Tree of Savior Forum

Ice theme Mage ideas

@gabriel1999360 would be nice if you can rank reset and redo to have cryo 3 as last job Owo

so that your symbol is a cryo’s snowflake Owo now that would be cool owO

Here’s my ice witch:

What is amazing with the build is that you can mow down everything with nothing more than a rank 6 class…

Psychokino has nothing to do with an ice themed mage sorry… IMO you need wiz2 for Surespell (RoP is 150s duration with 200s cooldown and you don’t want to be stuck with interrupted casting for 50s) and something for r10 which I still don’t see clearly… wiz3? thauma1? sorc1?

Looking at your build:

  • five points wasted in Lethargy, it’s a circle 3 skill that will bring nothing to your build; get Energy Bolt for low level and Magic Shield instead
  • Cryomancer allocation is fine, but I don’t max out Ice Pike as it’s a CC skill more than a damage skill and put the points into Subzero Shield instead (need to look more carefully when r10 is released, as Subzero Shield seems to have been butchered in the future patch)
  • definitely max Storm Dust instead of Freezing Sphere, it’s a much better skill

That’s why my ice witch uses RC as last circle + wears the costume instead of the ugly cryo one.

When you get it at mid level, it’s amazing (oneshots mobs). Once you reach higher level, it does jack poo against enemies because it doesn’t scale at all. Max out Storm Dust will always help.

Currently doing ET 30 runs and CM 6+ with mine. Works like a charm…

But the ice witch build is INT based because it’s not Sp hungry at all. Going full SPR would be a waste imo unless you really want to do a build that’s mainly riding the Froster Lord summon. In that case, here’s the build you are looking for:

Well, now I’m in doubt again…you gave me a lot of info. The cryo>sorc>ele sounds like the most fun still, but I must know If it is as effective as the two you showed. In the First build I’d put kino anyway for the spare class, it’s spells don’t stray so far to the theme and It brings a strong burst combo.

It definitely is. Full SPR sorc with a good weapon is a good DPS option no matter what build. Not to mention froster lord has super low cooldowns so you will be tossing around ice more than an ele.

I will be sticking with full spr sorc version (Wiz>cryo3>sorc2>RC>ele3/onmy3) then :blush: Still I’m not sure what to put in the last 3 cicles, so I have a feel questions:

1.Does Eletrocute still do Extra damage to frozen targets? I think It was a cryo atribute but It’s missing.
2.Does Onmyouji compare to elememe in overall dps, considering that I’m using Ledas and rune of ice, and NO WIZARD 2 AND 3?
3.Genbu armor is good in a full spr build with sorc for sp regen?
4.Do Froster Lord damage get boosted by Ledas and Rune of Ice?

I will take a bit of time to get to this ranks so I can think well about it, If someone can answer these questions It would help a ton :pray:
(ah, same person here, another account)

All lightning skills do extra +50% dmg on frozen targets, and that is it.

No, Elementalist is stronger. But onmy has more AoE

Yes. It will save you a lot. But I don’t recommend to have it up all time, but rather activate it when in a tough situation.

No. The skills Ledas works with are written on description.

Wiz 2 and 3 are very good for Ele but not mandatory.
Cryo can easily freeze mobs for the cast time of Ele’s skills. Kino have plenty of CC too

My build is Wiz - Cryo 3 - Kino 3 - Omi 2
I have no problem casting Omi skills whatsoever

While wiz 2-3 might be the better choice DPS-wise, other choices are viable too.

Ele 3 It is then ^^ the final build is looking Fun and reasonably strong, thanks for the help everyone.