Tree of Savior Forum

IMC all rank need work

Hi all, i read all or most xd but i see a big probleme from the rank system…

IMC tell the game have more then 80 jobs etc etc but it have a big probleme because the system don’t scale.

under rank 8 most skill damage useless and that bad.

Why have many classe for it come useless 2 rank later ? like most rank 1 to 5 useless underpower then 1 new classe rank 8.

The best to go is every rank you go, previous classe get boot for scale with next rank in term of dmg.

Because imagine ppl don’t want classe in rank 7 or 8, they will kill no mobs 300++ because the dmg will be too low. ( in most case)

Ppl forced choose rank 7 or rank 8 for mach most the time in pve.
Why classe rank 1 have 100 base dmg and rank 8 15 000 then you are lvl 330 ?

It have 80 classe, in the end only 4 will be good for damage and the rest will forgeted ?( that why ppl want jobs reset juste for get utility skill in previous rank and last rank for dps)

Boots previous classe every ranked for scale with the lvling, fixed base skill no good of all, better try find a solution now then crying in 3 rank later.

Exemple elememe start weak in rank 8, later in rank 9 will be what ?

Every classe have a unique gameplay, but the mechanic system is bad.
if i want only play Sadhu i can’t, because i dmg no scale.

Sorry for my english


I agree. Right now, I prioritize skills that have cc/buff/debuff at lower levels because damage skills are going to be obsolete at higher levels anyway. 80 classes sounds impressive but when only the higher level rank matters than they might as well have less rank but better optimisation. Fewer rank also means less damage gap between lower rank skills and higher rank skills,like RO.

Maybe they could split the ranks into different classes?

noooo omg. the rank 1-6 are prtty much only there to hdlp with leveling, if every skill we had is as good as our r8 skills, we would all be op, the only skills that scale good are support skills.
just think of a elememe in r8 if ther dmg stayed op

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BlueByu, Then Why IMC tell it have 80 uniques classes and in the ends you will play only 4 ?

Exemple you like play elememe is a ranged classe with good aoe, But IMC forced you choose a new rank for follow the 1kk hp mobs, but all next rank is melee mage you will be happy ?

You will choose a rank, but you don’t like it because it don’t have any synergie with the previous gameplay you like.

Then juste wait Rank 9 or 10 for see next elememe like ? or a classe like taoist for juste boots 1 only skill rank 2 with many money cost ?

Now imagine ppl why need reset job, you go full int, but 1 rank need go full con for deal dmg and the other is melee, next will be full spr ?

Are you kown what even rank 9 or 10 or 11 will be ? Every new rank ppl will crying for reset jobs and that is legitim because we don’t have any infos.

1 day you are good next rank you are useless ? ppl who choose elememe get it for aoe dps ranged, is the owened rôle they want play, rank 8 out, what is the rôle elememe in team now ?

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hey OP you know when ToS began you cannot retake ranks that you did not choose the class on that rank level.

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or you know shutdown ToS as many other people that quit ToS wishes it, IMC can continue to develop mobile games or Wolfknights.

Yes this is what I’ve been talking about since ToS starts. Kind of forgot who was the person who chided me say I don’t know what I’m talking about when I suggest changing the damage of skills to a percentage of physical/magic attack power instead of fixed damage months ago in the forums. Haiz.

The suggestion is to convert all the attack skills to % of physical/magic attack. Like for example Paladin’s smite which is 385 attack at level 1 and 1775 attack at level 15.

It deals around 600 damage with a 200 attack club at level 80-90, which is good for monsters at that range. At level 15, where the monster level is at 20-40k (level 200) it deals around 2500 with a 400 attack club. (Discounting strength)

The damage just doesn’t scale at all. Players who took 3 circles in Paladin are going be left out right after rank 7, and even worse in rank 8 should they not choose any dps R8 class.

This is an utterly stupid way of telling us that we have free reign in class choices but in the end we only have a few viable ones that can survive the power creep that is coming.

The way to change and balance skills is to convert all damages to % of physical attack.

Like for the above smite example… if to balance this skill… it should be around +100% of physical attack at level 1 and around +450% physical attack at level 15.

150% physical attack, given a strength build paladin at level 80 whom just got the skill, 120str + 200 (weapon) = 320 x 250% (100%+150%) = 800 damage for a level 1 skill.

A paladin at level 200 will have 300str + 400 (weapon) = 700 x 200% (100+200%) = 1400 for level 1 smite

Same paladin at level 200 with 300str + 400 (weapon) = 700 x 550% = 3850 for level 15 smite

Just looking at the above example, it makes the skill:

  • scaleable based on stats and equipment

  • future proofing the skill, smite level15 is as useful at level 180 and useful at level 330 when weapons and stats get improved

  • makes damage stat like Str and Int important, they add more to the damage and players will consider them rather than going FULL CON yet still do damage

  • gives more longevity to the game, players can come up with builds that they like, like Wiz1>pyro1>cryo1>kino1>thau1>linker1>featherfoot1 and still am viable at end game cuz every single skill scales properly with stat and equipment.

  • Solves all the players harping for reset problem cuz their build aren’t viable. eg. Corsair3 has no upgrade in R8… fret not, can take a lower rank class like swordsman R3 and still wheck hell like a pirate in R8.

This is the way to make all 80 classes work… not likewhat we have now, only 8-10 viable and the rest meh.

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It’s pretty simple, actually.

They just needed to reformulate all skills into percentual values instead of flat +base atk bonuses (like Nekorin suggested).

