Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Bokor Thread

Hi ppl, got read almost all replies, but still not figure out, i want to do zombie master bokor…but what i have focus on atributes for good zombie dps ( str ) ? cause i dont understand how its the math behind zombie damage, can you explain it for me ? tks

PS: Sorry for my bad english :frowning:

Zombie’s stats don’t scale with you at all. Except only SPR, which increases their maximum HP. Speaking of which, does anyone have any info how does SPR to ZomHP scales?

The other stats of zombies have their own scaling based on the zombie’s level. The zombie’s level is based on the level of the mob it is being raised from.

There are however 2 Zombie based skills that scales on your stats
Ogouveve - Buff STR stat of nearby zombies by 1/2 of your INT attribute
Bwa Kayiman - Zombe Train damage scales with your STR.

tldnr, go INT if you do not intend to use Bwa Kayiman as your main source of damage.

edit: FYI, Ogouveve is only available in C3 Bokor

Hmm, I am now using the train in all its might and glory at district 2. My cafrisun basically does nothing for me now. I look through whats available from 15 to 120 armor and they don’t do much really.

Here are the following sets I could use with a 120 plate glove

  1. Light plate set = 1 atk ratio (I don’t need ~_~ but found it anyway)
  2. Jude set = 5 move speed (I could use but don’t know where to find)
  3. Magi set = 30 dark atk (I could use but don’t know where to find)

Finally my Bokor turned Rank 7 last night so i made a video of it for those who are interested in C1 Krivis 1 Bokor 3 C2 PD.

Was wondering what’s a good Rod/Mace to use for a lvl 150+ Bokor other than Krausas Mace and how much damage does Ignition Rod burn do?

@c2gaming Well, there’s the Traps, most specifically Caltrops. If you ever spot any, you can just throw Zombify over them and step on one, and all the others will trigger and summon off that.

Also, as for your set, you can really just throw on any 3 plate pieces with cloth gloves and call it a day until you hit Lv170, where you can go after Roxona armors. Jude set supposedly doesn’t exist in the game as a drop.

@Duke.SG Congrats! \o/

Nothing for Lv170 comes to mind other than Ignition and Catacombs Club.

And the burn isn’t that much; this thread here goes into more detail about that: Ignition’s burn is not affected by INT nor Magic Attack

@Shuryo Kay!

First build:

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C3

  • To reach the max cap of 15 Zombies, you’d need to remember to cast Zombify with Divine Might active and have a Zombify Gem socketed. Otherwise, you can lower Zombify to Lv8, lower Damballa to Lv4, and raise Samediveve to Lv9.

    • Optional
    • Zombify: -1 points
    • Damballa: -1 points
    • Samediveve: +2 points
  • Pardoner

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • This is fine.

Second build:

  • Cleric C1

  • This is fine.

  • Krivis

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C3

  • To reach the max cap of 15 Zombies, you’d need to remember to cast Zombify with Divine Might active and have a Zombify Gem socketed. Otherwise, you can lower Zombify to Lv8, lower Damballa to Lv4, and raise Samediveve to Lv9.

    • Optional
    • Zombify: -1 points
    • Damballa: -1 points
    • Samediveve: +2 points
  • Cleric C2

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • This is fine.

Third build:

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Pardoner

  • This is fine.

  • Druid

  • You can take 4 of those points off of Telepath for Shape Shifting, since Telepath past Lv1 is more for PvP situations.

    • Telepath: -4 points
    • Shape Shifting: +4 points
  • Plague Doctor

  • This is fine.

Fourth build:

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Dievdirby C1 - C2

  • I would not recommend Dievdirby in a PvE Bokor build, as the benefits are too small for Bokor with it’s low cooldowns. But giving advice nonetheless. Statue Zemyna is fine being at Lv5, where you’ll be able to have 100% up-time with it. Carve Vakarine would’ve been fine at just Lv1-- your other party members can use their own scrolls! ):<
    Well, with Carve Attack being physical damage and only increasing by roughly 27 points per level, it’s fine either way.

    • Statue of Goddess Zemyna: -5 points
    • Carve Attack: +5 points
  • Plague Doctor

  • This is fine.

Recommending the builds in this order:

  1. First build
  2. Second build
  3. Third build
  4. Fourth build

Oh wait…
The irony.

Ok @Sixaxis , got this. I changed the builds according to your recommendations.
Regarding Zemyna Statue, i thought it would be good to max lv it, because it would reduce Effigy’s SP cost from 41 to 19. What do you think? About Carve Attack, i decided to leave it with only one point, since it’s Physical Damage… And then, i would leave Vakarine at Lv4 just for the sake of my friends <3

Even though, i’m strongly thinking about really going for the first build!

Thank you again for your patience and amazing advices!

Hi, thank you for making this thread. I’m about to roll a cleric and Bokor is on my list.

Few questions:

  1. What’s your view on Krivis c1 vs Krivis c2? Krivis2 provides splash damage with Zaiba but at the same time I heard that Zaiba fall off hard later on.

  2. Let’s say I don’t want the zombie, which circle of Bokor do you recommend?

  3. At Rank 6, Pardoner with Discerning Evil or Druid is better?

Thank you.

Can I ask why zombies’ damage falls off late game (lv 200+)? Since the zombies’ levels are based on what object used to summon it, I think it will just scale as well as it has always been?

Because I’m planning to max out zombify and the flags but I’m afraid I’m gonna regret it.

@Shuryo Well, the only time Zemyna is going to be really useful is during Boss fights. You’ll almost-always be out of that area where it’s placed at before it even goes off cooldown, which is why just Lv5 is fine on it. Carve Attack is phys damage, but it could still be used if you have elemental property damage on your costumes/gears and Hexing doesn’t land.

