Tree of Savior Forum

I used to love this game alot but eh

Transcendence is yesterday’s problem. Getting a weapon to stage8 is a pain, but it doesn’t take forever and it is only a max of +200% at stage10 whereas before it was +550%. The problem is when it is stacked on a +21 weapon with 3-5 gem slots.

Getting to +21 without diamonds takes an ungodly streak of luck. The Pay to Win is real with Diamond Anvils.


Nothing can sway them from this business model unfortunately. I don’t even want to call them whales or cows but people with money and a lot of time will always end up paying after they hit all these walls IMC created.

True but Sorcerers can only summon Devil types. Can’t summon “Devil” Glove because it’s a mutant.

I don’t like the looks of the older Shoggoth, so I personally don’t want the change but it’d be nice if we could summon more types of bosses.

Yeah 200% is a decent cap compared to the 550% it was before
I like the trans system alot more, but the enhance system is so fu*ked with enhancements going so far up if you have tons of diamonds

The worst is IMC is totally fine with it, they basically shoved us the middlefinger in when they said “Oh you guys want an enhancement cap? Here you go +40 is the cap”
Thats basically them telling us to ■■■■ off they want to sell more diamond anvils

Hello @benito_gabriel88, @thepurpleknightmare. Good afternoon!

@benito_gabriel88, as Pokart originally said: IMC is constantly flipping the meta around. Skills, stats and mechanics changes, be it in the popular classes or not. These changes sometimes causes a player to be sad or unsatisfied with their previous choices and to wish to change into other builds, justifying the existence of Rank, Skill and Stat resets in the game.

Rank Resets are presented as an argument where their existence would defeat the purpose of remaking a character. I answered to Caprice based on the current discussion context, and by that I mean, about the problem Caprice was complaining, in which even by having Stage 10 Transcendence on a character you might still dislike a new mechanic or wish to experiment a different play style.

I hope this clears your doubt about my answer and its intention. Now, far from the initial resistance, Rank Resets are considered a good and a welcomed thing, no matter how strong your character may be.

@thepurpleknightmare oh. You’re right. The card-type is a key difference between both and I only thought about the final mechanic. That would definitely be a great thing, maybe a Sorcerer C3 attribute for more summon types to make the class more dynamic.

I wish you both a great day and much fun while playing!

[]'s o/

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Well it DOES set the precedent that IMC is willing to cap upgrades. +40 is probably just so they can try it out and not have it affect existing whales.

When new equipment is released I hope they cap it at +20.


I blame the +40 Bow guy for setting the enhancement ceiling. Kidding.

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How rood. Let me fix that



no need to sweet talk me my self-esteem is good enough


+550% no kidding? :open_mouth:

But yeah transcendence is alright, it’s the item enhancement that need rework. If only we could get Diamond Anvils from TP instead of those gatcha cubes… Oh wait, what am I saying… there ARE Diamond Anvils in those gatcha cubes… :man_facepalming:

Honestly they could just remove enhancing and keep transcending for items level 240+.

They could also scale down some of the SFR on all skills across the board so it isn’t always a one shot fest for pve.

550% was before the transcendence and all the major reworks happened…
Also, correct me if i am wrong, i think blessed gems and shards weren’t tradable before? So you really had to farm yourself if you want a transcended item

I’m on a hiatus too, and I kinda agree with the OP, imo the game used to be fun when it was truly F2P, even with all the notorious glitches and everything wrong that happened in the past, but for me, when I realized that everything they do (IMC) is just to milk their addicted cows (and I was becoming one of them, but I woke up in time) I decided to quit, it’s just unfair what they’re doing to the newcomers, token is hella expensive now, I don’t know what they’re thinking but this is probably going to be ugly: less players incoming, veterans leaving, market inflated and people are dismotivated, this is all their fault, if you advertise your game as F2P stick to it till the end, this game is everything but free.

EDIT> Oh, almost forgot, did they raise the price of TP bundles?

This hasn’t changed.

In silver yes, due to inflation, sadly. They also have made gacha cubes overly appealing lately, so people who do buy TP to sell items for silver don’t buy Tokens, they buy gacha cubes.

For PVP you mean…? PVE isn’t really a one shot fest, especially if you go to any more difficult content (Challenge Mode, HG, ET). Yes some classes can get strong enough to one shot some monsters with some skills even still, but that does require a very high ATK value.

Either way, PVP isn’t really a one shot fest right now outside of a few skills. You can spectate some PVP matches. The problem is just that everyone invests hundreds of millions of silver into their weapons and they don’t touch their armor. PVE kinda encourages this, but in PVP if you have no defense or HP… yeah, you die.

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Yeah PVP is lots of fun now but you need to have Stage4-6 350 armor or solmiki across the board (accessories dont count but hey if you want to waste gems on that go ahead)

That being said, getting a full set of Stage6 armor takes less investment than getting one weapon to stage8, you just gotta do it.

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