Tree of Savior Forum

I Hooked A GM /15charsslur

GM Durian was a sport. XD And said he would be suggesting to the higher ups that most of us want Arena and more TP items.

Me chasing the GM down and trying to say screen shot… o.o;

And finally dancing. This was pretty fun. xD First time I’d seen a GM since early access.



Hey Anita.

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Hi Chillcross. XD


and I thought you were selling SP Pots to a GM :smirk:

sad my resources don’t let me touch any channel with more than 2 balls :pensive:

if only GMs moved around and visited us less fortunate souls too…


wow that is some godlike RNG u got there

rarer than a white boater


So jealous right now…haven’t seen a GM to get a screenie with since iCBT1.


Do the male character GM’s wear the same clothes or nah

Oh and he also said something about trying to get them to do a “Talk Like A Pirate” event. My corsair’s body is ready.[quote=“LoliLicker, post:7, topic:301442, full:true”]
Do the male GM’s wear the same clothes or nah

I asked him if there were male GMs, and he said they are all female.

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I wanted to see a male character GM wearing GM clothes :frowning:


Same. xD Kinda disappointed, a boy version would have been so cute.

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Lmfao, that’s me on the last picture, jumping with a watering can.

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Interesting! Guess it’s time to practice
Competition is gonna be tough :open_mouth:

That said, I hope this is the start of in-game GMs wandering around and actively banning bots. The bot classifier alone cannot handle all of em. With Snowdance still not banned out there simply proves that it really isn’t enough :frowning:


Talk like a pirate?

doon Tani anigaa iska leh … iyo si dameer waa!(Google Translate)

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I thought GM loli were a myth.

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Dont really know to talk like a pirate… but maybe i can impersonate this guy lol

Meh modern pirates are lame
The good times of old are better :thumbsup:

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the only modern pirate i know is this

Its unsinkable


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Best pirate:

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