Tree of Savior Forum

IMC gave me WAY too much silver/items - what do I do?

Hey guys,

I already submitted a ticket, but since support tends to be slow (I waited months for a response once and they are likely bogged down right now), I wanted to ask here how to behave now.

I hadn’t been around yesterday while all that craze happened, but when I logged in today, I found 300mil silver on one of my characters. The market retrieve tab had some items, including the most expensive ones that were up there. Thing is: I am not sure what else was on the market (had put stuff up over a week ago), but nothing there amounted to 300mil silver; heck, even with the expensive items it wouldn’t have been that much. On top of that, I had ONE Shinobi Unlock Voucher up and got THREE back through the retrieve tab. So while I should have gotten some silver, I got way more and also two extra unlock vouchers for mysterious reasons.

For now, I put the silver into the team storage to avoid accidental spending and kept the vouchers on the character who had had them in their market retrieve tab.

Thing is that I have a suspicion what happened: The character with the 300mil on her had, around a week ago, bought a Legendary Froster Lord Card for 200mil, but immediately transferred that via storage onto my Sorc where the card got leveled and put into the Grimoire for summoning. The card is still there. I suspect IMC maybe didn’t see the leveled card on the other character and couldn’t trace it and 200mil+what was lost on the market+what was mysteriously missing from my team storage MIGHT add up to 300mil.

The question is: What do I do now? Given how loooong support sometimes takes, am I supposed to NOT use the characters who had items on the market (the 300-mil-one and one who had all silver wiped from her, but that was like 1mil she had on hand) and the Sorc girl who has the Froster Lord Card which might or might not be part of this issue? Thing is that these characters are my mains, but I also don’t wanna get banned for something I didn’t do - and if IMC tried to “roll back” my Froster Lord buying and gave me the silver, does that mean that using the card still might get me banned? (I also really don’t wanna lose my card…)

I never cheated. I earned all my stuff the legal, hard-working way and have now suddenly a mess thanks to something I wasn’t even here to witness.

Any hints on how to (not) play until this gets sorted out? :confused: I’m a bit scared, to be honest…


send a ticket like you already did, and wait. , do not use the money/items and let they answer you, simple as that.
but be freely to use the character to level and do dailies if you want, just do not use the items-money since they should remove it later.

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Okay, thank you very much for the fast response. The ticket was already sent, so I guess all I can do is hope for the best. I guess since I don’t know if the Froster Lord Card was part of the issue (I bought it WELL before this market mess appeared, I think I got it 7-10 days ago or so), I will just continue summoning him… I hope IMC just takes the silver and not my card which I painfully leveled and was lucky to find on the market…

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there is no reason for them to take the card, since it was not related to the event, after all you brought it with farmed money and not hacked money right?
So there is no reason for they to take it away.
after all 200m should also be a fair price for a legendary card of that caliber, i do not know your server nor the economy but things like this is fair harder to put a fair price than for example a gem nv 1 being sold at 50m, so is clearly to anyone to see that gem was used as means to abuse, where the card is simple fair play as rare item being sold at expensive price and thus should be taken measure against it, where the card is just normal trading.

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The money was half made by saving up farming money for weeks and half made by selling items I got from the current round of Leticia’s Cubes, so by selling entry vouchers, anvils, stuff like that. But those things were sold just as long ago (so over a week ago), to the then-normal and fair market prices. What was left of them on the market was what now got partially wiped and partially sent back to me (like the voucher that turned into three) - given that those things were priced normally, I suppose those hackers bought them. Still, there’s no way I had enough to be worth 300mil.

The Legendary Froster Lord cards did drop in price since I bought mine, though - while some were at 200mil still, I saw some for 120mil and 130mil on Sunday (and was a bit upset for paying so much more than that, but I had tried to get one since the r10 patch). So I hope that the drop in price since me getting it won’t steer IMC wrong when it comes to the card. But yes, it was a normal trade when the market was still normal.

