Tree of Savior Forum

[IDEA] Dragoon C3

The idea of Dragon fall is act like a initiation combo with Gae bulg: You throw your Gae bulg, hitting the mobs and then follow up with Dragon fall, dealing a huge amount of damage in a decent area plus debuffing the mobs with the serpentine attribute - or you can just use Dragon fall right away, since it has bigger damage than Gae bulg. In this way, Dragoon would act like a captain/initiator of the team, by attacking the team’s target from afar, jumping in and debuffing them so the team can follow up and deal increased damage to the debuffed mobs.

This concept of initiator/captain is the main concept of the class, according to IMC’s dev blogs. Dragoon was meant to be a teamwork initiator/captain boss-wise class who leads his team. Thinking on that, i create the Dragon fall. The idea of literally screaming “SPARTAAA” and diving in the middle of the mobs, debuffing them so you team can follow up seems really fitting the classic Dragoon theme.


The problem with dragoon jump is that it probably cannot be used while mounted thats why i hope for some mount friendly skills.

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I wouldnt mind if Dragoon c3 had some attribute that gave Long stride a bigger aoe, similar to punish, and some more damage, ofcourse.


Lol so every skill gets an attribute at C3? Sounds biased

Ctrl C ctrl V ktos will prob happen

Gae Bulg didn’t got a attribute. Well, if you look to Dragoon’s current rival, Doppel, having a lot of C3 attributes isn’t a big deal. (except that the class becomes kinda of “go C3 or go home”, which isn’t very good to variety, so i will keep i eye on it, thanks)

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Nice ideas here. Some though might be subject to nerf ASAP if ever implemented due to how OP they’ll get. IMC probably will need to scale HP bonuses up or PVP would end up being OHKO matches.

As for me, I want to keep things straight and simple:

  1. Give Gae Bulg an attribute that allows the Dragoon to blink at the spear’s landing location, or maybe just fly with the spear. An alternative would be a new skill that when used teleports the Dragoon at the spear’s location as long as the spear isn’t picked up yet, allowing for new combat strategies. Another alternative is making this an attribute to D.Soar instead, making way to a Gae Bulg + D.Soar blink + air-launch combo.

  2. Dragontooth fast-charging/insta-charge attribute

  3. If I’m to give an idea for a new skill at C3, it’d be some sort of skewer technique wherein the Dragoon dashes towards a target location, bringing with him all enemies within the hitbox.

I can just imagine a combo like this with just Dragoon skills alone:

Dethrone (OH 1) > Gae Bulg > D.Soar (w/ blink and air-launch CC) > Skewer (the enemy towards allies) > Dethrone (OH 2) > Serpentine > D.Tooth

Requires a higher skill ceiling than what we’re used to, but definitely going to be a cool combo to pull off.


My Dragoon C3 idea:

Skill type: Buff/Mount
Ability: Allows to mount dragons. Increases mount speed by 10. Grants massive bonuses to HP/DEF/PATK.

This would make dragoon a nice continuation of cataphract.

But all up to IMC I guess to make or break cata-goon.


Considering we already have dragon-like monsters in-game like Drake and Minivern, that’s a good idea as well.

IMC just needs to give Dragoons a one-time-use item upon C3 job change that allows them to tame dragon-like beast mobs, turning it into an egg which when opened will become the Dragoon’s exclusive pet (similar to how hawks can be used by Falconers only).

This could make for an interesting C3 advancement quest as well like you need to defeat the dragon mob first before being able to turn it into an egg.


Dragoon isn’t or wasn’t meant to be a mount class. Mount classes like Hackapell or Cataphract are themed around their mounts, so they get it on the first circle. Dragoon has nothing to do with mounts, there’s literally no sense on putting a mount skill in C3, sorry. I can understand your idea, but it simple doesn’t fits on the class.

All reduce cast time attributes from all skills in the game got applied on the skill’s original cast time after the “big update”, so if they need to reduce Dragontooth’s cast time, they will do it without a attribute (which in my opinion they should already done it).

This topic idea also already have a “blink” skill, which would be Dragon fall. You basically jump straight to the sky in a very fast fashion, disappearing from the screen and them come back to the ground, similar to Pantheon’s ult for those who play League. This skill is basically what makes dragoon a dragoon. This class has its origins in the FF series, where their main move was “JUMP”. The dragoon jumps into the sky and become untargetable and invincible for 2 turns and then come back with a dive-impale-attack that deals double damage. So i really think that ToS’s Dragoon needs a JUMP skill, like a better version of Hoplite’s Long Stride.

Idea edit: Trident edge attributes changed, Salamander debuff refresh attribute applied directly to the skill.

Historically dragoon originally meant mounted infantry, and evolved into conventional cavalry units.


The Dragoon word have 2 meanings:

The Dragoon spear-warrior class from FF series.

And the Dragoon musket french mounted infantry.

Of course the ToS Dragoon is based on the FF concept, which doesn’t have much thing about mounting. The traditional MMORPG concept of Dragoon is basically a spear warrior that is strong and agile. Using Dragon scale armor and dragon tooth spears, their signature attack is the classic JUMP move. They generally are warriors that fight against dragons and use their scales as trophy.

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Yeah, these are all just ideas/suggestions anyways. Nobody’s wrong until we know whatever IMC implements.

On the topic of historical/reference accuracy, Hackapell in this game is more “Reiter” than the game’s SR.

In general, commanders expected Reiters to be able to engage their opponents both with firearms and with swords. In the 16th century and up to about 1620, Reiters often formed up in deep blocks and used their firearms in a caracole attack in the hopes of disordering enemy infantry before charging home and engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

That’s true, who knows what the designers are planning for the Dragoon? Maybe a skill that transforms you into a dragon form or another high range attack like dethrone.

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Dragoon C3
You finally get the helmet.


Someone has played too much Final Fantasy hahahahhah

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New skill:

Dragonification - turn into a dragon

Kinda like lycantrophy but way less useful and people will probably just ignore it, someone will probably make a build around it tho cause dragons look cool or something.

Riding a dragon seems way more useful than actually turning into a dragon imo.

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Something like this =D

(hope that imc doesn’t have the “don’t post anything related to another game” rule lol)

I was thinking about that, a transformation skill would be cool, but it probably would need a new model, which can be kinda more unpractical to implement than a simple fire buff from the dev’s perspective.

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