Tree of Savior Forum

Ice theme Mage ideas

So, I’m theorycrafting on an Ice Mage build and I’d love some tips and overall help.
The plan is to Go Full int and play as a dps/cc build.

The cicle order is pretty random and Psy C2 is a Filler, how would It fair in high level content, both solo and party and how could I improve the build?

I still dont get why people love to skip wiz2/3 when playing elementalist…


Lol I’m fairly certain it’s not that people love to skip it. It’s because they cannot fit it in for the build they wanna have fun with.

For him/her though, he/she did say psychokino2 is a filler, so I have no idea why either…

My suggestion to improve the build will be simple then: switch psycho2 for wiz3. Unless you are confident with the CC provided by cryo and psycho, but in which case I would go psycho3 and switch out runecaster…

does psychic pressure skill level affect the ice wall shotgun?

Because ppl like to play diferent build, I guess? O tought I could get by with CC + rune of protection for casting ele spells. Maybe I’m wrong

No it does not. It’s equal to 100% of your magic attack per shard (and then can add blessing and property dmg).


Maybe Wiz 2 Psy 1? PP + icewall + rune of ice sounds too strong to pass out, but If It is not that great I don’t mind

I’m actually confused, does rune of protection works like a sure spells or nah? And what about skiping meteor and maxing freezer sphere, is this ok?

Yes rune of protection works like sure spell and even better since it prevents knockback. The only problem is there’s a bit of a CD and your casting will be slow due to lack of quick cast.

Ohhh~~ totally forgot about the ice wall + PP combo. In that case, sure, go with wiz2 psych1 if you want, but psych1 doesnt provide any CC.

My personal experience with freezing sphere is, avoid it at all cost, not even 1 point… I just really don’t like it. It has cast time too iirc.

Rune of protection protects you from cast interuption if you have its attribute, but it doesn’t have 100% up time, so really, rune caster is mainly to boost ice damage. That’s why I would rather not have it.

Yeah, freezing sphere is quite underwhelming. It might also be worth it to consider going Sorc2 to have froster lord summon + riding as his skills are very much ice-y and fun to use (and rather strong with good weapon). Also, sorc will give you way more damage than psychokino’s PP + ice wall due to the fact that PP+ice wall has too long of a CD.

I kinda love rune caster rly, mostly for the looks xD.
Is freezing sphere rly that bad? My tought process about the rune of protection down time was that I would have CC and fast spells to cast until It is up again…
If I’m switching Psy 2 for something else, Wiz 2 is the only/best option? In the end of the day, How the overall build do in high end content?

I tought about froster lord, he’s cool (haha) too, but won’t I need to go for spr for It to be relevant, making ele and cryo dmg bad?

Cryo damage will be bad regardless of whatever you do.

Most of your damage comes from weapon, not the stat allocation, so going full SPR will not detract too much from ele’s damage. You can also have INT in your armor. If you go sorc, the constant damage will be worth it.

That sounds pretty interesting now, what about this: Wiz>cryo3>ele3>RC>sorc2? Well, probably sorc First since I’m going spr, and that’s C10 with mostly low circle classes, so the order is a bit clunky…
I’d love to play this build but would It be good late game and will the leveling be okay?

You could go ele2>sorc2 and go ele3 for rank 10. If it’s an ice build, it isn’t that big of a priority to get meteor, so ele2 is sufficient and your hail will be sufficiently strong especially due to rune of ice.

Froster lord is a pretty bad summon for just auto attacking (his riding skills are what make him good) so you kind of want sorc2 unless you’re ok with using another summon until you get sorc2.

The build sounds great, but I’m still in thinking about the order… What about this: Wiz>cryo3>sorc2>RC>ele3 going Full spr? I thinking It will work well until RC but then taking ele 1 at rank 8 sounds bad on paper…on other hand I would already have rune of ice and protection so maybe it’s not that bad? Onmyouji instead of ele comes to mind, but I don’t know If it is a better pick.

That looks good!

Ele 1 is not bad. You could take Ele1 before cryo3 if you wanted since cryo3 honestly offers little.

Ele 1 first is a option too xD ele would be better than onmyouji then? I tought so since onmy is pretty spammy and the build already have a lot to do all the time. I love the final build we came up with ^-^ thanks for all the help everyone!

My current build + R10 plan Owo