Thank you again for your help!

if you don’t want the stuff gift it to less fortunate individuals…

or new players and casuals…

:expressionless: What kind of mindset is that? I would murder for 300mil silver; I was completely and utterly broke after buying my legendary card; I had like 120k left in the bank and then dragged myself back to having 30mil via dungeons over dungeons until I went dumb and got burnout. I would LOVE the 300mil silver, but how would not reporting this error make me any better than the people who used a hack to get free silver? Because yes, this is basically free silver I should not have and me keeping it would put me into the same category as that scum who messed up the game. And I’m pretty sure that using this silver in any way would very rightfully get me banned.


just keep it… its not ur fault lol
its imc fault… if they fix it i bet u will lose more than what u have rofl

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willing to bet the person who sold the frosterlord card had 200m taken away and didn’t get the card back

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I can see your point and sure it has happen where people get money by mistake and end up in jail for using it…

But am talking in the future sense after they tell you if you can keep it or not and am talking about the extra not what you made yourself…

Guess am the only one that gladly share stuff with those that need it…

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I’m not even gonna lie - I was so tempted. I could have finally bought some 380 gear and a Rangovas Necklace for my Necro. I am really way, way behind the equipment curve because all I saved for was the legendary card. But I also know I would have felt guilty forever when looking at any new shiny stuff I would have bought with that money… and also scared because yeah, I’m pretty sure I would have gotten banned if that would have ever come to IMCs attention. So I guess I’m both a maybe-decent and definitely a cowardly person. :stuck_out_tongue:
But IF they tell me - even though I doubt it - that it’s my money, then you bet I will spend it immediately lol.

Might be true - but again, this was a week or a bit more ago, so I hope that this didn’t happen as this was definitely a legal and normal sale.

There’s no way they let me keep it. While I have no idea how much silver I should have really gotten, the unlock vouchers coming out of nowhere already tell that something went wrong and it isn’t just me not knowing my market stock anymore.
Honestly I am more scared that the support messes up my account more… given the horrible experiences I had with support so far (like needing three months to reply, just to tell me “if you still have that issue, just open another ticket” lol).

Also it’s kinda rude to imply that I don’t need the money? I saved up for a LONG time for the money I spent on the card, meaning I don’t have any good gear, gems, whatever. I have no character that can do raids or anything. If for whatever reason I would suddenly legally get 300mil silver, no, I wouldn’t share it. If I would have well-equipped characters able to do anything the game offers, yeah, then I would share with my friends. But as basically everyone in my friendlist does better than me (likely because they spend their money wisely on equipment instead of on a card to summon a colorful Froster Lord instead of a black, normal one…lol), I would totally spend the silver for my mains, yeah. Not sure if that makes me a horrible person, though - I wouldn’t think so. Then again, I suppose “those that need it” is a term that may mean something different for everyone.

My guess is that they ran an automated script to retrieve items in the market and reverse the flow of silver. Then the script screwed up in all sorts of areas like when the stack sizes of items changed, when items involved in transactions were equipped or locked etc.

Of course they’re claiming that things have been resolved so any normal innocent person like you who received a bit of extra would normally just take the free stuff. This is really careless and unprofessional on IMC’s part

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Honestly, given that I have no idea what I still had on the market, I would have likely just thought “yeah, maybe this is right” if I would have ended up with like 50mil. It would have likely still been a bit too much, but like you said “a bit of extra” that might or might not be the actual amount, especially since I wasn’t even here when this all happened and didn’t even get to see the messed-up market. Last time I really played was on the weekend, I just collected my logins on Monday and wasn’t here on Tuesday at all.

But yeah, 300mil were very, very noticeable since I never had that much pure silver in the game. Never. And the only really expensive item on the market I had was a Teeny Fairy Wings and that one has been returned to me, together with a Golden Anvil Box and the Unlock Voucher (which turned into three). Everything else was worth way, way less. No way this is a “bit of extra”. And I’m too scared and feeling too guilty about keeping that sort of money without confirming with IMC. If they end up messing up again and not taking enough/all of it or something after checking the ticket, then whatever, then I will not send another one (unless they take too much from me, lol). But yeah… I likely wouldn’t have done anything for an extra of 10-20mil. 300mil… that’s real huge cheating territory amount of money. Not doing that.

I didn’t mean anything about what you got when I said a bit extra but yeah, my point was it’s unfair for IMC to actually hold you accountable if you do end up spending that but it’s just my opinion. They basically handed you money then told you it’s yours and everything is fine now. If later on they suddenly go back and ask you for the money when you don’t have it anymore and punish you for spending it then it’s really pathetically stupid.

