Tree of Savior Forum

I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

This sums up how I feel as well. I’m still playing and loving the game with my blinders on, but time seems to be running out. This is my first korean game experience and well its leaving a wierd impression so far. Guess this is how it is.

plays Led Zeppelin Communication Breakdown


Wow, what a post and exactly what i feel.
After seeying the prices yesterday… got me shivering. I’ve been a supporter, bought all the founders packs(4) and was exited to see the new packs. This is just not realistic.

Please IMC, dont do this to this game, i’ve waited so long for a game like this, a real RO follow up.

My breaking point will also be determent with next weeks maintenance and the patch.

Nothing else to say.
Very sad for a game like this is going so badly.

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I wish I could make 999.999 accounts so I could upvote you 999.999 times. You managed write down almost the whole community’s frustation. I’m really impressed how your vision about Tree of Savior is 100% ACCURATE, you’ve made your point completely, it’s the ugly truth.
You’re my hero! You’re my voice! You could do what I could not, express myself in a well written text.


same here, sometimes I think that they are working on something bigger cus clearly, they don´t give a ■■■■ about ToS and its so ■■■■■■■ sad…


Bravo! Bello! Spettacolare!!

You’ve said it all, I really hope IMC reconsiders your thread.

Well 18 more days until my founder’s token expired then i can quit in peace. Oh btw IMC, just bought Total War: Warhammer rather then your veteran pack.
You are not getting my money.

This should be at the pinned top thread here in the forums. 100% agree and no IMC staff won’t even respond to this. lmao

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nothing more to add. im signing under your statement completly. IMC you are worthless bunch of alienated douchbags. enough said. Get a grip or you will go bancrupt in a flash. One good advice: game community = gamers is your life, if they will leave you, you will be left with nothing. Remember that. And go get some brain finally. Its your last call.

Spot on. Very well written and thought.

I agree with the post wholeheartedly. At times, in my mind, I try and justify IMC’s actions by arguing that they are busy with releasing F2P, fixing bugs and whatnot. But as time goes by, it is obvious to all that they are not listening to what the community wants but merely seeking to monetise their game.

I hope that they are satisfied with the cash from selling all the Founder’s Packs, because it seems like they are not going to sell many of their Beginner Packs or Veteran Packs. At least not to me.

On a side note, do they still ban botters, or was the initial ban hammer a mere tactic to appease us players for the time being, with no intention to keep up with it?

Liked this deym post! I purchased all the founders pack and I just used the one 60Days token, i still have lots of token there. but idc anymore, im no having fun at all now. well I am leaving this game and quit it. PS got 900hrs plus on this game and i wont be optimistic this time. for the Whiteknights that will bash this post may you have fun all thru out the game. :slight_smile:

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So true !!!

this post resumed the game state .


OP nailed it for me too! im just so over it now… so im done as well, i will keep up to date with the updates etc in hope something major improves

Logged in to throw a like.

I stopped playing for a week now. Can’t bare any longer


I’m going to take a break and OP sums up the reasons for that perfectly.

That said, I have to disagree with you on point 2 because I appreciate that IMC actually listened to our feedback. I think that if they released the game later the server problems would still be there because the problem wouldn’t be apparent until enough player join.
Thanks for your post, you’ll be missed!

Very well written post.
Finaly a rant post that is not plain QQ
10/10 would leave again
Over all fair points

And this comes from a former withe knight

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