Tree of Savior Forum

I used to love this game alot but eh

I was considering coming back with new events an promotions I see on your guy’s websites however as i’m looking through the forums I see a lot of complaining an not enough positive improvements… Further more i’m abit upset with the necro shaggoth skill I figured with the card system for that with each monster you’d take parts from it an form a new demon or such with skills from the 3 monsters you used in the summoning alas not all of them though, that or even make morph for sorceress look more decent an presentable with left over skills from the last summoned that was used… But hey maybe i’m asking for toomuch? Then again I wish gm’s would be more involved in the game community to check in frequently to check in with their consumes an run more reports instead of bombared the game with events all the time when most of us want stability an a better community to play an bond with. But now an days its just bot central theirs no new challenges or monsters that post a challenge any more, plus the rank reset kinda defeats the purpose of remaking a character an testing new possibilities the game should totally be revamped personally. But hey what do I know? For a company to put out a game with so much potential listen to your consumers for Christ sake, you can’t profit of a game with numbers IF YOUR CUSTOMERS AN CONSUMERS ARE NOT HAPPY!!! <--------------------------- That’s how you lose money an such so alas revive this ■■■■ and listen to us this cash grab ■■■■ has it’s limits trust me. Fyi excuse my typos an punctuation errors this is just how mad I am. Also with the elemental bestow spells for weapons at least make the weapons on fire, iced out, or with electricity showing I mean the animating can be abit better but “eh”.

Indentation is for the weak.


you should go online after maintenance when new gacha cubes are available. near tp shop ofc. youll see

So the point of the game was for people to rage quit ?
I understand the challenge of building new characters, but at some point you just don’t want to do it anymore. TOS is full of restrictions, so you end up with a lot of items BOUND to your characters (some of them were bought with TP), to that you add the regular changes of skills/system with the re-balancings, and you also have the amount of levels. Not everybody feels like constantly leveling their characters to 280-315 just to test a few synergies. Or spending hours or day searching the forum and chatting with other forumers to know “what to do/build”. Especially since in the end, a forum guy can give you a solid build but it doesn’t mean you will actually enjoy playing it.
Rank/classes resets were necessary. You cannot except a game with that many classes, levels, and regular changes to constantly ask their players to delete their characters, lose everything, and restart.


I can respect that however their making it to where one has to pay actually money to reset a few ranks is what I dislike

That’s not weird. The game is far from being perfect and the forums is a place mostly used to discuss stuff and complain, so it’ll certainly make you think the game’s worse than it actually is.

Yeah that’s Necro from the first cbt (or before that?) and it was awesome from the vids. I started on cbt2, so it was already changed to what we have now.

Things changed a lot since May 2017. IMC is constantly flipping the meta around and, with so many character bound stuff (hair colors, event titles, achievements, transcended gear, attribute points, etc.), having to recreate your characters to adapt to the new meta would make everyone quit the game.

You can only buy one rank reset voucher per account and you don’t really need to pay for one if you really want it. You get one rank reset voucher as a reward from the adventure journal, you get a free rank reset voucher if you’re absent for 30 days and when we have huge changes we’re able to change our builds for free for a limited period. Besides, when just a few classes are significantly changed, IMC has been giving free rank resets for those players (players with at least one Templar received one, we’re having an event where each character with Falconer/Linker in their build receives 2 free rank reset vouchers) and it’ll happen again when we get the Shinobi changes and Wizard tree rework.


They need to give us the first beta necro summon shoggoth not this one we have now -_–

But that’s Sorcerer job lol

why is it that there are these player who asks the forum if they should play or not?

while the answer will always be up to them after trying it out themselves?

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Even so why false advertise what the shoggoth looked before an not follow through ? An I guess?

You answered it yourself. Things change during development and design.


false advertising is not similar to early design/prototypes =w=;;;

@Pokart transcended gears are bounded?! I’ve never transcended before but plan on doing it once I get skull smasher. Was gonna share it between plaguedoc and thauma-shadowmancer…

And was it confirmed that we will get resets when wiz-shinobi patch hits? IIRC it wasn’t mentioned in that article?

Start to ban these people from forums, who cares!!! You don’t like the game, fine! Uninstall and go the hell away, you can’t even type in proper English so your opinion is already invalid…

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Yes. If you want to trade them with other people or transfer to another character, you’ll have to remove transcendence from that equipment.

In that regard, we get the same treatment as kTOS. Shinobi characters received 2 rank reset vouchers and Wizard characters could reset their build every day for 2 weeks.

What are the consequences of removing transcendence? Will I get my blessed gems back? (LOL I bet I won’t be getting them back)

You get 90% of the Shards back, but lose the weapon.


Get Weapon back, but lose all shards.

depends what option you use at NPC

Meta ? You mean diamond to +25 and trans 10?

No, he means what you were complaining about here:

Skills and stuff changes.

Cheers o/ Have a great night!

Lunar you are reaching real far. That was said Almost 3 years ago back when transcendence wasn’t even a big thing. This was also petty and kind of trollish. IMC actually killed the meta when they introduced transcendence. Which supports his statement in my opinion.

Now back to my hiatus.