You’re lucky you got your fairy wings back, I sold a white snowflake crystal and lost the money I earned from it without the item getting returned. They might fix it after they do all their investigating and stuff but I can’t really feel confident about that right now. I’m also thinking they have no idea what the actual worth of most of these items are, they don’t know how punishing their >1% limited time gacha drop rates are, the reroll costs of legendary items and the time it takes to get the cubes, the abysmal chances of getting to +16 etc.

EDIT: To be on the safer side though you can just hold on to all those items and silver and wait until they announce that they’ve finished investigating everything.

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I dunno, I would think they would go “Well, you were aware this was not yours, so you should not have spent it”, much like someone who finds a huge amount of money on the street is obligated to bring it to the police (at least here in Germany, that’s how it is once the money exceeds a certain amount).

I’m so sorry you lost your item, that really sucks! And if anything, this tells me that a LOT of people have issues now and that their support is really swamped with requests, so I cannot expect that they get to mine (and likely yours) anytime soon when normally they already need a long time. :confused: This sucks for both of us a really big deal… And yeah, I agree that the droprates in the cubes and the +16 chance are ridiculous. Actually the whole enhancing/potential system is likely one of the worst parts of the game, at least for me.

I do plan on holding onto everything until they have investigated; I just really, really hope they do it soon because I hate the uncertainty. And, admittedly, I also hate having 300mil in my team storage and seeing all those great deals on the market I would just love to take and theoretically could but won’t since it’s not my money. It seems easier to not-mope about not being able to buy something nice when you don’t have the money anyway than if the money is sitting there right in front of your nose… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do the right thing.

I’m in the same boat, I’m not touching anything until they say I’m in the clear. The only way this could be worse is if people blow up the economy even more with any excess silver. Hopefully IMC will do the right thing and fix it all for good, and I’m sure that’ll take some time. As long as they do it right, that’s what matters.


Oh gosh, it definitely makes me calmer that I’m not the only one affected by this in a “positive” way (that’s actually just negatively stressing me out). And yeah, I expect it will take a long time. I will definitely leave 301mil (since it wasn’t a round number but 300mil-and-a-few-thousands) untouched. Though it sucks knowing that my account will be messed up for some time and that I don’t know how it will affect me (like, what if they let me keep the silver but take my Froster Lord Card if that was what caused the issue. 300mil silver don’t help when there’s no card on the market I can rebuy then…).

I do hope that IMC solves these issues fast and hopefully correctly. Thanks for letting me know you’re in the same boat as me!

I put in a ticket to start and got a bit of a non-answer, I’ll try again at some point.

I wouldn’t worry so much and you can probably continue to play the game, I would say just don’t spend that silver on anything silly. If you happen to sell anything in the next couple days, leave it on market retrieve and it ought to be easier for them to track what’s there.

If you do end up losing the card, put in a ticket detailing the situation and be specific. Mention that it dropped on X day, X time, and when you lost it, etc.

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You already got your ticket answered and got a non-answer? That’s good (that they get to tickets quicker than I expected) and bad at the same time (because this sounds too serious for a non-answer… not sure how much you got extra, but yeah, they should take this seriously).

The thing is, I have over 15 characters and I had some of them deposit their earned money by now and all. There’s no way to track all my money transactions over so many characters when I only have one team storage. And I do want to be able to buy items and sell items and stuff - after all, I do make silver and I had a bit over 40 mil in the storage, from which they took 7mil for whatever reasons and I was saving up for something I would like to buy…

The card didn’t drop, I bought it on the market and I already forgot on which day… a bit over a week ago, that’s all I remember. I have a swiss cheese brain… so I guess all I can do is hope that it won’t come to that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello !

I have exactly the same worries, I had lost a few small things not very expensive (which seem to me to have returned in the day in the form of silver), but while I thought the worries behind me, I discovered a colossal sum over 400 million on my little Hackapell …

My first reaction was to contact the support naturally, but the answer they gave me is … Just completely dubious! They tell me about a return of item because of the recent worries as I spoke about an unexplained money gain and a missing item …

However I think your card is not at fault, I just never had so much money (and never spent so much), neither this week nor this year … I do not think there is a coherent link between the mysteriously won sum and our market shares, IMC just planted.

Anyway, I was really waiting for the answer of the support with a lot of impatience to feel reassured (and especially that it gets rid of this money which does not belong to me that I find the serenity of the use from my account). But seeing such a reaction, I am speechless … I hope it is overwork that pushes them to make generic answers and they will not come to accuse us in two days to have hacked I do not know what …

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