Tree of Savior Forum

I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

Edit: Wow, i just read hkkims reply. I am honestly surprised and impressed. Thank you for taking your time and replying!

I shortened my post out of respect for Hakkyus reply.

Its sad that you can give 1 Like only. sir, please accept all my :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I really hope that OP is reading all these positive responses. It sounds like he only expect the so called White Knights to respond. but all these Replies imply approval.

2 Months ago i really thought “you cant just please everyone” with all the ppl complaining. With every issue that got debated over, responded to and fixed by IMC some new topic popped up. But things changed since march.

It really reaches a new lvl of ignorancy and disguise, that IMC almost completely vanished from the forum.
Why even create a developers blog if no one ever adresses the problems that really bother the ppl?
Why does it take serveral weeks to fix Skills that crash the client?
How on earth can console commands for testing purposes still be active like 2months after beta release?
Why do ppl have to wait for >2 weeks, after the guildleader had summoned the member to hangout and all of their characters got stuck?
(just some random things i saw in the forum)

well… thanks again OP for writing down whats on (yeah… almost) everybodys mind.

To OP of the topic:
You are nice, good bye.

See, all it takes is just one forum message to revive hope in people. Although it was a long and probably time consuming message since there are many issues that was unanswered by anyone for a long time.

This forum needs someone like Julie who’d respond to valid issues people are having in a more timely fashion than once in a few weeks. Even when definite answers can’t be given and solid solutions are not discovered yet, it’s important for people to know that IMC is aware of these issues and actually planning to try and do something about it.

For example on Telsiai server we’re still having latency issues for over 3 weeks (200-1000ms pings for players who are from Singapore, where server itself is based) and there was no single reply about it. It’s not an issue that just 1 or 10 people are experiencing. We’re all experiencing it and yet it remains unanswered/ignored. Don’t think it’s related to DDoS unlike SA server.


As i recalled, IMC always listen to community’s needs. Resolved may coming late but it will finally come.

Keep your good work. I’ll be here waiting for you.

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Echo the same sentiments although I only agree to some of the points. The little to no communications (points 5,6,7) is what make me really think why do I even bother to play the game. Same as TS, I purchased almost all of the available packs (Packs 1 & 2 + discounted 1 & 2).

In the beginning I have really high hopes of the game, it has the graphics that I like, the playstyle that I love (very Ys style) and really good bgm. Since it is still new in the market (around 2months), I understand that there are still lots of bugs and stuff which need time to fix.

However that are really many other things which I totally don’t understand at all. IMC at the very least help me and others to understand why.

  1. Implementation of ktos patches. The question is why kToS can patch and iToS can’t. Numerous fixes from the kToS patch aren’t even that hard to patch, like increasing of skill damage for Dievdirby or reduction of Plague Doctor/Cleric’s heal skill duration during pvp.

In programming aren’t these skill/damage modifiers placed as class variables? Or these configurations are separated in a separate xml/config file which can be changed?

Since languages are separated in a separate LanguageData folder, it is just very hard to comprehend why kToS game client data can’t be used for iToS.

  1. The extreme lack of communication. The last developer blog entry is 26th April. That is almost 1 month ago. It just seems like the international community is forgotten 1 month after the last blog post. We as the community would like to know what you all are doing, what road map you have for the game the next few months and such. That is the point of having a developer’s blog in the first place.

Players want to feel that the company listens to their concerns. Being silent doesn’t really help much.

  1. In the recent 2 days of accounts banned update… only 3 servers are listed. Both SEA and SA servers are not in the list. It will be great to let us know why aren’t these servers have any ban account list as they contain a huge amount of bots and gold sellers.

My assumption after looking at the lists… is the ‘so-called bot recognition algorithm’ adds delay to the server too. It needs to track each and every movement of each account, check for repeated patterns (like bots) to determine whether the account is a bot or not. Since these 3 servers are so packed and overloaded, turning on this algorithm only makes matters worse. Hence it is turned off and there is no report/bots banned.

If that’s the case, it might be a better alternative to just hire an in-game gm whose job is just to go to each and every town/bot infested map and perma ban the bots right there since the algorithm isn’t working as intended.

