Tree of Savior Forum

I find miko kinda lackluster

So I did the miko quest and grabbed at at r6 on my cleric-priest3-chaplain and I’ll be honest I found it kinda worthless. Damage wise Gohei is useless as my auto attacks did vastly more though it is a godo 1 point skill for curing status conditions on allies, I don’t know what the use of Kagura is, since you can’t attack while using it, though I did hear it causes some weird stuff to happen with the wheel inquis gets. Hamaya was unimpressive for 2 reasons:1 its a bit of a pain to use since the aoe is not right in front of your char its a bit away from it, and the other reason is while it says it can hit 8 or 10 targets good luck hitting more than 3 because its aoe radius seems extremly small. Clap is completly useless to me as I don’t use anything that would be called a instalation. Sweep… Might have some uses if it effects like Magnus exorcism, or heal/cure squares. So for now I reset to cleric2-priest3-chaplain, with miko as a possible r7, though I am kinda aiming to just go for Pd2 since it’ll be easier to get aoe damage with it from what I been told. Inquis wheel would be awesome if there wasn’t that 1000 silver a cast cost with it.

Overall though for how annoying the miko quest was to do, it felt pretty lackluster to me.

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I am C2 Pri3 Chap1 Miko 1.

Consider this, I can clap my Chaplin table and give my party “free” renewable buffs. Then, I can use Karuga to help them melt things. If you went Pri3 Chap1, your power lies in your party. Make some friends and become OP through them

Kagura is meant to boost your party’s melee damages, it’s not a solo skill. And yes, it does have some synergy with Inquisitor (still situational though).
Hamaya used to be better: mobs getting hit weren’t able to get out of it as fast/easily (it did a tiny CC if you want), it lasted longer, and it had better damages. I don’t think a support (green) class should have an OP attack, but so many things were taken from it so it feels pretty meh now. I don’t mind how the aoe is a bit far though.
Yes, Clap is incredibly specific and situational, Sweep is a bit like that as well. But they’re really helpful if your build can use them.
Gohei as a cure and debuff skill isn’t that good as it’s melee and it only cures: it doesn’t prevent them. So if you’re silenced or your ally is in the middle of a silencing zone, good luck helping them.

Miko has become lackluster because it’s meant for specific builds. It doesn’t offer that much support and neither does it offer good utility or DPS. I don’t think it’s trash, but unless one really wants the costume and/or has the build to go with them, I don’t really see the point taking it, some other classes can offer as much or better
Sure, Kagura is a nice party buff, but you burn so much of your SP for it… and imo it’s not a one skill wonder that makes Miko a must have in most builds~

Try using Breaking Wheel first then kagura dance while the wheel is still rotating. Breaking wheel is considered as a melee skill so it gets bonuses from the dance.

Yeah thats what I meant by Kagura and that Inq skill.

Not many people know this, but Gohei also blocks physical attacks if you know how to time it. I used on Golem aoe attk, Poata’s scream, I also block mergen’s 1 hit KO skills in pvp… talking about pvp i need to test it on canoneers since they cast a little bit longer and you can hear a sound giving you time to react.

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Miko’s icon is green and it’s not meant to deal damage anyways. 3/5 of skills are to support and utility so what are you expecting?
Hamaya’s has been like that even before pre combat change aside from fixed duration
gohei is not for AA cleric. But lv 1 is still a good skill to spam between cd rotations.
clap still extend capella(?) or you can use if you have diev with you.
broom is okay for all purposes
kagura is less desirable if you don’t have swordie or heavy SPR build.

  • I thought dev are planning to reduce wheel cost?

and finally your question, I still would suggest inquisitor as it offer more DPS than PD 2 now but ultimately up to your choice

If that better dps includes that 1000 silver a pop wheel use? if it does, I am not really intersted, however, if it doesn’t rely on that wheel I might take it, though I would still have a spare rank available in that case. I don’t really see a point to miko if I can find something else thats 1 rank and more useful. They really need to like double the duration of stuff like aspergillum and bless and all other short buffs, its super annoying having to constantly recast them. I mean if the monster spawn rate was alot better it’d not be so bad, but half the time by the time I find another pack of mobs I have to recast the buffs. Rinse and repeat after every pack. Which a pack of mobs is usually 1-3 unless I get lucky. Honestly my only issue with Miko is Hamaya being a pain in the ass to use. it needs that slight cc back it used to have. So they can’t just walk out of it. Its damage I found was alright, but just the fact its annoying to hit with and use properly bugs me.

Malleus Maleficarum on inq sounds nice assuming its a aoe in front of you/around you like magnus exorism. With a decent aoe radius.

Speaking fo aoe radius is there some mod out there that shows the aoe radius of a skill before you cast it? like on the mouse cursor for example?

I thought that was changed a while ago? The synergy no longer exists unless they put it back in?

I shifted from C2>Chap>Miko>Inq to C3>Chap>Inq mainly because Hamaya really suffered quite a blow (reduced damage, reduced AOE time). Holy damage has also decreased, which affects Kagura and Hamaya. Ever since, Miko’s skills have always been situational, and most of these I found no use when soloing stuff.

The only skill going for me then was really Hamaya (as Kagura is highly situational). Don’t get me wrong, Miko still packs a punch vis-a-vis other filler ranks, for me, I just didn’t find as much utility from it than a Cleric 3 (from which most skills I put points into can be used both for soloing and group play).

I haven’t play inquistor yet so CMIIW
malleus will spread if there are more mobs in front of you, the more it will be spread and divided.
Also, Mobs under malleus will have increased damage so it’s another plus
I guess I’ll just ask @DiMeowgio for more clarification if this still works

I also have to make note that also aspersion 0 now won’t work with aspergillium

anyways, if you are going to deal damage then I am pretty sure you can change miko to something else or maybe you can try read here for more ideas

Yeah 15 healbomb squares that also get effected by blessing is kinda a nice sounding area minefield. I may do that too, go c3 at r7 then inq at 8, it has most stuff that is overall more useful than what Miko offers.

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Eh it was changed? My last test for the Miko + Inq build was a day after the reset event has started, 17th May. Not sure if there are any changes for this combo after that.

@7min 44secs onwards for Kagura + Breaking Wheel

That’s an oracle skill forecast which does just that.

Yeah, but I mean without oracle.

Indeed. And with Heal 15, you can free up some points from Mass Heal and invest it elsewhere (I did, and got Aspersion 15 and became fully damage oriented). Or you can retain MH and Heal 15, but that could be overkill.:slight_smile:

It’s not a popular build though.

I’m confused now. =_= Please let me know if it still exists? I reset pretty much most my chars before maintenance. It would very much be appreciated.


As from my last test on 17th May, the combo still exist. Don’t really think there are any hotfixes over the past 2 weeks. Will need to find out from other Miko Inqs after maintenance though.

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Its probally still there, the arguement here is how useful overall miko is compared to say something else in the build I am going. From what I tried at R6 miko felt like a complete waste of a rank to me, since the only thing I could sort of use was hamaya, but after playing with it for a bit I found Hamaya’s aoe radius to be crap, and the fact it fires out a bit away from you means it generally misses monsters you have gathered. Having to use breaking wheel every pack of monsters later on is going to get very costly very fast.

The synergy has always been there, and was never taken out AFAIK.

I think someone feed me stupid info at some point, and I believed them. =_=

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