It is definitely a desynchronization but changing the language does not help me at all, I have been dealing with this problem since the big update, imc is unable to give a solution to this problem.
bump need more attention to this /20characters
I have the same problem, and it persists even after i change maps and come back. My characters are stuck and I can’t play at all.
I’ve just watched a video with a strange issue. Doesn’t seem to be a desynch problem, so it could be a similar problem.
Around 42:10, the guy enters Klaipeda, moves around, you can see other people moving so it’s not a desynch problem, but the guy cannot interact with anything. If you look at the minimap, the position of the cursor doesn’t move at all, just like the character was “stuck” at the entrance.
When you have the “can’t talk to NPC” problem, do you also get the cursor stuck on the minimap? If so, this seems like the position of the character that would be corrupted, so you can still move around on the client which is mostly independent, but all attempts to connect to the server would fail because it couldn’t match the location properly.
I have the same problem, I have seen that when this error happens when it is loading and blinking before finishing loading all the npcs and players, it happens on any map and it is more frequent when there are a certain amount of players a bit high, those of imc They told me it was a problem of lag and they gave me some instructions that did not solve anything, like checking the integrity of the files and I always see 4 files that are not validated and are downloaded again and nothing is fixed, everything started from the rebuild and it happened only in dungueons, but since they put Irredian Shelter started to happen in all the maps.
The way I deal with all this is to buy many scrolls to orsha and klapedia and pray that the **** does not blink.
I always log onto a character standing next to a map-portal to change map and then log on whatever character I actually wanted to play xD…
Yeah, this has been an issue for way over a month now I think?
Hope this bug is one of those important tasks the staff are looking into.
This helped me a lot today … my problem is I can’t click on the storage NPC and i saw the " change language " from above comment and it worked! thanks skywing22 XDD
This addon solves the problem. It’s basically the language change thing but you just need to press a button.
Have the same problem. It happends 9 of 10 times i log into on one spesific char. Cant talk to npc, change channel and cant close game.
Changing the language worked. Thanks.
how can i get this addon?
Looks like they finally fixed it!
Thank You TOS dev for fixing this issue.
This is clearly not fixed, I had the problem yesterday with one character (with arrow not moving on the minimap). And it’s worse now… Almost every character that leaves an instance gets thrown out of the map. Do Saalus -> wait for instance to close -> get pushed back to entrance -> get sucked by map change -> end up in Pilgrim Path.
I’ll look into it… for now I’m not experiencing this bug since the update might just be lucky.
I usually experience the getting pushed back to entrance bug when exiting velco raid so far I have not experience this in saalus or DG.
There was a server issue about 6 hours ago that caused a temporary problem with staying connected to the game; this was resolved.
Please post if you get the “UI/NPC bug” again going forward.
Good to know. Didn’t experience the problem again since, so it’s probably fixed now.
I can’t interact with teleporters. It’s not even the same issue either. I have to log out and back in to use the object then it will just happen again on same map with the next teleporter I run into. This makes 2dp impossible to navigate. They need to either buy real servers for this or make changes to the code some place to account for the issues and prevent them because this is insane.
Why bother, IMC can’t fix anything properly anyway.
Then it probably doesn’t belong in this thread, but you should make a video of the issue and report it in a separate thread.