Edit: Thanks Hakkyu Kim for coming over to clarify of many of the issues. we really appreciate it. If possible can someone over at your studio post some updates once every few days? With it the community knows what you all are working on and it will help lessen the unhappiness that is going around in this forum.


Could you explain why you didn’t fix many important bugs of iTOS (Gravity Pole crash, Physical Link not working, Auction House setting wrong limits…)
Are the same bugs plaguing kTOS ?
Do you know that your servers are lagging the longer they are up ? Do you know that this could be workarounded if you did (at least) bi-weekly maintenance ?
Could we have some meaningful mean of talking with the devs (like knowing if a bug is indeed a bug, if it is worked on, ETA of the fix) ?

And why are our patch notes so ridiculous compared to kTOS ?
Are we condemned to stay farther and farther behind kTOS ? Or are you planning to do HUGE patches in some months ?


Hmm… finally a response. I’m not convinced but at least now I can imagine what is going on.
Do it more often.


@dcandrews7 You, Sir, are my Hero. your post makes me re-evaluate my sexual orientation.


Well said !!! IMC please take note.

Thank you for the response and addressing the issues. Transparency with the userbase goes a long way and a simple acknowledgement and update on what is being done keeps us hopeful.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Another ToS lover here, at some points i agree with you, and some others i dont, but i kinda feel its time to take a break from the game till it gets better, currently playing something else, dying to see what ToS will have to offer when im active again :smiley:

Amazing post, OP. Your first point is one I hold issue with the most. Much like DRM, IMC has decided to implement restrictions, scalpel game features all for the sake of deterring botters all the while making a frustrating experience for legitimate players. Every time I run into a bizarre design choice (48 hr retrieval for sold market items, lowered mob spawns and raised spawn timers) I can’t help but think that these were made for the aforementioned reasons. IMC, like the OP I have a high tolerance and am patient to a fault, but everyone has a threshold. I won’t wait forever for you to understand that botters, exploiters and the like have enough time, ambition and patience to work around whatever restrictions you cook up next, the legitimate players on the other hand do not.

Well atleast they got op’s message. Goodluck imc the ball is difinitely on your court

hey whiteknight, thank you for reminding me for not playing this game. look at the servers less people now. enjoy the game whiteknight. :slight_smile:


Kim, thanks for replying to this thread. I really want to empathize with you and the rest of IMC, and I do. While I can forgive all of the shortcomings of this game, I just wanted to say something about this:

The trade restriction in TOS was designed to solve the bot and RMT problems. I do recognize that it might cause inconveniences towards the players as well. If, like you have said, the restrictions were not there due to the fact that the bots and RMT are inevitable and unavoidable, would that have improved the game overall?

Yes, yes it would have improve the game overall. Without a minimum price restriction, dilgeles wouldn’t cost 10,000 silver. Without a maximum price, materials are readily available for everyone to buy and sell. With silver trading, no one have to hoard talts to barter. What the current restriction is doing now just hurts the legitimate players without denting the RMT traders. Yes, it will be easier to RMT if these restrictions were lifted but it is the lesser of two evils.


I hate to tell you this, but we told you so before this game was released.

Everyone ignored the failure kToS was because “this time it will be better cause no nexon”

Everyone ignored the fact their previous games were also a complete imbalanced mess because “this one will be different”

Heck, even the Koreans came over here to warn us this game wasn’t to be trusted and that even after several months in kToS most if not all of the main issues still persisted. But people still ignored that because “they’ll make more money here so it will be different”

Well, here’s your result. No, this game isn’t in beta and if you still believe that you need a reality check.

I’m sure IMC is doing something, but really it’s not enough and it shows really poor planning on their part.


We are tired of empty promisses and forums posts…



thank you kid.


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Let me get this straight:

  1. Players asked for a TP purchase
  2. As stop-gap measure you released some one-time buy DLCs to allow players to do so.
  3. Those DLCs dont have (veteran’s) or have nowhere near enough (beginner’s) TP to buy anything from the shop. And everything else is there just for fluff and to inflate their price.

Am i the only one that sees the logical fallacy here?