Tree of Savior Forum

Ignition's burn is not affected by INT nor Magic Attack

bumppp. interesting video, how is he getting 650-2k ticks? assuming the 650ish damage is elemental property attack, how did he get so much…

oh and my fire burn procs only do 200ish damage, arde+ boots +weapon :unamused:

I don’t know how and why but ignition burn damage got multiply through joint penalty, I can’t even calculate a number it is unnatural damage some linked target got burn 1500ish some 2000+ like that vid.

Any news on this? I’m still wondering if it is worth it to buy an ignition as a Wiz 3 - ele 3 - warlock, or just stick with Superior Corona Rod. Is the burn damage fixed/working on bosses?

I don’t think they’ll fix this in the near future… we don’t even know if it’s an issue at all.

All we know ignition’s burn effect has low base dmg and no scaling at all, intentional or not.

RIP Ignition, don’t buy it. Use it only if you are lucky to drop it and sell it if you can/have anything better.

Just stick with superior corona or maga rod.


Well. I bought ignition.

And sorry to say that, i know lots of ppl will crush me but i have to say it:
Ignition ’ burning is not bugged.

This, work very well.

I don’t do 2000 burning dps on mobs but i did 1400-1500. It’s just becoz i’m not lvl 280.

I want to tell more about this weapon but english is not my native language.

Two things ppl have to know about this rod are:

  1. this weapon is not for burst build wizard.

This is an autoattak build weapon. That’s mean u have to auto attak several times if u want keep the dps on and to have a chance to proc the debuff on mobs.

Wiz3 ele3 is burst damage build type. A good staff is better in that case. With ignition u will do damage but not suddently. U never know when de proc burn will comin.
Sometimes, it proc on first hit on a monster, sometimes it took 5-8 hit to proc. U can play ignition with a shield to hold dps wearing defensive stuff.
Ppl have to know that this weapon can 't be played with anybuild.

  1. ignition rod show his power with LINKER class.

Yes, linker class is the chosen class for this weapon.
When u link mobs and proc burn, mobs take YOUR MAGIC DPS as Dot burn. More magic dps u have, more proc will do damage so yes it’s scale with magic damage.
I dont know why they said it scale with int…
Maybe becoz int add magic damg but u can find more stuff that add magic damage then int.

I’m wiz pyro2 linker and thaum 2.

I can tell you that, it work. I didn’t test it on boss.
I will test it .
To make 2000+ dot dam like video, u have to take bless buff from pardoner shop. You need lots of magic damg and if possible fire element damage.

If u take all things for burn, this weapon becom the most powerfull dps weapon in all the game. But u absolutly need a linker in yr build to do that.

So to resume:

Ignition rod:

Secret mecanism rod but legendary rod when u know how to use it.
Linker becom true powerfull class with the burning dot. U can put another aoe spell to kill very fast a large zone of mobs.
It’s an end game weapon, u dont need take another weapon, u gain time and money. Even with a shield, this weapon help u do lots of damg due to his proc.
If u play with a pardonner-plague doctor, u can extend the buff duration or use pandemic skill to send the buff to other mobs. (Have to be tested)
If u are not a strike burst build, if u are linker and like purge mad mobs, this weapon is for u !

IGNITION is not cheap: 3-4.5m
U have to be linker class to open the secret power of this weapon.
In 1vs1 it’s seem to be like other rod, with just the element base damg dot, when burn proc.
The proc is realy random.
U have to be a class that can raise yr magic damg to do more dot damage.

The Godly ignition mode is :

Bless+sacrement+enchentement fire+ cafrisum buff+ burn dot!!!
(In my case add thauma buff too)

Video of 1.4k damage per tick and equipment/stat without link? Matk only get calculated on joint penalty is an old bug which exist on electrocute (fixed) too.

Yes Ignition do help with linker class. But it’s sht on most build because of the bug. It’s not a hidden mechanic, but a bug just like electrocute.

Also, Ele 3 can reliably proc the burn with one spell.

You would need linker and multi hit skill to utilize IG effectiveness

I would like to know how this weapon works too. Levelling an AA wizard am looking for weapons that are suitable for the build.

I owned an ignition for a long time, and I want to calrifiy something to you guys.

Ignition is not bugged, burn is.
My summon salamion’s burn can do the same thing

The bug is very simple really

  1. MOB A has burning dmg, say for 200 a tick
  2. Link MOB A to MOB B C D E
  3. MOB B C D E burns for like 1000 a tick instead

How do we come up with 1000, it seems to be a random number based on how much each of your normal auto attack hits. (Matk does have a range too) It became a little bit more obvious to me as I leveled up from 170 and conitnuesly using it

What we can establish is, with links, everything should burn for the SAME amount of damage… according to mechanics of the game

What we cannot establish is, should it all burn for 200, or for 1000

In the case of 1000, it means the burn should scale with int / matk on your wep
In the case of 200, it means the burn should scale with only property attack

And the answer? Ask IMC

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thanks for this! :cry: I sold something worth millions just to buy an Ignition in the market. so noooooow maybe I wont continue my plan. i’ll just farm for another item then. thanks again bro you saved my 5million! :grin:

It’s the same bug with electrocute during icbt2.

We have multiple reports indicating that Ignition’s Burn DMG is bugged. Would you please give us confirmation that it is in fact a bug and that it’ll be fixed?

yes, u are true.

i see what u talking. the bug is for solo attak then
when mob are linked i think the damage is scaled with yr magic attak.

but in solo mob, it’s based on yr elemental attak.

in the video, we can see that same thing ocured. if koreen version of ignition is not bugged so i think it’s not a bug and we just did’nt have all information about the burn proc of the weapon.

if it’s bugged, they will work on it. Soon, the game will have 6 month of obt in koree. if they don’t see the bug since 6 month i think it’s not a bug. but we need confirmation for our version.

in the other side, even if no linker-build use this weapon, i think it will be more fun to play with linker when u have the Ignition rod.

Time is not a good reason for saying if something is a bug or not.
In Ragnarok Online they are still fixing bugs for items they introduced 10+ years ago. :disappointed_relieved:

It’s not just 6 month though, I was reported this bug back then in iCBT2

Only damage color is different so far.

Still curious how to calculate ignition burn damage.

burn damage is based off elemental property damage, the extra damage that procs when you link mobs is based off of your auto attack damage.

I wonder if that damage can be increased with quick cast…

also BUMP

Imo burn base dmg are really too low…
I know that poisons are way higher… What about bleeding ?

edit : oh yeah, bump :smiley:

I did science on that… You can find it here: Ignition linker burn damage? (auto attack vs skills?)

tl;dr it’s about 16% of matk per tick + elemental attack in the tests I did. And linked targets got same damage but double elemental attack stat.

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sharkcutter is the same way, bleed is not affected by STR or Physic Attack
so werid.