Tree of Savior Forum

In your long gaming hour have you seen any GM at all in game

Wait, there’s a GM in this game?

No, there isn’t.

I do have 600 + in game hours and I saw a gm only once he told he was there cuz of the bots and ban a few of them and left the rest. I am quiting this game soon they where not ready fot global release.

~900 hours, and nope.

Yes 3 times, since the early access start.(around 600-700h iG)

2 times on Kleipeda server

and 1 Time in Fedimian server after the free transver.
Gm Durian was banning spamm bots in ch 1 Orsha on Fedimian :smiley:
(long time ago)


In those screenshots, I’m just chilling in the back saying Rev up those fryers.

Afterward after that maintainence I saw him again. Funny enough I’ve seen a GM more often than the Reaper anti-bot measures…which I’ve only seen once…

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Silute: Never
[CBT] Klaipeda: Once

But people have posted pictures and videos of GM in other servers.


Only knew of the existence of one through the forums…
Due to the @Avidity botting fiasco

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Yeah and IMC should have made an official reply to that thread laughing at Avidity and continued doing GM patrols anyways.

Botters are going to get really mean and aggressive on the forums when they feel threatened so you NEED to ignore their toxic behavior and not take anything they say seriously.

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Dang, as soon as I flagged his last post he was banned. I feel like a champion all the sudden.

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I don’t know why people care about GMs appearing in game. It’s not like it changes anything, really.

900+ hours on Klaipeda and only seen a GM in game one time. He banned that Avidity person and haven’t seen him since. Funny observation if you look at the time GM Durian showed up it was actually the night before they reopened the servers to the general public. I imagine it was attempt to make the servers appear less flooded with bots to the new players.

I really wish they would get Durain to at least come on Klaipeda once a week to do some clean up. It’s better than our current bot control measures which are practically non existent.

Needs more Durian in my life.

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I see GMs all the time ingame, though strangely they always seem to have a highlander pointing at them…


Fedimian Server
CBT 2 times
Early Access 1 time
F2P nope

Since closed beta seen them twice .

906 hours played on Klapedia, have seen GM Durian 2, let me repeat 2 times in those 906 hours, 22+ years of online mmorpgs experience, ive never seen anything even close to ToS in terms of blatent neglect, devil spends 30 megaphones a day saying “fk Mexicans, build the wall, etc etc” and nothing happens.

Said enough… lol

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Cough Cough

Let’s see… The year is 2016…

2016 - 1996 = 20.

So you could have only possibly had 20 years of MMO experience assuming you played Meridian 59 immediately after it was released and continued with the genre since then.

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don’t you know he is the creator of Meridian and was playing it 2 years before launch
