foresight on how most korean mmo devs does things.

If things keep moving on, all you will see soon is bigger damage numbers. Most devs don’t even care about actual balances after 2 years into releasing their game.

Please IMC don’t release this! Don’t ruin the market of your game…
@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_No