Tree of Savior Forum

IMC: Cash Shop, and a Matter of Perspective

If I were to spend money on an MMO, it would most likely be used for cosmetics, and well…the cosmetic selection in Tree of Savior is pitiful… :sleepy:

I wonder how they’re going to make money when there is like…nothing to buy. A lot of people are already super turned off by high token and female hair prices. What else is there to spend on?

Also anyone else annoyed or super inconvenienced that the only way to buy cash items in by going into the lag infested town? I was hoping there would be some shortcut in the UI to open up a cash shop. :confused:


They could most definitely make a few bucks adding more cosmetic stuff. I think they were on the right track when they included the premium gestures with the token, but… the token is temporary. It’s finite.

We need stuff that’s one-time use, keep forever.

this man knows what he is talking about. ban pay to trade. and bring out more cosmetics for me to buy.

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Exactly the point. Cosmetics are a one-time buy type of deal. Sometimes you buy more when a new collection is available. But they’re a game publishing company. Why not keep people coming because they feel the need to pay in order to compete with others that pay?

Exactly the point. Cosmetics are a one-time buy type of deal. Sometimes you buy more when a new collection is available. But they’re a game publishing company. Why not keep people coming because they feel the need to pay in order to compete with others that pay?

That all depends on what they’re paying for. Are you talking about the “P2W” stuff? I used quotes because whether or not this is a P2W game is heavily debated.

I wouldn’t mind a monthly subscription of some kind. If IMC did that, they would [hopefully] not feel the need to put so many restrictions on the game.

Now that I think about it, you mentioned people feeling the need to pay to compete with others that pay. Are you referring to PvP, or is there a competition in the PvE aspect of the game?

Cosmetics don’t earn that much revenue for any F2P MMO. The likely reason why they’re pushing token sales so hard is because there’s nothing else for them to get revenue from, really.

Of course, it’s not OUR fault that the cash shop has practically nothing in it. -_- Really, they aren’t even selling stat and circle resets in there. Well, IMC, if you aren’t willing to get money for something like stat and circle resets just because you’re worried it’ll “upset the balance of the game”, so be it (as if tokens don’t do that enough already anyways though), but don’t blame us if the game closes down because there was nothing for us to give you money for.

I could definitely get behind stat resets, skill resets, and even circle resets going up for sale on the cash shop.

I don’t think any of that will upset the game balance at all. There’s always the choice to create a brand new character and level that one up, or we’d be able to take an existing, veteran character and start them from scratch again, skill/stat-wise.

Cosmetics and resets for skills, stats, and circles could replace the token thing. They have far too many restrictions in this game, I think.

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It’s an early access what do you expect… Even the korean side is release not long ago.


No need to be upset over a simple observation lol.

IMC, im also waiting for these

im sure other former GE players are willing to buy them

No one is actually upset, but at least think before you even whine…
I swear the forum is full of weirdos who just whine about everything.

If you read the thread it clearly states this is not a complaint threat. I was making general remarks, if that was your take away from my post you clearly misunderstood my joking tone. You’re the one who is being negative and whiny, lol.

yes yes… its a joke now. everything is a joke.

IT’S A PRANK BRO. Maybe IMC should just say that after this “commanderloadfail” saga is solve.

A complainer who complains about people complaining. Classic.
I thought it was a misunderstanding but you’re just whiny and angry. :flushed:

It was a mistake to start early access without carrying out another CBT beforehand (without any paying features or founder packs). It was a decision forced by circumstances (and players, which now complain about what they got for this rush). CBT and stress test were a must.

So I think its very good that at least they limited ability of players to spend money while game is still not stabilized. Otherwise I can’t even imagine how big of an outcry there would be. Servers aren’t even there yet other than for NA(physically), why are you rushing so much people.

Says the one who didn’t sound like he was joking.

EDIT : I was joking on your “joke” too. Let me joke too.

Looking to buy costumes or special pets if they release any.

I’ve seen a lot of debate in this forum about whether or not this game is the real thing, or if Early Access is another couple words for “Open Beta.” I don’t know which side of that line this game falls on, to be honest. I’m hoping it’s all still just a big test before the real thing, but deep down I believe that this, indeed, is the actual game, and that we paid our way in.

I can’t complain about the lack of TP, because I only paid $9.99. However, my point still stands. If there were a TP shop, I would have gotten me some more TP for something that wasn’t the game token. Now, I’m not going to lie, that token is starting to look sexier every day, but I think this game’s better without it.

Unless they going towards p2w module, which I hope not. They will add more cosmetic and cash pets in. inb4 Weapon skins release.