Tree of Savior Forum

I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

Well atleast they got op’s message. Goodluck imc the ball is difinitely on your court

hey whiteknight, thank you for reminding me for not playing this game. look at the servers less people now. enjoy the game whiteknight. :slight_smile:


Kim, thanks for replying to this thread. I really want to empathize with you and the rest of IMC, and I do. While I can forgive all of the shortcomings of this game, I just wanted to say something about this:

The trade restriction in TOS was designed to solve the bot and RMT problems. I do recognize that it might cause inconveniences towards the players as well. If, like you have said, the restrictions were not there due to the fact that the bots and RMT are inevitable and unavoidable, would that have improved the game overall?

Yes, yes it would have improve the game overall. Without a minimum price restriction, dilgeles wouldn’t cost 10,000 silver. Without a maximum price, materials are readily available for everyone to buy and sell. With silver trading, no one have to hoard talts to barter. What the current restriction is doing now just hurts the legitimate players without denting the RMT traders. Yes, it will be easier to RMT if these restrictions were lifted but it is the lesser of two evils.


I hate to tell you this, but we told you so before this game was released.

Everyone ignored the failure kToS was because “this time it will be better cause no nexon”

Everyone ignored the fact their previous games were also a complete imbalanced mess because “this one will be different”

Heck, even the Koreans came over here to warn us this game wasn’t to be trusted and that even after several months in kToS most if not all of the main issues still persisted. But people still ignored that because “they’ll make more money here so it will be different”

Well, here’s your result. No, this game isn’t in beta and if you still believe that you need a reality check.

I’m sure IMC is doing something, but really it’s not enough and it shows really poor planning on their part.


We are tired of empty promisses and forums posts…



thank you kid.


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Let me get this straight:

  1. Players asked for a TP purchase
  2. As stop-gap measure you released some one-time buy DLCs to allow players to do so.
  3. Those DLCs dont have (veteran’s) or have nowhere near enough (beginner’s) TP to buy anything from the shop. And everything else is there just for fluff and to inflate their price.

Am i the only one that sees the logical fallacy here?


This give me hope that one day… the lag will be gone. Thanks for responding! Hope to see more communication in the future!

I usually don’t post on the forum anymore, but i will make an exception for this post… with which i totally agree with.

I quoted this particular paragraph of it for a reason: as the paragraph is written it seems like the community is at fault when the truth is, IMC were the ones that totally messed up at that time too and i’m going to explain why step by step.

  • IMC made ad announcement about having a “SOON” open beta.
  • Instead of giving followers the Open Beta they promised, they announced a 3 months early founder access with staggered release.
  • the playerbase, that was promised an Open Beta, rioted and forced IMC to take a step back and change things.

MISTAKE 1: no company in their right mind will make an official announcement about one thing only to disappoint the entire playerbase publishing something else. Let’s go on.

  • When the playerbase rioted, IMC published an official announcment that explained WHY they made such a move… and that announcment is the reason why no-one in the playerbase can be blamed for the change to the one month.

I’ll explain better… if IMC would actually have stated that their servers were not ready for official launch and still needed 3 months of time to make them better then… it would have been ok but no, they didn’t.

What they did was write that:

in order to justify the price of the most expensive founder pack giving it more value we decided to make the head start of 3 months instead of the time we originally intented to


So… playerbase fault for changin 3 months to 1 month? no it isn’t… it’s IMC, once again, that lied about their reason for… plain stupidity… once again… to everyone ^^

Ok, going back into my dark little corner lurking the forums waiting for the day someone else buy IMC as a company and this game will become worth playing.


I can’t understand those fanboys that started squirting all over after hyakku’s reply. I remember reading same kind of reply from Gravity’s CEO in a similar kind of thread on RO2 sub-forums (couldn’t find that topic, unfortunately). Guess what? RO2 is still a pile of guano it used to be. The only devs I know that actually did something about their failing MMO-project were devs of FFXIV. They remade the game and now it is re-released as “FFXIV A Realm Reborn”. Idolizing a person till blindly believing him is just beyond me. I can’t get you sheeple. Actions do more than words, Mr. Kim. And till now I haven’t seen anything productive being done.


And bashing them will improuve things ? Also if you knew why are you still here ?!

Seriously some people just like to stay around just to whine ? IMC try to communicate with us and you don’t care ? GTFO!

Thank you for your message. I needed it to keep my love and trust in iToS. I hope awesome patches will follow your words.

I wonder what game was not extremely problematic in the beginning, including the most classic we know, such a “Ragnarok” there.

It is notable that TOS has been made with great care, they will not let you die so easily.

Let’s be optimistic, the game is a work of art and is already becoming a classic, despite all the problems.

Still insist that the game should be B2P. I do not know how things are going in the IMC Games and planning, but I imagine that most of the problems, including bots, would rather mitigated. I could be wrong.


You’re just reading the way you want.

The guy clearly said: those DLCs were temp measures to make players wait for in game the purchase of TP (you know the new shiny button they made ?!). We never though that players will feel forced to buy them since we planned something else.

Am i?

And then another logical failure:

What stopped/prevented them from posting 2 DLCs per region containing TP only?


We the hard fan players who have played this game from the beginning just want communication and to know if we should keep our hopes up. Thank you for responding and letting us know that there still hope, we love TOS.

Could you please give us a little insight on balancing, as said before the game is planned to have different balancing from kTos but should we have hopes that some changes from kTos will make it to iTos? Since some of our changes made it to kTos.


@dcandrews7 Good work posting this, you’ve said enough. It’s up to them now what to do. And for the White Knights just let them do what they want. As for myself i don’t talk any further to those kinds. I hope you get back on the game and let’s see what will gonna happen in about 1 or 2 more months. If there’s no improvement that means only one thing.

This is where I currently stand. I am on the precipice of deciding whether to stay or to drop the game for a few months. I have been patient and put my name on the line defending this game and its developers. But I don’t know if I can wait any longer. =/

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding at all.Your presence means the most,and in a post is more personal than an announcement.It shows that you took the time to read the post,which I can appreciate.

Bots and gold sellers are going to adapt with your changes to try and still make profit,so you must also adapt.This will never change.Personally,I think the best way to combat this is more/faster GM response in-game.Reporting was a nice addition,but people have posted here about seeing bots they reported over a week ago or more.You can make a notable dent by being more aggressive in the game its self.I saw GM’s in iCBT1 in town and that was so nice,where are they now? The restrictions are a turn-off for all,especially for newer players.

This was basically said in an announcement yesterday so I won’t say anymore about it other than I’m glad to hear something about it from you guys after a while.

This seems to be a result from not understanding the Steam store system very well,and that is unfortunate.I think it should have been studied more before launching,but what’s done is done.But hopefully the newer system on the way solves this and it would be great if staff could keep us updated on the progress of that.

Thank you for clearing this up.Many of us are fans of Julie and because of the lack of information,were jumping to conclusions.My opinion on current staff at the moment is mixed,but I hope we can hear from them more with time.We like hearing from them,so please encourage that.

I’ll take this with much skepticism given the current circumstances,but again,thank you very much for responding here.It means a lot to your players and those who only want the best for the game.