Tree of Savior Forum

I'm curious to how many testers will actually submit fixes rather than just play?

Translations errors everywhere huh? I’m gonna be correcting EVERYTHING i find!

My inner grammar ■■■■ is waiting to be unleashed.

More like Bug reports rather than fixes. If testers can fix and submit them then they should be paid. lol


Yes but hey! I said right after that “it’s very unlikely” and actually I thought of using “extremely unlikely” but it sounded a little bit too extreme for me. I write computer program, sometime video games for money so I know a product at such scale as ToS isn’t going to come out without bugs. But even when the moon is about to crash the Earth, people still can have hope that aliens will appear and save them. Hope in many cases can be very illogical, it can also be the strongest weapon humanity has ever had. You remember Max? Yes Max, the one who in the final battle successfully converted his pure hope into a laser beam of destruction, destroyed the villain along with your hometown. Max is working as an ordinary accountant now. Somehow hope also changed his ability in math and personality a little. But he seems to love his life now so what else can we do beside being happy for him?

Put Max aside, his time was over, let’s talk about hope and healthcare. Hope has the ability to help people heal. Individuals who maintain hope, especially when battling illness, significantly enhance their chances of recovery. This is important because numerous people with chronic, physical, or mental illness believe that their condition is stable and that they have little chance of recovery. If health care providers begin to recognize the importance of hope in the recovery process, then they can learn to instill hope within their patients; this would enable patients to develop healthy coping strategies and therefore improve their physical and emotional well being. Shaping people’s beliefs and expectations to be more hopeful and optimistic is an essential component of positive psychology. In general, people who possess hope and think optimistically have a greater sense of well being in addition to the improved health outcomes outlined above. Positive psychologists teach strategies to help boost people’s hope and optimism, which would benefit individuals coping with illness by improving their life satisfaction and recovery process.

Hope is a very powerful power. So let’s hope, hope for ToS, hope for one day the laws and rules of the universe will change and every single conscious being who has ever had their part in existence will no longer have to go through suffering and achieve their one true happiness.

Best regards,


OP sounds like he is just being passive-aggressive. :laughing: And dammit why people keep taking parts of my posts out of its whole context then try to fix me. That’s uncool. :unamused:

@Raine I actually just needed some statistic stuf for the TOS wiki I’m doing but hope is good too :slight_smile:

I will expect about 8-900 cuncurrent players on the average. 5000 are spread worldwide so we have about three different playing times (you know, sleep - school/job - play) that makes about 1700 each time, then only one third effectively plays, and add press/bloggers/youtubers. Will be interesting to see if I got the right numbers xD

I found already some bugs in the Korean Version and if they don’t fix it until tomorrow we will have the same. It’s the same client and they have already enough testers in Korea, because it’s an Open Closed Beta and everyone with a verified Nexon Account was able to join, the main reason for our Beta Test with the same game version is 1. To fix translation bugs or errors and 2. To test the steam servers. I think there will be enough people now who plays the beta to make the game and translation better :smile:

…by now you’d of thought the gaming industry would have special feature’s for script errors and translations from a foreign game. But no, like many subjects, this debate will coexist for years to come.
I understand the games client is the same as Korea’s but im confident Korea will no doubt find a faster solution leaving the west to pick their brains yet again embarrassing the rest of the western world and causing alot of players to stress out over “technical difficulties” or in this case "glitches and errors etc ==
It’s not just that, you all have your views and concerns regarding up coming games and those few privileged get to play the game already have allot of negative happenings. It’s all so cliche and mundane. What a bore…

There are a lot of bugs; some I haven’t even reported yet. I’m trying my best to record them all.

apologies if it sounded like i was upset :slight_smile: i was just speaking from what i had seen in past games, this beta seems to be doing amazing in respect to reports/etc, hope you all got in/had fun ^^ if not hope you all get into the next :slight_smile:

I got some bugs, but before submit them I searched if already submitted, and most of them were. Done a couple reports, anyway.