Tree of Savior Forum

Ideas on Saalus/Blessed Shard farming

[details=Unnecessary blabber.]Ok so this is going to be like a suggestion/slash discussion to improve suggestion thread.
So I thought about this idea but I wasn’t quite sure how to make it better myself.

Before spending too much time on thinking about it by myself I wanted to know what people think about it, like if no one likes it whats the point right?
Also if you have better suggestions for this or improvements to my idea please feel free to share, I will update this post if needed.

So… to the suggestion. :slight_smile:[/details]

Making Saalus Convent accesible unlimited times.

So the basic idea of the suggestion is to reduce the down points on blessed shard farming, this suggestion is by no means perfect so I would love to have some discussion to perfect this if possible.

  • Low to no EXP gain

    Note! I believe the gain is rather low already but I wanted to enforce the idea that it should stay that way or have no gain at all if this idea was introduced into the game.

  • If the daily limit count on Saalus was removed I believe it would be important to avoid having too much exp gain from it so we could avoid people just running saalus instead of anything else.
  • This suggestion is based on trying to improve potential for saalus in farming materials and gear progression instead of level progression.
  • Blessed gems wouldn’t be restricted to a certain amount per day anymore.

    Note! This is a work in progress and I will need help with adressing problems on this but I will also list a few points I thought could helpful.

    • Reduces the forced daily farming routine this game currently has. A lot of players are currently trapped having to do saalus everyday with multiple alts to compete and gear up for transcendence. With this change people aren’t forced into doing it everyday for a set amount of times and will be much more open to doing it when it best suits them. Couldn’t do any runs on monday? Well do double or even triple runs on tuesday.
  • I think one of the biggest gains this change would give is that it would reduce the need to have to make alts for faster progression. Instead of 2 runs per character people could run as many times a day they want on the character they wish to play as.

  • Reduces all for one syndrome. I believe this would make gearing for transcendence much easier for alts too as blessed gems would be way more accessible.

  • This would also benefit casuals as well. This would most likely increase the amount of blessed shards sold in the market and also reduce the price of them, so those casuals with less time to play the game could simply buy these with more ease.

  • Problems?

    1. Hardcore players getting too far ahead.
    2. Raises the need to transcendence all of the gear to stay relevant.
    3. Still supports repetitive game play where the need to run saalus is high.
    4. Content becomes too easy? (Not sure.)
    5. Server exceeded capacity. (Would this be an issue?)
      Please help me address solutions on these to make the suggestion better.
      If you come up with issues that are not listed please feel free to share them.

Other related suggestions

  • Adding better rewards to Saalus so it becomes more worthwhile.
  • Add practonium as a low chance reward. Like really rare so people wouldn’t get it very often but it was possible, I think it would be a very fitting rare drop for it. The option to run Saalus unlimited times would definitely help with people being able to get a rare drop.

  • Add other useful end game materials for recipes and recipes themselves and items for magnus opus etc.

  • Other gear progression items like gem abrasives and anvils and so on.

    I think giving better rewards would give more reasons
    to run Saalus other than just for blessed shards.

  • Silver gain
  • I don’t have suggestions regarding this so I’ll just leave this open for ideas and will update this based on feedback.

  • Anything else?

  • Shower me with your ideas please.

Recycle Saalus modes weekly.

Note! I suggest this whether Saalus was made unlimited or not.

  • The current suggestion is to change Saalus to have only one or two modes available at the time but change the mode every week during maintenance.
  • I believe this could reduce the repetitive content feel of the game if every week the mode(s) changed to something else.

  • Current modes would be ok for starters, maybe introduce new modes on a less frequent basis and keep recycling popular modes more often.

  • What do you think about this idea? Any suggestions to improve it?

Please share your feedback on this.

  • This is still a very work in progress idea and I’m not sure if others would want these changes or not. (I’m being repetitive about it sorry.) So please enlighten me on this and help me make this suggestion better! :slight_smile:

I simply think introducing difficulty modes to saalus would solve the problem. Such as a hardcore more which only lvl 330 can enter that yields 15(?) shards per run. Ofc It should be hard and It should require all the party to actively work together to beat it. Also these runs should share enter limit with casual saalus runs.

Just my two cents:
Idea of OP is okay, but I think the relevance of the transcendence system needs to be fixed. There are several suggestions for this, may I propose my own one: Transcendance System Feedback > what is wrong with it right now
Another idea someone else posted which I like is to give every boss in Saalus missions the Blessed cubes, making Mausoleum and Canyon good alternatives to Lake.
So the summary of my post is: Increase the amount of Blessed shards that can be gained (unlimited daily runs, more cubes for bosses), but also decrease the effectiveness of the transcendence system.
This would make the whole system less a chore and more accessible.

