Tree of Savior Forum

I refuse to donate, this is swindle

Sure they will.

Good bye

Well, it’s still not a scam or swindle, you twit…you were already paying cheap prices because your country is a high fraud-high risk region for digital purchases…and that’s not xenophobia, that’s a internationally recognized fact stated by businesses across the globe including many eastern european and baltic countries, including Russia. It was that low to prevent piracy and increase legal purchases…

IMC realized that it was UNFAIR TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO PAID FULL PRICE and cut your deal.

Deal with it.

[Side note]

12% + 1% = 13% of the population. Until we know how many people are currently playing the game, I can’t be certain that you and your cohorts chipping in $25 or not would actually hurt…but I can say that Latin America and NA have paid more than that since launch (even excluding the fraud from Brazil) simply because we had to…so your $25, even spread across 15k people (which I doubt is an accurate number) will NOT move them to put the price back in the dirt so you can buy $50 worth of TP for $~10…

Anyway doing such sneaky changes right before the announced sale is cheap and expensive move at the same time.


Now for me - buying silver from bots, and after buy token - cheaper.
And if before i hate spammers and bots, now i can be tolerate.
And if somebody say me 12 hours ago, that this ■■■■ happen…
2) We hate this situation not cause (early they give us cheaper)
But cause it seems like they give u something, and after 2 weeks u wake up in someday, and knew, that they take away this while u sleep.
This situation is ■■■■.

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How is it a secret when they made an announcement explaining what they are doing and their reasoning behind it? And, to be honest, I find your claims (and claims like yours) skeptical. This isn’t a game you plan to spend a solid bit of money on at a whim. It’s a heavy grind-based mmo that has been gathering hype for years. Leaving because you didn’t read their announcement sooner is hard to believe as truth. To which, they are right to do this change. It was creating issues in the market in-game which they obviously care a lot about with all the focus it has.

What I think is more important to take note of is that they are making a sincere effort to do what they believe is best for the community. Maybe not everyone agrees on what’s best, but you can’t deny the effort which speaks volumes for the company. They do genuinely want to see the game succeed long term which is paramount in importance for a game that is meant to be played long term. I don’t agree with all their choices either, but the effort, to me, is what matters most of all which shows through the issues they are working to overcome.

Bye. No one will miss you.

But they removed regional pricing first and posted a lame excuse about bots/exploiters in this topic (deleted it afterwards).

Today they posted an “Announcement”. :confused: Not many players here can foretell future.

Here’s our little racist <3

Here’s our Idiot…RUSSIAN (just like Brazilian)





Next, we’ll have people coming out of the woodwork calling Africa a Country

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You’ll have to forgive the fella, old habits are hard to forget.
Back when all Russia had in terms of MMOs were private Lineage 2 servers, they haven’t adopted the term “cash shop” yet. Plus, it was illegal, servers being private and all. So, instead of buying in-game items you donated a little something to private server owners and they (purely coincidentally) gave you shiny items and/or in-game currency in return.

Ever since then, paying for premium services or buying stuff from an in-game shop has been called “donating” in Russia. Weird, I know.

Back on topic - what IMC did there with price acrobatics and all does suck.
Pretty badly, too.

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Wrong choice of word due to habits is understandable. Making yet another entire thread with the same topic as… gosh who even bother counting by now. is not.

And I already quoted the issue I had with his thread, calling a game product swindle when nothing had been cheated is downright slandering.

“I’m being rude and I try to defend it by pretending being an idiot.”

Either be racist and take it like a man or stop it altogether. Don’t be wussy and start pointless excuses for your racist remarks when someone bothers to point it out.

And you are simply an idiot. OK
Do you prefer to call him a ■■■■? I don’t want to ashame Hitler by doing so.

so many bots on orsha tho xDD

Only love :blush:

I’m not the person swapping nationalities for races because I don’t (or is simply retarded and) or can’t differentiate the two…

I’m also not the idiot who thinks him being Russian wasn’t part of the reason why he’s complaining, or why he shouldn’t be ignored for his bitch level crying about the price going up to keep him and his countrymen from having an unfair advantage.

But you keep being salty and failing 4th grade English comprehension, bro…

To donate is to give without getting something in return. You are paying for early access. That’s a purchase and not a donation.

And as for your comment…yeah, no.

Russian is not a race, European is not a race. Neither are races. They are nationalities or regional designation.

Russian complains about not getting discount, someone points out he is being a cheap Russian, is called racist for pointing out a nationality that is known for being cheap bastards.

Yeah, S.A.D. buddy. How about you be a big boy and use your brain and actually mount an argument instead of being mad you have to pay as much as everyone else, ya fruithead?

I’ve thought to buy some packs but after changes it seems I don’t want to invest even a single cent into the game. Even with 50% discount the price has become 2x of the previous one. (Founder pack I)

IMC will lose lots of players and money because of their decision.

And you keep being rude and replace every negative emotion with “Being salty”. Very smart.