Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] YinYang Costume Quest 550 Points Guide!

Hey everyone! Voxandra from Lotus here with a helpful guide I put together for getting the Kutesune Class Costume Quest completed with 550 points! This is the strategy that worked very well for me as well as some of my guildies, so I thought I’d put this together to help you all out, too! With a few tries you’ll be graduating top of the class with your Diploma Sash! 頑張って



Got 510~530 3 times but it’s impossible to get 550 with the server freezing every time I try to do this

Made 480 points on my first try… by doing absolutely nothing during 5 minutes. I tried a second time to rotate some dolls to see if I could improve my score, but it takes too much time to do so and you often miss your target. And I scored LESS on that try lol…

got mine on 15th try. it’s just like zealot’s one, pray for rng to spawn dolls so they collide by emselves. =)


so i must let all white papers in the horizontal and the red’s one at vertical?

Did you read?


Did a few more tries yesterday. Result: max 528 points (by doing nothing), never got above 450 if touching the dolls. Seems like it takes less time for a doll to collide with another one if you leave it be than trying to lure it against another doll.

I’ve tried that twice and both times I couldn’t get pass 300 points. I might have to pray harder for RNGesus

Try using mov spd pots

I do unfortunately


try to actually match the colors :tired:

i did it today by doing… NOTHING… its just too random and area too big and too laggy >< just sit and watch guys u will get it sooner or later by doing NOTHING, gl all

I’m 12/15 atm and too afraid to just sit there and watch

Needing to wait until next week if it doesn’t work out isn’t a huge loss.



2nd try!! thanks for the guide, it works!! <3
(also I think RNGesus loves me xD)

Screw this sash, I don’t need it


Ty for the guide! Maybe it’s just luck, but I got it on my 3rd try. Btw its a very good idea to have a friend make a basecamp and give you haste near it before starting the quest, higher movement speed helps out a lot.
