Tree of Savior Forum

I am extremely disappointed. Hear me out

Real talk, I’m not scared of that at all. Some of my best times spent in MMOs were on private servers run by people who decided locking down basic features of the game behind high paywalls was a really dumb idea. It’s not the nicest thing to say, but I go where I can have the best experience. MMOs are big time investments, after all, so I’d rather have that time be as enjoyable as possible.


I used to play RO also on a private server because the rates were too low on legit servers when it was p2p, I just dont have that much time to spend in a game and still advancing on it. But I’m the type of person who likes to buy game and support the creators, so if possible I’d rather not play on a private server… But there is a limit to how much money I am willing to spend in just one game. I guess only the future will show how this game will fare if they really are planning to use the high prices and will not unlock basic functionalities.

The monthly payment system should unlock luxury options for paying customers that will make playing easier, not basic ones. Luxuries could be free teleport from anywhere to anywhere, more exp from hunting, more dungeon runs etc.

ragnarok private server are bad compare to the official. The Woe experience was great on official, 2,000 characters or more, big Ally betwen guilds and a very deep system of friendly nap for holding a castle for months. On private server I rarely enjoy the woe that are the core of the game, roughly 300 characters and only 3/4 big guilds that holds all the castles. Economy was a joke.