Tree of Savior Forum

I loved the Patch Notes, but

Hey imc, are you going to ban those players who exploited the infinite upgrading bug with their weapons, and are wearing +15~+30weapons right now?

And what about the players who are crashing the channels to get WB timers and rollback their anvil, dupe their itens?


IMC’s logic, give free candies to people so they will forget their mess


Thats exactly what i trought when i read tomorrow patch notes lol.

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i dont think there should be a ban, well at least not permanent.
just remove all 15+~25++ weapons in game
give them a 2-3 week ban
and strip all their slilver and… fck it
make the game client inject a virus that will delete their system32 folder

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Seriously, we are in progress to investigate the certain logs of exploits regarding to the infinite enhancement and etc. However, we’ve finished solving out the issue with crashing channels to monopolize the world bosses. Please wait for our investigation and we are really looking forward to finding out the logs of exploits that you mentioned as soon as possible.


i saw you edit that max



ALLELUIA!! its not a copy paste bot response :sparkles:
or maybe not…

What if the bots are getting smarter?

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This post made my day, thanks.

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but I never finish anyth


Thanks for your reply. Stay strong Staff_Max. You need to have a strong constitution to deal with this forum.


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:grinning: Thanks !!


So, can u maybe give us an estimate how much behind our version is compared to the Korean version? Thank u :slight_smile:

It’s actually kinda mixed between a lot of patches, not an specific one.

I really want to know if Adtral Body Explosion ist still bugged and gives us position bugs. This is the case since the start of the game and @Staff_Julie told me this was being fixed… I really hope the Korean version has that bugfix…