Base atk should come only from equipment, str/int and character levels.

That would not only fix how skills scale poorly, but it would also fix how def and mdef scales poorly (because they’re applied before skill multiplications).

It would also fix broken pvp builds like pure CON amazing dps wizards.

But obviously keep it within a limit. If you give Smite 450% atk increase but a rank 8 skill 9000% atk increase, nothing will change.

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lower ranks is meant to be useless, if it was just as good as the higher ranks, then certain buikds woukd be OP. only supports and utility/summkn classes are good at scaling. if a wiz3>ele3>warlock2 every skill did just as much as a r8 skill, then they can just faceroll aoe everythin, plus wit would be a major pvp problem is all could one sho

Will IMC do it? No, well, at least not for now, maybe after they’ve released all their planned classes so they can look at it from an overall rework instead of buggy small patches that will be rebalanced all over again in a later time.

Agreed. I think higher rank classes should have damage scaling around the same or slightly higher than lower rank skills, except that they are either of:

  • flashier in execution
  • bigger range and hit area
  • more hits
  • of different use.

Eg… Bash is available for C1-C3 swordsman perhaps it deals 500% damage at level15. R9 ‘swordsman sub-class’ will feature another skill like the following

"Fantastic upward slice"
Swings the sword upwards, lifting hit enemies into the air for 3 secs. Air borne enemies hit in this way gets +300% damage in slash attacks.

700% damage at R9.

This adds more dimension to the game too, where end rank classes either augment the low rank classes or gives a different route of attack to the player.

We also can eliminate power creep like 300-400k hp mobs at level300+ with this way of implementing classes.

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Ah…i so love the maths in this thread which all skills have % scaling y’know what idk if tos’s devs are just dumb or trolling but duh everyone knows flat scaling skills only work in mobile games the mere fact that all things in those games are linear and doesnt show much digits like 3-4 digits at most…

sometimes the slow actions of imc makes me want to go back on my previous games (aura kingdom and WoW) sure AK’s pvp sux but atleast PVE in that game is much more rewarding than TOS’s and lets not even compare WoW and TOS ,atm WoW’s alot more better than ToS well the reason why im still here is just that this game has this chibi-medival theme and the combat mechanics that i wanted for AK to have before but meh AK is somehow just a point and click game which really bores me rofl

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IMC stated they intended for lower rank classes to fall off as the level cap increased. Its part of some weird grand plan they have or something.

I agree with what has been said, it would be a good move that skills (all also support skills), climb percentages with respect to the parameters base. Would balance the game and the lower classes serve for more than incidentally, on the other hand limit and adjust the past so they are not as outdated in damages.

With this, I mean that maximized c3 classes and skills to high levels are equally useful for all professions.

It is very sad to think that once one Piromancer can be discarded by a Ultraelementalist (alleged class 12), the point is that in the end only be using the skills of this class 12 and you’ll never use any of the above.

Another point with this wonderful magic (the suggestion balance) would be allowed to choose any kind from any level (in its cycle or not?), Then it is assumed that all would be equally useful in their own way. Think about, even certainly fix the issue of unions by allowing Templars in the early levels (if we mix cycles, greater customization).

Sometimes simple solutions are the best. For people who ask for miracles to restart classes potions, I think that would be fine leaving the Team Storage for use without Token (can start a character again with the advantage of its old resources obtained with the other, there would be no excuse).

I agree skills need to scale better from earlier ranks. Ive made some posts before about this.

Just want to say youre exaggerating a little on how it limits builds though… You say if you dont want rank 7 or 8 classes youre screwed, but what about rank 6 circle 3?

So each of the 4 starting classes at rank 8 have the choice between 2 rank 6 circle 3 classes, 2 rank 7 circle 2 classes and 2 rank 8 circle 1 classes. Which means 6 per class, equaling 24 options not including hidden classes. Sure, some are better than others but its more than 4… Then you have the varied 5 ranks before that to make builds different.

Even though i say this i completely agree they need to scale better.

Here is something i wrote a while back if anyones interested… kinda long

To be Fair, This is why in my mind Murmillo/shinobi will outshine a lot of classes late game. Both make lower level abilities SOOOOO much better. Shinobi sextuples the amount of times certain skills hit (now roderlo and pelt skills can be used) and Murmillo makes most roderlo skills go up 200% and most pelt skills 400%

realistically, with enough attack dmg on your character and all the dmg multiplies, skills like umbo blow and rim blow could easily hit cap even as rank 2 /3 skills. Whilest roderlos shooting star can be used with shinobi clones and gets its own 150%+ buff (not to mention things like high kick and slithering further increasing its dmg.

Yes i’m milking my love for shield shinobi, but i’m just trying to make the point that more classes NEED to be like murmillo. Like if a class added a quiver to archer which boosted all of its archer/ranger/QS skills and such

or a class for mage that was a spell tome that did the same thing

or even a priest class that used a bible that gave more heal tiles or more ■■■■ idk xD

Like what is said here. Class ranks further up the tree should augment the lower ranks, so players can enjoy the entire build up to the fullest. Murmillo is one of these, we also start to see similar implementations like Taoist that buffs Krivis, Inquisitors that buff melee classes by splashing their damage, Sages that augment aoes etc. It is a good start for IMC on this, we just need some tweaks to skill damage of the lower ranking skills and we are on the right track.

I agree, not only all rank need rework.
I think whole lv1-280 contents need rework as well, IMC must do this to keep the game fresh and attractive to newbies.