And yeah, you can leave Vakarine at Lv4 for party members if you want.


  1. Zaibas doesn’t ‘fall off hard’; it just falls off regularly just like every other skill without a multiplier on it. You’ll still be using it in end-game. Whether or not you want to go Krivis C2 is up to you.

  2. Bokor C2 would be the most optimum for someone who doesn’t want any Zombies at all, although I personally would always recommend getting at least Zombify Lv3 if you have any leftover points. The exception to this would be a PvP build.

  3. You could go either one, but if you’re Plague Doctor, I’d personally recommend Pardoner.

Because the HP of monsters jumps up to 80k, and then jumps past 100k after that. The average DPS that Zombies deal will stay the same. You would have to really go out of your way just to make Zombie DPS decent in end-game. Just to summarize:

  • Full INT
  • As many gears with INT on them as possible
  • Yellow Gems in shoes, Red Gems in Top/Bottom Armor, leveled as high as possible
  • Awakened stats on all gears, pray for INT
  • Plague Doctor mandatory for Rank 7 in order to spread Hexing for Zombie-bite DPS
  • Bokor C3 mandatory
  • Priest C3 recommended (Stone Skin)

Ogouveve doesn’t go past Lv1, by the way. It doesn’t increase the Zombie damage.

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Hey, thanks for the reply.

I was thinking of:

A. cleric>krivis>bokor2>cleric>pardoner>pd
B. cleric>krivis>bokor2>cleric>krivis>pd

I cant decide between discerning evil and splash zaibas. And I have no intention to forego cleric 2nd circle due to the massive healing tiles and block counts.

How viable is zombie in pve aspect? Not to jump into conclussion, but so far my pet ai is not so great.

Thank you.

Both would work (Although you’d be better off grabbing Krivis C2 earlier in that second one), but I’d recommend this Pardoner one.

Damage? Weak in end-game stage. But they’re still great for luring extra mobs that aggro onto them to one spot for AoE’ing. They also enable Bwa Kayiman knockdown-locking. Pretty durable too, as I’ve found the only thing able to wipe them out quickly are Field Bosses.

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hi guys. im currently Cleric c2 > bokor c3, and im almost got my rank 6.
but i need some advice :frowning:
im a pvp and gvg oriented play. and im stuck to choose between druid/pardoner/oracle.
can you guys give me some advice?
i really apreciate it :slight_smile:

Would recommend either Druid C1 or Oracle C1

  • Druid

  • Carnivory (Damage)

  • Telepath (To move another player into nearby damage)

  • Oracle

  • Prophecy (Rank 1 debuff prevention)

  • Counter Spell (Magic DMG nullifying)

@Sixaxis Thanks for the reply! Can you give me a reccomendation for classes to take for PvE DPS build? I already take Cleric C1, Krivis C1 and Bokor C1. I’m not sure to take bokor C2 or C3 for better DPS.

A few different choices you could choose from, but if you plan on making full use of the Zombie skills (Bwa / Damballa), then you can either:

Cleric C1 - > Krivis C1 -> Bokor C1 -> Bokor C2 -> Bokor C3 -> Cleric C2 -> Plague Doctor
or (If you don’t want Bokor C3)
Cleric C1 -> Krivis C1 -> Bokor C1 -> Bokor C2 -> Cleric C2 -> Pardoner -> Plague Doctor

A few other different routes (Listed above) if you don’t like those 2.

Hey thanks again, if you don’t mind, could you take a look at my planned build?

Thank you!

I intend to use effigy instead now, what are the reccomendations?

I’ll just keep a few points on zombies for bwa knockdown and the little aggro.

You forgot to mention zalcai (Krivis C1) can boost zombie damage significantly (sadly you need spr for this)


  • Cleric C1

  • Should remove 2 points from Deprotected Zone, as it’s not worth being leveled to Lv3 for that Enhance Attribute. Lv1 is enough, and the skill will only have 2 seconds of downtime thanks to the Retention Time attribute.

    • Deprotected Zone: -2 points
    • Cure: +2 points
  • Krivis C1

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • You can drop Mackangdal down to Lv1, so that you can invest a bit into the Zombie skills (Their usage is explained in the first post of this thread) and because the skill isn’t worth it past Lv1 outside of PvP. Since we’ll need Zombify at Lv3 minimum, 1 point will be moved from Hexing also.

    • Hexing: -1 points
    • Mackangdal: -4 points
    • Tet Mamak La: +1 points
    • Zombify: +3 points
    • Bwa Kayiman: +1 points
  • Cleric C2

  • Safety Zone doesn’t need to be leveled past Lv5, thanks to the C2 Block Count attribute. You can move those extra points into Cure.

    • Safety Zone: -5 points
    • Cure: +5 points
  • Pardoner

  • You can move 1 point from Simony or Increase Magic Defense into Indulgentia to use as quick debuff remover when necessary.

    • Simony or Increase Magic Defense: -1 points
    • Indulgentia: +1 points
  • Plague Doctor

  • Incineration should always be at Lv5; it’s your second-best DPS (Or maaaybe best) skill after Pandemic Effigy. Thus, you should move 2 points from either Healing Factor or Bloodletting for it.

    • Healing Factor and/or Bloodletting: -2 points
    • Incineration: +2 points

If you’re not interested in the Zombie skills, then you’d be leaning more towards Bokor C2. You’ll have to tell me which Ranks/Circles you’re personally interested in from there and link me the build, as I don’t give 100% pre-made builds-- only advice on them.

Ah right, Zalciai. Also forgot that you can’t go both Bokor C3 & Priest C3 & Plague Doc. = w=