Tree of Savior Forum

I hate to see Tree of Savior go down

cool, yer gonna get the benefit of the new concentrate once it comes :imp:

never did grinding on dina bee. i just milked the 145 dungeon till 165. jumped to 190 in less than a day. have you tried reading and following leveling guides? if no, it’s mostly your fault.

Why do people grind before 210? ÂŹÂŹ

You quit a few levels away from the exp curve reset. After the reset at 186 you fly to 200 using the 190 dungeon. 1-210 is basically a really long tutorial. No need to grind at all.

the problem comes from afk farming with sorc not leveling
at that level range there are dungeons and exp card

but even the game itself want us to bot with sorcs, so how the fk can they control bots from gold seller

so damn disappointed with IMC :crying_cat_face:

AFK farming and bots have the same problem, both ruins the game.

Yea, the playerbase has been stabilized for a few weeks now. Keep crying and yelling the end is near though. Im sure it will make a difference. I feel like you guys do this in an attempt to turn off other players so it really does die. If you cant enjoy it noone else can either.

I agree i dont like afk farmers though.

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My first R7 didn’t grind anything before level 200 or even do dungeons/missions (they were impossible to queue for because I rushed ahead of most people anyway). If you do quests and adventure journal requirements for every map you shouldn’t need to grind at all.

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I dont get why ppl get stuck at those levels, I’m 219 and I didn’t grind one single time. You just need to manage your exp cards and that’s all.

I have no idea how you’re stuck.

How to level up?
– optional, save money for a token

  • Pick Klaia / Orsha quests but don’t use exp cards (just change regions when you’re underlevel).
    -When you hit level 50 you cant do the first instance, 2/3 runs and you’ll be 58-63.
    -Klaia/Orsha quests again.
    -Instance 90
  • From this point everytime you feel underlv you can use exp cards to reach the map level.
  • At level 100 unlock daily missions and Daily quests, daily missions are awesome, you don’t need to deal with the 115-160-175 dungeon because of it.
    -Since you’re level 130 try to complete every monster hunting if you can for exp, money and vibora cards.
    -Optional: you can spam exp cards to skip 160-175 instances
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That’s what I said ‘-’ No need to grind before 210.

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Bee farm is easily skip-able. Hell I’ve only done it once on one of my 200+ Chars. Does it make it right that Sorcs are sitting out their Auto-Potting? No. But, leaving because Bee Farm is consumed by Sorcs is such a drop in the bucket. If you’re 180 you’re past Bee Farm anyways. Now if you didn’t save your lv7 cards from 140-163/65, heh, well… That’s kinda your own fault. (Kinda not because it’s obvious the 160 Dungeon needs fixing)

EDIT: Generally, I’ll Solo/PT grind Demon Prison and do my missions daily. Depending on Class/Build I can easily get about 2m EXP per hour solo in Prison at higher lvls as long as it isn’t over crowded. I did this on my last Cleric, mainly solo’ed from 145-163 before carding to 179

I like how people expect everyone to suddenly know when to use their EXP cards like the game somehow tells you all about it.
"b-but it’s written all o-over the reddit and the interwebs on how to use your cards!"
Congratulations fucko, you today can now learn that not all people want to ride on some guides “how-to” list and want to explore by themselves.

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There is a reason I said “Kinda” and then said that the dungeon needs to be fixed. I myself fell into this trap on my Druid. But I don’t blame IMC (partly) I should have done my own homework. Bottom line is, it’s something that should be fixed, but with all the information out there, it really is your own fault. Just like making horrid builds that have no viability. Most people do a bit of research first. shrug Now I have 4 180-230’s that have avoided the pitfall. Lesson learned. :slight_smile:

EDIT: You don’t have to ride a guide to be informed.

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Bee Farm: Lower EXP per hour (Demon Prison better)
Bee Farm: Lower Silver per hour (Demon Prison better)
Bee Farm: Lower Mob density (Demon Prison better)

Bad End OP.

OP Pls.

You didn’t even reach the part where the game promotes grinding. You’re still in the Questing stage.

The Sorcs should be handled of course, but your argument for quitting is poor.


There isn’t really any part of the game that promotes grinding, there’s a part of the game on iToS that just lacks quests and content as the area is unfinished.
This is further proved by the fact that kTOS has and is adding quests and content to these specific areas.

The big issue with ToS isn’t actually the grind, I think, but the fact that nothing is really waiting for you after it. Once you make it to level 240+ and get your C7 rank, there just isn’t much left to look forward to in the game.

Game drops you in the deep at 130+, the quests exp cards are just not there to carry you to 190. You will have to do kill counts and you will have to explore maps 100%.

If you dont got 30% experience from token and the extra dungeon / mission you will be stuck even earlier.

The 115/130/145 dungeons are fine, then 160/175 dungeons hit and the maps cards / exp isn’t going to cover this lack of exp progress. So you will have to prepare for that.

I think a interesting change will be fixing the 160/175 dungeon + move oshra quest line towards 130+ area. There is no point in having 2 start area’s, it’s a waste of maps.

@ jchang10931

I got the same issue, the moment i hit about 235-240 i just roll a new char. There is no point for me to move forwards when there is no new rank to look forwards too. It’s just more grinding for only a few upgraded skill levels.

On another note, i really like the 1-100 progression.

Agree if you max class 7 … pretty much stop … you would be wasting your time … if its not gaining exp