^ i like this one better. Now people would want to run Canyon or Royal mausuleum instead of the easy ones.


I like both of these ideas as well. However these could work together with my suggestion as well, I mean one doesn’t shut out another, right? :slight_smile:

Should we try combining these ideas together or do you want me to add them to my original post separately or together or something like that?

Definitely agree that transcendence should be improved as a system as well. I also believe that it is of higher importance than this is but I also felt like giving some suggestions on this as there are already some suggestion found on transcendence as a system and I feel like the farming progress for it could be improved as well.

Make it daily reward for 240+++ just 1 click 2 shards per character, I don’t wanna do that chore i just want my bless shards and log in 5 mins a day.

Cause your game isn’t worth more than 5 mins of my time.

put DPK mats as well. To prevent oversupply it can be put into something like, levels 240-269 gets a cube 269, which contains mats for that level range (could also include fossilized lizard amber pls pls) while at 315 maybe we can put some of the mats for 315 weapons.

give saalus good exp amount as well, maybe not as good as dungeons or missions, but at least, something viable.

and lastly,

make the goddamned transcended equipment storageable

Oh boy, how I hate saluus, and this would allow me to do endless saluus?
I’d rather something more like an endless challenge boss mode instead, that wouldn’t burden my computer with so many loading screens in a single day (or my psyche)

Imagine a circular arena composed of 4 rooms and you go on a loop killing a randomly spawned boss every time to end a round. at the end of each round you get your saluus reward. This would be great only, only if the bosses in this game were not just rocks waiting to be mined.

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Maybe something such as an uphill event but with Boss waves increasing HP and boss number on each stage?

Melstis ausrine, infinite shards per day, this is not going to work :\

Oh if we go by the cheese available on the game which ideas could come through?

It’s certainly not the concept’s fault that there’s such nonsense ;'c

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I was kidding about the other part, I actually liked your idea (and thought on uphill-like with multiple bosses at once). Seems fun at start but I can’t really imagine how it would work and how balancing would affect it.

Also, there’s a mission on Mercenary Post that have something related to each boss in each room, but pretty much like you said, they feel like rocks waiting to be mined.

i played something like this in another game. It had a point rewards system for killing monsters (the points are used to purchase useful things), and there are random events that happen in the map, such as collect things for a limited time, or hunt a specific monster. The concept was good but the execution was bad. It was one of the most graphically intensive content of the game mainly due to the effects and maybe too much loading of objects for events and monsters that spawn. i think this also happens in TOS but on a lesser extent, like lag due to cryomancers objects. Furthermore, one disconnection uses up the limited run, and no rejoin feature (other content for that game has a rejoin feature)


Remind me why bosses don’t cast dispell on a regular basis again?

Oh that sialiau thingy, take that map and turn into a circle as to avoid backtracking from end to end for when you finish the 4th round ;p

Bosses are… they’re just a big skinned popolion.


Yah the concept is not out of this world, it’s perhaps a glorified skinner box, but boy are they fun if done right.

As for reconnecting, I didn’t even think about it making it a single ticket per day. but reconnecting is most certainly a must. how long it took them to add the reconnect button to GvG again?


How about limiting saalus runs to 1 per account and making it give something like 3 shards (rerollable) but 10% chance to drop a full stone (with badluck protection)
Then create a decent non-linear map with less quests and more diverse grinding spots, springing out like a rose with many maps sharing the same level but different drops.

Fields past level 330:

  • Weapons with utility abilities and not only damage.
  • More money from fields so ONLY new poor players play tree of daily.
  • 0.1% to drop a shard from any monster in fields post 330.
  • Post 330 field bosses dropping some shards as their trash item instead of talt.

And maybe making rerolling more appealing?
So more people waste money and the economy more controlled.
They did a good job on Ragnarok post 2010 with the WoE moneysinks giving you woe potions, venoms and gear by wasting money inside a vendor machine. Also, as long as you can drop something by yourself realistically, the market doesnt really matter. Remove ■■■■■■■ DPK.

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It doesn’t work properly.

Just… Just… marvelous. MARVELOUS EXAMPLE OF INCOMPETENCE gosh. why do I still hold hopes? WHY god WHY I cannot run out of hope sooner?!

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