Tree of Savior Forum

I need tips on Onmyoji Focus Training

Hi guys, I’ve been having TONS of fun with my Onmyoji, and decided to get the other class costumes to celebrate! (?)

Sadly, I’m stuck at 462 points, already on full blown strawberry and vanilla costume, with no way to get to 550 points. I guess the lag in Silute is not helping much either (seriously, last 20 to 30 seconds are totally wasted some times).

Any tips on trying to get more points?

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From what I’ve heard, you can get 550 by chance without doing anything. The whole minigame seems pretty random for me, I’ve tried it a couple of times and, because of the casting time, it feels pretty weird to try and move the paper dolls


Try your best to collide same color paper eg. white to white and red to red. if white to red you only get 2 points if white to white or red to red you get 10 points.

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Somehow, in my third try today (12th overall) I got a lucky streak and started redirecting all my red dolls to turn to the right side, I ended up with around 57X points and got my red sash :3

Thanks for answering though!!



Your onyoji is so pretty, grats!

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Aaaand I’m still stuck at 538 max :frowning:

No matter what I try, I cannot break the 550 mark. I’ve tried every strategy (doing nothing, following dolls, changing orientation randomly…) but no avail. Well now I see why you get 15 tries per day… But that’s eating so much time :frowning:

if anyone has a good strategy, I’m all ears…

First week all I did was stand in the centre and literally did nothing. Wasted all 15 tries getting nothing.

Second week I got it on my third try simply by doing the same thing as the previous week, which was nothing. Just keep doing it and RNGeus will bless you one day eventually.

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Have you read this one?

Yes, takes too much time trying to rotate the dolls and I never managed to score above 400 that way when I can score 450-500 more often by simply watching the dolls collide randomly. I also note that when I do the minigame there are way less dolls than what I can see on the last screenshot in that thread. Would have been nice to see a vid from that guy who scored 720 points! Maybe you need Haste from a party member to speed up the process? Or maybe like anyone else just try over and over until RNG decides to be good with you.

AFK and pray to god.

607/550 points… finally! :satisfaction: