Tree of Savior Forum

IMC and their intention to divide the community...again!


He is obviously trolling and just trying to sow discord.

Well that’s what he ever does. Whining, doomsday prophecies and admiring how shining and white armors he imagines other posters are wearing.

On the other hand his posts are hilarious once you realize that he is not the kind of person you should take seriously but on the other hand I wouldn’t miss him either if he finally got banned.

Oh btw its already unplayable. Lag spikes, 10 second freezes… What are u talking about… Serves are very bad already. They need to fix lag ASAP. I have more lag with server in EU than when it was in NA and im from spain. How can you explain that? Oh yeah, sh.itty servers.

You do know wiki frequently has bad info on it right?

… XDDD Let me guess… another 14 y old , who think that he knows something that others not, and try to be smarter than wikipedia? :smiley: Ok! :smiley: Man, if you would know something better, you wouldn’t be here, but writing some serious things about those. You would be acknowledged for your researches and etc. Trust me… if you do not go after things and do not do any researches…wiki is better than you.

What you saying is basicly: “Wiki is not always right, cause I read something about this on, and she said it wasn’t like that.”

Wiki is not always right, but actually right about according the current knowledge.

Wow… this just explained so much about you.

I’m from SEA and I play on SEA Server Telsia, I don’t experience very high ping or lag, only on heavy populated maps. It is not my problem if you experience Lag, but I feel sorry for your problem. So yeah what are you talking about?

Just to info others reading this forum, this simply isn’t true. I used to bother correcting articles there but nowadays I don’t unless it’s about my specific field of science I’m studying. There’s all kinds of BS there when people who wrote articles about something science related have no idea what they are writing about and historical articles are affected too much by political views.

It’s good for searching extra sources on the subject you’re studying but as a primary source of information it’s not good enough. I understand it’s the only source of information for many because is mostly right and it’s easy source. You shouldn’t be naive enough to regard it as an absolute source of current knowledge though.


So. You’re making a claim that IMC is “dividing the community” by closing off an overpopulated server temporarily?

It seems like your thread is doing a much better job than IMC can ever dream of, though.


Are you fking serious lmao. You aren’t aware Wikipedia can be editted by anyone?

I am starting to pity you for the sake of… pitying you now…:innocent:
Doesn’t changed the fact that you got rekt by many others in your “I love ninja and I know it better than anyone else since I read Wikipedia” thread.


This thread of yours must be another of your masterpiece.


You should read some of his “If IMC doesn’t change the game according to my opinion, the game will fail, die and burn to ashes!” as well. After seeing the same pattern repeated, I found them rather amusing to read. You can just skip the other replies on them as nothing of that great value was discussed on them after all.

I have to admit I got a bit ruzzled too before I get to know Athem’s posting style better. I still can’t figure out whether he is serious or bothering to play a role just to troll people out. He is one of the very few who has managed to exceed the quality thread threshold and got the prize of his thread getting locked on the General Discussion sub-forum. I think that’s a feat not everyone can do :smile:

I kinda dont like IMC’s decision on hacing 2 SEA server. However, I understand the reason why they made that decision. To avoid crying Asians on F2P date saying that server is too laggy.

What i want them to do is to make a reservation for limited amount of F2P players that can access Telsai.

I just enjoy debunking his fail trolling lol. People troll to create drama, he trolls just to get insulted lmao. Pretty entertaining when I am bored and lurking the forums.:smirk:

We currently have an overload of players on Telsiai, so we’ve decided to open a new server for Telsiai first, on the day we release the game as free-to-play.

love your kind, always show what they want to provoke riot :expressionless:

IMC, dividing the population since march 29

also, got this feeling that they will push back f2p
sadness :cry:

“temporarily” close can make friends/acquaintances/alliances play on the new server permanently

they try a little, get to high levels, farm items, they wont go telsiai to start again