Tree of Savior Forum

Ice pike Or Ice Wall

I was wondering if I should go
[lvl 7 ice pike] + [lvl 12 ice wall] or
[lvl 14 ice pike] + [lvl 5 ice wall] or
[lvl 5 ice pike] + [lvl 14 ice wall]

Is the lvl all dependant on the build? I usually go for pvp like


My thoughts have been 7pike 12icewall to be decent at pve and pvp.
But then if i’m a sorc, should it be 14pike 5icewall? Or again with the 7pike 12icewall becuase ice wall’s utility is so good?

Ice Wall scales better than Ice Pike. So level 5 Ice Pike + 14 Ice Wall is my vote. But only by the end .You won’t get much use out of spamming big Ice Walls early on.

I see. thanks so much!

You… seriously take RC without Wiz3? Good luck man, Jesus Christ.

Thats only if i wanted to deal damage with my ice skills.
My focus is my sorc tho unfortunately.

Hey, that RC without wiz3 is actually decent with some help from chronomancers!

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Maybe so, but Surespell and Quickcast are almost mandatory, considering RC’ casting time.

And you can leave Ice Pike on level 5, I think. If you think about Isa+Ice Wall Combo, Ice Wall should be pretty alright even on level 6-8? the main damage comes from Isa anyway. By the way, Wiz3 is even more useful here.

You also have to remember though, when i’m trying to stick with cryo, I get runecaster to booster ice damage, then the rest is just to help me boost my adaptability. What your saying is to go some sort of
when those are infact not at all what i want :worried:

Anytime i’d go wiz3 it’d tag along with elementalist. Wiz3 just to do all this is too linear. Not enough ranks to sac 3 for me.

A little off topic here; don’t you think they intend to tweak Rune Caster? I mean it was meant to serve as an alternative to Ele3. Still, for a rank 6 class even with wiz3 its kinda…well…people complain about it a lot.

Well, It’s either you go Sorcerer, ot you don’t use this combination’s full potential, then.
Whatever it be, it’s your call, of course. I’ve actually seen the build, where some dude had both Ele AND RC without Wiz3.
And you need Kino for this too. Like Wiz3 - Cryo1 - Kino1 - RC - Warlock.

They may do so. But, as I remember, didn’t they say they were done with balance changes for now? We can only wait.

If you are going for Sorc you should really think about add Linker2, even 3. Now Cryo and Sorc have an awful synergy (Summoning and Salamion attack your Ice Wall as soon as you create it and they don’t active the projectiles) and there is no reason to have Ice Wall over lvl 5 without Pressure from Psychokino since you will be able to hit just 3 blocks… even with Psychokino lvl 5 should be enough since you won’t be able to hit more than 6 blocks, also damage from projectiles scale based in your magic attack no in the skill level. Gust level 1 is enough since you want it as CC, not for damage. I will take Frost Pillar level 5, their CC is amazing so those extra seconds are really useful. Ice Pike is a wonderfull burst so I will take as close to max as possible. Ice bold is quite usefull too since the Frozen Proactive is really good. Salamion works better than Familiar but it is up to you. Rune of Protection is great for pvp and pve while Gigant Rune works just for pve, maybe you should swap those skills… but I understand why you took GR it looks amazing.

oh wow, thats a huge bummer. I really liked this combination. I guess ill stick to sorc.

Linker? But with cryo I have cc and sustainable dps with sorc. With Linker all i’d be doing is making salamion viable. Other options didn’t seem as useful.

.[quote=“LirashMjorl, post:10, topic:144368”]
Salamion works better than Familiar but it is up to you
Isn’t summon familiar better at cc? I see all the time the bats being used in pvp over salamion. I can tell because of the amount of bats being spawned.

Zoning in PvP is always useful, and more tiles helps with it. Also, even if he doesnt take Psycho, he may have a party member Psycho, then they can make the “ice prison + swap” thing.

Afaik bats doenst cc…? o.o
Maybe they are used more on PvP cause Salamion is melee and kinda retarded, while bats are sure to hit with your attacks and do the damage.

You should take Earthquake lvl 1 at least for cc, and Forst Pillar to 5.

You don’t want Linker for CC, you want it for Join Penalty, since Sorc depends on autoattack from his demons, even with TS the damage is quite bad without links. Now if you are looking for a pvp class probably Necro will works better.

Your right they dont xD the word i was looking for is more burst.[quote=“LirashMjorl, post:13, topic:144368”]
Now if you are looking for a pvp class probably Necro will works better

I dont nearly see as many necros as i do sorcs in pvp. Thats outrageous :x
I almost tempted to just stick to cryo3>sorc2>warlock and just not ice wall in pve xD

Which is a shame, because there is nothing quite as funny as watching a bunch of skeletons chase someone around the arena.

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Is 6 walls enough for the combo? Seems somewhat faulty. Need 9 walls to make a full prison.

You basically need for the Wall to connect with the boss. That’s it, after that buff it with Rune and unleash Pressure.

And you can still upgrade your Wall from some equipment, so it’s not really an issue.

I’m talking pvp tho, for the very same combo.

It’s not that good for PvP purposes, though, since the target must be practically static.

If you group with some Restraint Swordsman, or Corsair with Hook, it should work.

ooooh, so I should skip it for cryo-summoner. Gotta remember i’m doing this all for pvp!