Tree of Savior Forum

I refuse to donate, this is swindle

I would understand price changes, if it was announced before. But everything what happened feel like a backstab for those, who planned to buy it on 21 april.

IMC didn’t announced about removing regional price, everything was done silently.

I wanted to spend 25$ on this game tomorrow, but now i will spend 0 and probably leave the game. Because i lost any interess to play it anymore with this treatment to us.
And no, this 50% discount instead of 30% is still a price increase and still higher, than what i have seen before. They will open server for SA, but what supposed to do eastern Europe and Russia?

I’m not against paying full price, i donated load of ■■■■ in Path of Exile, which is known for its lack of regional prices.

  • But when one day i see sweet price and another day 2x+ times higher - this is a bad aftertaste.

Main thing here not is the money, but theTREATMENT to customers.

I think there are lots of people like me.


Bye, fk off. Get the fk out?


Er… read the anouncement they just made about servers and discounts.

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Ban 3000 players, only see a drop of 1400… so that means they gained 1600 legit players. Well played, IMC.


hahahaha oh god xDDD youre playing on orsha right? ya seems orsha guys are the most fun guys


Nop, im from Fedimian.

Goodbye I’m sure its a HUGE loss


Also “today” is early morning or mid work/school day for loads of people.

Try checking in a few hours for a more accurate change.


Yes, please, help the community. go away.


Peak online was 1 hour ago. And this peak happens always at the same time. Look at the link in first post before arguing.

That’s great you would also see it goes up on weekends… I wonder why?

Again good bye no one cares about you leaving.

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Everyone needs to work ya know. What do you think of us? =)))) Also, why would you buy a DLC pack when F2P is next week? They may also announce how to purchase TP next week. >.<


Woops, so it was moved. =))))

I’m puzzled by the statistics you mentioned. You do realize the number of players online do fluctuate - it’s normal.

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Make up your fking mind, and your title is stupid af. It’s a service, sales, business. No one asked for your donation.
Swindle? Now you are slandering. They place their product on the shelf with the price tag. You get butthurt and call it swindle?


If you wanted, you could donate some money to me instead.


ha ha ha ha.

get out.

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Dude,few weeks and we have f2p.Wtf with you?If you can’t wait and you really want to spend ur money just eat it :T
Btw its nice changes because of boting.I think they will change prices after f2p anyway , im agree with this update.But people like u just need to cry about nothing.First part of month here i seen massages with “wipe wipe wipe” now i can see “cash cash cash”. Why are people so dumb?

I dont see why people need to post that they’re leaving the game. If they want to leave then just go. We dont need your “im leaving because im a btch, i hope someone notices me leaving and they will leave too”

gtfo and find a job if youre complaining about the price.

bye felicia




IMC has rolls of $100 bills that they wipe their asses with in the office, your $25 is dust in the wind. I’ve spent over $500 in Trove…your $25 is laughable.

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I said i wanted to spend it on 21 april. Who knows how much i will spend after that? Plus im talking about whole Easter Europe and Russia, who lost their prices. I think they will act like me.