Well, it’s still not a scam or swindle, you twit…you were already paying cheap prices because your country is a high fraud-high risk region for digital purchases…and that’s not xenophobia, that’s a internationally recognized fact stated by businesses across the globe including many eastern european and baltic countries, including Russia. It was that low to prevent piracy and increase legal purchases…
IMC realized that it was UNFAIR TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO PAID FULL PRICE and cut your deal.
Deal with it.
[Side note]
12% + 1% = 13% of the population. Until we know how many people are currently playing the game, I can’t be certain that you and your cohorts chipping in $25 or not would actually hurt…but I can say that Latin America and NA have paid more than that since launch (even excluding the fraud from Brazil) simply because we had to…so your $25, even spread across 15k people (which I doubt is an accurate number) will NOT move them to put the price back in the dirt so you can buy $50 worth of TP for $~10…