Tree of Savior Forum

I hate to see Tree of Savior go down

I can’t take it anymore and leaving the game as Sorcerer taking over grinding spot and IMC not doing anything about it… stuck at lv180 coz not being able to grind from 155 and really wanted to try out class after lv175 and been doing mission mission mission everyday for the pass 1-2week? I cant take it anymore as botter/macro user just get away from not playing the game…

I’ll be around to see news ToS going down :stuck_out_tongue: why do I say that? see as the number going down hill and the number are including the botter+ 6 server 10k let assume 1/3 is bot, 1k+ player per server? good luck IMC…

P.S : I really love the game but they arent taking action and when the game promote grinding and no grinding spot? sorry…

Is this guy even banned yet IMC?

Good Bye~


LIES! They are making new restrictions!


Are you assuming an MMORPG with no bots at all exist?

The bot that doing RTM sure but the bot that is player… no thx… that is consider botting get advantage over player… and even IMC saying sure you can bot with Sorcerer/PET go ahead in a post, that even pissed me off… just need to make a party name HEYIMFKINGPLAYER, DONTBANME, FKYEAGETTOBOT, IMSLEEPING…

Don’t get the wrong point of me saying sure for RTM bot… coz they are aids that no game seem to cure them yet LOL

I do understand where you are coming from. However, what I don’t understand is why you are worried about bee farm at level 180? Dina Bee Farm is way too low for a level 180 to be grinding on. Or are you trying to grind silvers? Because there are even better spots later on for that.

Personally, I have never grinded at bee farm on any of my characters. It really isn’t necessary. You have enough exp cards, missions, and dungeons to carry you to 230 without a problem. Why waste time grinding at bee farm and get aggregated by competitors?


the game fill with bot from gold seller
and now even players making sorcs to afk bot at dina bee farm :crying_cat_face:

when i was 155-160 I never get a chance to level up there till lv190(on the exp caculator) instead I so pissed that i ate my exp to get 176 to rank up and now im stuck… long story short im tired of logging in the do mission over and over again everyday to get out of the exp dead zone…

So you stop playing the game because you didn’t explore the game beyond the first baby grindwall? That’s what I’m getting from this. You don’t even need to blame bots because it more seems like you haven’t figured out what to do aside grind at Dina Bee.

  • 175 dungeon
  • 190 and 200 dungeon when you get there
  • A few 170+ areas that still give exp and cards for you
  • Fedi quests, be it missions or even the Daily quests
  • Adventure Journal Quests, even Monster Kills or just Map Completion

I don’t see how you’re stuck. Everyone hates bots, but I don’t actually think bots are your problem. You’re just demotivated because bots are being bots.

Hmmm. There were exp dead zones during CBT when map completion, monster completion, and new dungeons were not introduced. However, I have to say that there is no dead zone currently in iTOS. You are definitely doing something wrong when you feel that you are stuck at level 180. Either you didn’t complete your map or you didn’t complete your monster count or there are quests that you haven’t touched. To me, the real grind starts after 230. That is when all quests stops. But even after that, it is easy because you still got map completion and monster count as a cushion.

sorry mate check the bot video than only reply a post… dont say i dont know where to go to grind… 175 dungeon give shyt exp if you dont know

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Still gives EXP. It’s a low density dungeon but it’s fast and still gives EXP.

But whatever, quit on your own ineptitude because there are things to do. Not even 200+ yet to complain about the higher up bots just dancing around. Giving you suggestions on how to spice up your gameplay but you’re mentally done, so later.

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Why so many are so Defensive about the post? is it that you guys are one of them? and you dont wan this be changed by IMC and you all get to keep doing what you’re doing? I already said I’m tired of doing mission over mission to level up for few week d… Yea so what if I’m done of Tree of Savior…

If i am right of what I am saying, you guys are killing the server rather than helping saying : “hey there is so much more way to grind… no need to just want to grind the spot that i am afk farming…”

I don’t play sorcerer but I do have a pet for my Cataphract.

In my opinion, I am not for or against afk sorcerer/necro/pet players. My feelings remains neutral because they aren’t a burden on the way I play.

I do understand why people are against them because it is human nature to hate people that take advantage of the system. It is like talking about people who uses food stamps in the US. They are necessary, but public opinion on people who uses them are low. The stigma will always be there.

Then again, I don’t see why this is a problem when other MMO has similar systems. For example, FF14 you can afk farm with your summoner all day. Or in Dragon Nest, you can afk fish farm all day, earning you 100 gold in 24 hours as long as your inventory can hold. For that matter, RO’s Alchemist is notorious on afk farming. That has became the norm now. Thus I don’t know why it is such a big deal here. It isn’t like the exp and the drops are good at bee farm or prison 2. If they were, then yes, there is room for complain. However, the only thing that is good about those two spots are the spawn rates and the illusion of progress. You level faster and earn more silver by not grinding there. So I don’t see what the benefits are.


because they got a sorc to afk farming silver :joy_cat::joy_cat:

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another I quit thread, OMG tos going down thread. and this time this guy hasn’t pass the 200 mark and QQs? oh please!

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is this the con-spr build? damn that was fast…

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