Tree of Savior Forum

I stop playing tos because its

You don’t want to play anymore?? please i really want to play and if u doesn’t want i would glad your beta key if u want to give it to me… i really want to play TOS and i didnt get any key so i will be in a debt with you

if you play to lvl 60 an quit, you don’t know much about hidden quest. A few days ago meanwhile i was walked though a map, i saw somenthing shiny on the floor, I interacted with him and appears mob, when i killed it i won 3 exp cards, EZ. Or a npc on a random location without a flag to tell me that he has a quest gives to me a dex stat potion for kill a boss. Also anything on a map that gets your attention and makes you wonder if it will be part of a quest or not, and you start looking for similar things around.

alternative maps that are not in the main story has quest that you can obtain stats points ( 3-5?) and repeatable quest for easy exp.

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i know wht u mean…for some people who enjoy solo play might find the hidden quests interesting… just another element of solo playing. and once u found the hidden quests…it still ask u to collect this and that…killl this that. i just happen to prefer team play and open world. just my personal preferance, i dont like doing quests alone…feels like u had no other choice but to obey…no freedom…cant imagine having to run errands for npc until 600. Its not that i ask to eliminate all quests…just suggesting if tos could also add elements of team play in open world for players who dont enjoy solo linear game , that would be great for all types of players.


I agree with the OP as well. A lot of beta players are confirming my fears for this game which was that it would be affected by this new very strange quest mentality of multitudes of short quests that grant items and money and exp rewards. That is unfulfilling in the highest degree. No games from my time period of 1994-2005 really operated that way. I don’t mind having lots of quests but RO and FFXI had much better ideas. They were grindy but with enough important quests and a bit of storyline to keep you playing for hours. It used to be that people with families and jobs, which is where I’m at in my life now, would just progress a little slower than the other crowd and that was okay… Now developers are so interested in this new kind of bogus errandboy style and the publishers know it will make lots of short term money even though it puts off the fanbase and loses loyalty.

Why not have a legit RO 2.0? It’s not the same story or the exact same mechanics we even want! Take what made the game great and expand on it and rework it but keep the feeling and main idea. Why throw it away and keep the outer shell to attract the people who once loved it? Seems like a messed up thing to do. Anyways really the same system exists in almost all games today if it’s like that I might as well just play ffxiv again since if you’re gonna play in that market you oughtto go with the most polished game.

the only thing I find redeems the “errand boy” gameplay in this game is that ToS lets every party member influence the total quest count. If you wanna blow through a bunch of quests, partying is the way to go.

you can blame this guy;

#with +9001 plot armor

when we should be looking unto this guy:
support mage strategist with OP glasses

or this guy


Forgive me, but isnt the last guy a p2w player in a p2w mmo? xD I mean I remember a fight where he used around… 6-10 p2w items lol

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